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György Serény

Research papers

(MR = Mathematical Reviews, Zbl.Math. = Zentralblatt für Mathematik)

Optimization attempts for time resolution in fast-slow coincidence systems,
Publications of CRN
, Strasbourg, 1972, pp.6. (with J.Ch.Abbe, A.Haessler, Zs.Kajcsos, J.P.Oberlin.)

Compact cylindric set algebras,
Bulletin of the Section of Logic
, vol 14(1985), pp.57-64.
(MR 86k:03059, Zbl.Math. 576.03041)

Lower level connections between representations of relation algebras,
Bulletin of the Section of Logic
, vol 15(1986), pp.123-127.
(MR 0883926, Zbl.Math. 633.03063)

Finite models are one-generated,
Algebra Universalis
, vol 24(1987), pp.193-195.
(MR 89a:03123, Zbl.Math. 612.03017)

Neatly atomic cylindric algebras and isomorphisms,
Algebraic Logic (Proc. Conf. Budapest, 1988)
(Eds.: H. Andréka, J.D. Monk, and I. Németi),
Colloq. Math. Soc. J. Bolyai Vol 54, North Holland, Amsterdam, 1991, pp.637-644.
(MR 1153443, Zbl.Math. 749.03052, the entire collection MR 92m:03003, Zbl.Math. 741.00041)

Isomorphisms of finite cylindric set algebras of characteristic zero,
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic
, Volume 34, Number 2, Spring 1993, pp.284-294.
(MR 94h:03125, Zbl.Math. 0788.03074)

Saturatedness in cylindric algebraic model theory,
Logic Journal of the IGPL
, Vol.5, No.1, 1997, pp.25-48.
(MR 98a:03051, Zbl.Math. 879.03019)

Gödel, Tarski, Church, and the Liar,
The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic
, Volume 9, Issue 1, March 2003, pp.3-25.
(MR 2003k:03011, Zbl.Math. 1042.03007)

Boolos-style proofs of limitative theorems,  
Mathematical Logic Quarterly
, 50,  No. 2, 2004, pp.211-216.
(MR 2004m:03210, Zbl.Math. 1036.03041)

The diagonal lemma as the formalized Grelling paradox,
in: Gödel Centenary 2006 (Eds.: M. Baaz, N. Preining),
Collegium Logicum vol. 9, Kurt Gödel Society , Vienna, 2006, pp. 63-66.

The Liar cannot be solved,
Unity, Truth and The Liar

The Modern Relevance of Medieval Solutions to Semantic Paradoxes
(eds. Sh. Raman, T. Tulenheimo, E. Genot), Springer, Berlin, 2008, pp. 159-186.
(invited contribution)

How do we know that the Gödel sentence of a consistent theory is true?
Philosophia Mathematica, 19(1), 2011,  pp. 47-73

Elements of Cylindric Algebraic Model Theory
Cylindric-like Algebras and Algebraic Logic
(eds. H. Andréka, M. Ferenczi, I. Németi),
Springer, Berlin; János Bolyai Mathematical Society, Budapest, 2013, pp. 223-248.  

Lecture notes for undergraduate students
 (in Hungarian)

Problems in elementary calculus, I.,
Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest, 1982, pp.118 (with M.Pál).

Problems in elementary calculus, II.,
Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest, 1983, pp.316 (with P.Benko, F.Diószegi).

Fundamentals of modern algebra,
BME, Budapest, 1992, pp.53 (+ problems pp.23).

Fundamentals of model theory,
BME, Budapest, 1994, pp.145.

DERIVE problembook,
BME, Budapest, 1994, pp.8.

Intuitive and formal vector calculus,
Muegyetem Kiadó, No.10042, Budapest, 1997, pp.62.

Elements of mathematical logic I-II,
e-text, 2000, pp.23+35, ,

Axioms of set theory,
e-text, 2000, pp.23,

Limitative theorems of mathematical logic I-III,
e-text, 2002, pp.31+30+10, , ,

Thesis (in Hungarian)

On cilindrical algebraic model theory,
PhD thesis, Eötvös Loránd University, 1995, pp.32.

Conference talks

Time spectrometer with very high resolution (in Russian),
International Symposium on Nuclear Electronics, Varna, 1969. (With G.Kozma, L.Szabó.)

A duality-like relation between simplicity and compact representability,
Colloquium on ordered sets, Szeged, 1985.

Applications of the notion of compactness,
Conference on Algebraic Logic, Budapest, 1988.

Cylidric algebraic model theory,
Banach Center Semester on Algebraic Logic, Warsaw, 1991.

Computer algebra in the curriculum of the Technical University of Budapest ,
Informatics in Higher Education, Debrecen, 1993. (With five collaborators).

Can the blue vector catch up with the red one? (The role of computer-presented new conceptual frameworks in education),
Teaching Mathematics to Engineers, Miskolc, June 2-5, 1999. (With F.Wettl).

The diagonal lemma as the formalized Grelling paradox,
Horizons of Truth,
An International Symposium Celebrating the 100th Birthday of Kurt Gödel
Wien, 27.-29. April 2006
, poster presentation .


An explicit characterization of some non-representable cylindric algebras,
Preprint of the Mathematical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, No.9/1989, 1989, pp.9. (With B. Bíró.)

A note on Hamiltonian circuits in grid graphs,
manuscript, 1992, pp.13.

Am I unprovable?,
manuscript, 2003, pp.18.

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Gyorgy Sereny 2003-05-08