Recent publications of D. Petz
- (164) D.
Petz and D. Virosztek, Some inequalities for quantum Tsallis entropy
related to the strong subadditivity, Mathematical Inequalities & Applications,
18(2015), 555--568.
- (163) D.
Petz and D. Virosztek, A characterization theore for matrix
variances, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), 80(2014), 681--687.
- (162) F. Hiai, H. Kosaki, D.
Petz and M.B.
Ruskai, Families of completely positive maps associated with monotone
metrics, Lin. Alg. Appl. 439(2013), 1749--1791. [pdf]
- (161) Á. Besenyei and D.
Petz, Partial subadditivity of entropies, Linear
Alg. Appl. 439(2013), 3297--3305. [pdf]
- (160) H. Ohno and D.
Petz, Some problems from state estimations, [pdf]
- (159) Z. Léka and D.
Petz, Some decompositions of matrix variances, Probability and
Mathematical Statistics, 33(2013). [pdf]
- (158) F. Hiai and D.
Petz, Convexity of quasi-entropy type functions: Lieb's and Ando's
convexity theorems revisited, J. Math. Phys. 54(2013), 062201. [pdf]
- (157) G. Balló, K.M. Hangos and D.
Petz, Convex optimization-based parameter estimation and experiment
design for Pauli channels, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control 57(2012),
2056--2061. [pdf]
- (156) D. Petz and G. Tóth,
Matrix variances with projections, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), 78(2012),
683--688. [pdf]
- (155) D. Petz, L. Ruppert and A.
Szántó, Conditional SIC-POVMs, IEEE Transactions on Information
Theory, 60(2014), 351--356. [pdf]
- (154) F. Hiai and D. Petz, From
quasi-entropy to various quantum information quantities, Publ.
RIMS Kyoto University 48(2012), 525--542, [pdf]
- (153) F. Hiai and D. Petz, Riemannian
metrics on positive definite matrices related to means. II,
Alg. Appl. 436(2012), 2117--2136. pdf]
- (152) D. Petz and G. Tóth,
Extremal properties of the variance and quantum Fsher
information, Phys. Rev. A 87(2013), 032324. [pdf]
- (150) D. Petz and L. Ruppert,
Optimal quantum state tomography with known parameters, Journal
of Physics A: Math. Theor. 45(2012), 085306. [pdf]
- (149) Á. Besenyei and D.
Successive iterations and logarithmic means, Operators and
Matrices, 7(2013), 205--218. [pdf]
- (148) Á. Besenyei and D.
Characterization of mean transformations, Linear and
Multilinear Algebra 60(2012), 255--265, [pdf]
- (147) Á. Besenyei and D. Petz,
Completely positive mappings and mean matrices, Linear. Alg.
Appl. 435(2011), 984-997. [pdf]
- (146) D. Petz and L. Ruppert,
Efficient quantum tomography needs complementary and symmetric
measurements, Rep. Math. Phys. 69(2012), 161--177. [pdf]
- (145) D. Petz, From
quasi-entropy, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest, 55(2012),
81--93. [pdf]
- (144) F. Hiai, M. Mosonyi, D. Petz and
C. Bény, Quantum f-divergences and error
corrections, Rev. Math. Phys. 23, 691--747 (2011). [pdf]
- (143) D. Petz and C. Ghinea,
Introduction to quantum Fisher information, QP--PQ: Quantum Probab. White Noise Anal.,
vol. 27. (Eds: R. Rebolledo and M. Ország), World
Scientific, 2011, pp. 261-281.
- (141) D. Petz, Algebraic
complementarity in quantum theory, J. Math. Phys. 51,
015215 (2010), [pdf]
- (140) D. Petz and J. Pitrik, Markov
property of Gaussian states of canonical commutation relation
algebras, J.
Math. Phys. 50, 113517 (2009). [pdf]
- (139) K. Audenaert, F. Hiai and D. Petz,
subadditive functions, Acta Math. Hungar. 128(2010), 386--394. pdf]
- (138) D. Petz, From f-divergence to quantum
quasi-entropies and their use, Entropy 12(2010), 304-325. [pdf]
- (135) T. Baier and D. Petz, Complementarity
and state estimation, Rep. Math. Phys., 65(2010), 203--214.
- (134) A. Jencova, D. Petz and J. Pitrik,
Markov triplets on CCR-algebras, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged),
76(2010), 111--134. [pdf]
- (133) F. Hiai and D. Petz,
Riemannian geometry on positive definite matrices related to
means, Linear. Alg.
Appl. 430(2009), 3105-3130. [pdf]
- (132) H. Ohno and D. Petz, Generalized Pauli
channels, Acta
Math. Hungar 124(2009), 165-177. [pdf]
- (131) D. Petz, Complementarity and the
algebraic structure of finite quantum systems, J. of
Conference Series 143 (2009), 012011. [pdf]
- (130) T. Ando and D. Petz, Gaussian Markov
triplets approached by block matrices, Acta
Scie. Math. (Szeged), 75(2009), 329-345, [pdf]
- (129) D. Petz, A. Szántó
and M. Weiner, Complementarity and the algebraic structure of
4-level quantum systems, J. Infin. Dim. Anal., Quantum
Probability and Related Topics 12(2009), 99-116. [pdf]
- (128) D. Petz
and V.E. S Szabó, From quasi-entropy to skew
information, Int. J. Math. 20 (2009), 1421-1430. [pdf]
- (127) P. Gibilisco, F. Hiai and D.
Petz, Quantum covariance, quantum Fisher information, and the
uncertainty principle, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory
55(2009), 439-443. [pdf]
- (126) F. Hiai, M. Mosonyi, H. Ohno and D.
Petz , Free
energy density for mean field perturbation of states of a
one-dimensional spin chain, Rev. Math. Phys. 20(2008),
335-265. [pdf]
- (124) F. Hiai and D. Petz , A new
approach to mutual
information, in Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis with Applications to
Probability, Banach
Center Publications, vol 78, eds. M. Bozejko, A. Krystek, W.
Mlotkowsky and J.
Wysoczansky, pp. 151-164,
Warszawa, 2006 [pdf]
- (123) I. Csiszár, F. Hiai and D. Petz
A limit relation for quantum entropy and channel capacity per
cost, J. Math. Phys. 48(2007), 092102. [pdf]
- (121) H. Ohno, D. Petz and A.
subalgebras of 4 x 4 matrices, Linear. Alg.
Appl. 425(2007), 109-118. [pdf]
- (120) D. Petz, Complementarity in quantum
systems, Rep.
Phys. 59(2007), 209-224. [pdf] .
- (119) D. Petz, K.M. Hangos and A. Magyar, Point
estimation of
finite quantum systems, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40(2007),
7955-7969. [pdf]
, abstract.
- (118) D. Petz and J. Kahn, Complementary
reductions for two qubits,
Math. Phys. 48(2007), 012107. [pdf] .
- (112). D. Petz, Bregman divergence as relative
operator entropy,
Math. Hungar, 116(2007), 127-131. [pdf]
- (117) D. Petz, K.M. Hangos, A.
Szántó and F.
Szöllősi, State tomography for two qubits using reduced
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 39 (2006) 10901-10907. [pdf]
- (113). A. Jencova and D. Petz, Sufficiency
in quantum
inference: A survey with examples. J. Infinite Dimensional
Analysis and Quantum Probability, 9(2006), 331-352. [pdf], abstract
- (111). D. Petz, Information Geometry and
Statistical Inference, in
Proceedings of the IGAIA2 Conference, Tokyo, 2005. [pdf]
- Th. Baier, D. Petz, K.M. Hangos and A. Magyar, Comparison of
methods of quantum state estimation , Quantum Probability
and Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Proceedings of the 26th
Conference, eds. L. Accardi, W. Freudenberg, M.
Schümann, pp. 64--8, World Scientific, 2007. quant-ph/0511263
- D. Petz, Means of positive matrices: Geometry and a
Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae 32(2005), 129-139. [pdf]
- F. Hiai and D. Petz, Large deviation for functions
two random projection matrices, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged),
72(2006), 581--609. Abstract
, [pdf]
- F. Hiai and D. Petz , A free analogue of the
cost inequality on the circle, in Quantum Probability, Banach
Center Publications, vol 73, ed. M. Bozejko, W. Mlotkowsky and J.
Wysoczansky, pp. 199--206,
Warszawa, 2006. [pdf]
- D. Petz and R. Temesi, Means of positive numbers and
matrices(dedicated to Pál Rózsa on the occasion of his
80th birthday), SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 27(2006), 712-720.
- A. Jencova and D. Petz, Sufficiency in quantum statistical
inference, Commun.. Math. Phys. 263(2006), 259-276. Abstract, [pdf]. The original
publication might be available here.
- N. Akiho, F. Hiai and D. Petz, Equilibrium states and their
entropy densities in gauge-invariant C*-systems, Rev. Math.
Phys. 17(2005), 365--389 [pdf]
- F. Hiai, D. Petz and Y. Ueda, A free logarithmic Sobolev
inequality on the circle, Canad. Math.
Bull. 49(2006) 389-406, [pdf]
- M. Nielsen and D. Petz, A simple proof of the strong
subadditivity inequality, Quantum Information & Computation,
6(2005), 507-513. [pdf]
- D. Petz, Quantum source coding and data compression, to be
published in the proceedings of Conference on Search and
Communication Complexity, Bolyai Studies. [pdf]
- F. Hiai, D. Petz and Y. Ueda, Free transportation cost
inequalities via random matrix approximation, Prob. Theory Rel.
Fields, 130(2004), 199-221. [pdf]
- D. Petz and J. Réffy, Large deviation theorem for
empirical eigenvalue density of truncated Haar unitary matrices, [download]
Prob. Theory Rel. Fields 133(2005), 175-189. The original
publication might be available here.
- M. Mosonyi and D. Petz, Structure of sufficient quantum
coarse-grainings, Lett. Math. Phys. 68(2004), 19-30. [download]
- Á. Császár and D. Petz, A panorama of
Hungarian real and functional analysis in the 20th century, in A
panorama of Hungarian mathematics in the twentieth century, ed. J.
Horváth, 211-244, Springer, 2005. [pdf]
- D. Petz and J. Réffy, On asymptotics of large Haar
distributed unitary matrices, Periodica Math. Hungar. 49(2004),
103-117. [download]
- P. Hayden, R. Jozsa, D. Petz and A. Winter, Structure
states which satisfy strong subadditivity of quantum entropy with
equality, Commun. Math. Phys. 246(2004), 359-374. [download]
- D. Petz, Monotonicity of quantum relative entropy revisited
(dedicated to Elliott Lieb and Huzihiro Araki on the occasion of their
70th birthday), Rev. Math. Physics. 15,79-91 (2003). [pdf]
- M. Fannes and D. Petz, Perturbation of Wigner matrices and a
conjecture, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.131,1981-1988, (2003). [pdf]
- D. Petz, Covariance and Fisher information in quantum
mechanics, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 35,929-939
(2002). [pdf]
- M. Fannes and D. Petz, On the function Tr exp
(A+itB), Int. J. Math. and Math. Sci. 29, 389-394 (2002)[pdf]
- F. Hiai, M. Mizuo and D. Petz, Free relative entropy
measures and a corresponding perturbation theory ,J. Math. Soc. Japan,
54(2002), 679-718. [pdf]