Dynamical systems course (Dinamikai rendszerek, BMETE93MM02)

- core course for mathematics MSc and applied mathematics MSc students,

- elective course (
available eg. for mathematics BSc, physics MSc and maths, physics or engineering PhD students).


In the spring semester 2024:

Monday, 14.15-16.00, room H607
Tuesday, 16.15-18.00, room H405/a

A Sample Exam is available HERE 

Cancellations and Makeup classes:

A LOG, to track what has been discussed at the classes.

These Lecture notes were typed up in the spring of 2020.

Check out the webpage for a previous semseter, Spring 2022 here.

Properties of entropy, click here.

Applet to demonstrate cobweb plots, available here

Visualizition of the bifurcations in the logistic family, available here

Visualization of the solenoid attractor, click here

Course requirements

Further reading

Ingyenesen letölthető Acrobat Reader a pdf állományok megtekintéséhez.