Articles published in refereed international journals:
T. Tasnádi: The behavior of nearby trajectories in magnetic billiards, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 37 (1996), 5577-5598.
T. Tasnádi: Hard Chaos in Magnetic Billiards (On the Euclidean Plane), Communications in Mathematical Physics, 187 (1997), 597-621.
T. Tasnádi: Hard chaos in magnetic billiards (on the hyperbolic plane), Journal of Mathematical Physics, 39 (1998), 3783-3804.
T. Tasnádi: Semiclassical solution of the quantum hydrodynamic equation for trapped Bose-Einstein condensed gas in the l=0 case, Physical Review A, 63 (2001) 023614-1-9.
Z. Vörös, T Tasnádi, J Cserti and P Pollner: Tunable Lyapunov exponent in inverse magnetic billiards, Physical Review E., 67, 065202(R) (2003).
In progress:
T. Tasnádi: Penrose Tilings, Chaotic Dynamical Systems and Algebraic K-Theory, (
Classical Magnetic Billiards, ELTE Bolyai College, Statistical Physical Day, April, 1996.
Magnetic Billiards, seminar of the Mathematical Research Institute, May, 1996.
On the Stability of Periodic Orbits in Magnetic Billiards, Eötvös Uni., Uni. Köln collaboration Workshop (Quantum and classical transport, mesoscopy and semiclassical methods), Budapest, June, 1996.
Hard Chaos in Magnetic Billiards, ELTE Bolyai College, Statistical Physical Day, April, 1997.
A few dynamical systems from the point of view of non commutative geometry, ELTE, Statistical Physical Day, March, 2002.
Penrose tilings, Arnold's cat map and noncommutative geometry, seminar at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, February, 2004.