Notice: On the 7th week that is on 16
and 17 October no lessons will be held.
This is why our lessons on the 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th
weeks will be 15 minutes longer,
they will be 105 minutes long instead of 90 minutes.
The Monday lessons on these 6 week will be from 12:15 to 2:00pm
the Tuesday lessons on these 6 week will be from 10:15 to
12:00pm (105 minutes). Thank you for your
understanding and cooperation.
Let us learn each other's language (as regards
the Excel commands):
Students who use Excel with a language different from English
are asked to send an email to with subject: " Excel with a
language different from English",
and then I will send a list of the names of some Excel commands in
English and in Hungarian,
and then the students will return the list with the names of Excel
commands in their own language (French, German, Spanish, and so
Homework for 6 November, Monday: Learn Chapters 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 of
Solve problems from 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 of
On the small test on 6 November there will be
- a question related to the notion of the density
and/or distribution functions (chapters 1, 2, 4)
- two problems related to uniform distribution
(chapters 6, 7)
There will be
- a "theoretical" question (students will
give the answer by sentences) and
- a problem (to be solved mathematically
with or without Excel)
from each of the 3 Parts. Students may but not have to use Excel.
Using the tables in 2017-11-20___01_2-dim_distribution.xlsx
Find the second moment of X
Find the variance of X
Find the conditional second moments of X on cond that Y is given
Find the conditional standard deviations of X on cond that Y is
Find the conditional variances of X on cond that Y is given
Find the second moment of Y
Find the variance of Y
Find the conditional second moments of Y on cond that X is given
Find the conditional variances of Y on cond that X is given
Find the conditional standard deviations of Y on cond that X is
Extra repeated test: 13 Dec (Wednesday) 10am
(instead of 8am) E1B
(Students have to register in Neptun for this test)
Exam for those whose midterm work was good: 13 Dec
(Wednesday) 10am
(instead of 8am) E1B
(Students who take part at this exam have to
register in Neptun for the 18 Dec exam,
and send an email to with the title
EXTRA EXAM until Sunday midnight.)
Regular exams:
18 Dec (Monday) 10am E1B
08 Jan (Monday) 10am E1B
15 Jan (Monday) 10am E1B
22 Jan (Monday) 10am E1B
(Students have to register in Neptun for these exams)
Material for the Extra repated test and for all the exams:
1 Introductory problems
2 Outcomes and events
3 Relative frequency and probability
4 Random numbers
5 Classical problems
6 Geometrical problems, uniform distributions
7 Basic properties of probability
8 Conditional relative frequency and conditional probability
9 Independence of events
1 Discrete random variables and distributions
2 Uniform distribution (discrete)
3 Hyper-geometrical distribution
4 Binomial distribution
5 Geometrical distribution (pessimistic)
6 Geometrical distribution (optimistic)
9 Poisson-distribution
10 Higher dimensional discrete random variables and distributions
13 Generating a random variable with a given discrete distribution
14 Mode of a distribution
15 Expected value of discrete distributions
16 Expected values of the most important discrete distributions
17 Expected value of a function of a discrete random variable
18 Moments of a discrete random variable
19 Projections and conditional distributions for discrete
20 Transformation of discrete distributions
1 Continuous random variables
2 Distribution function
4 Density function
6 Uniform distributions
7 Distributions of some functions of random numbers 12
11 Exponential distribution
12 Gamma distribution
13 Normal distributions
15 Generating a random variable with a given continuous
16 Expected value of continuous distributions
17 Expected value of a function of a continuous random variable
18 Median
19 Standard deviation, etc
1 Two-dimensional random variables and distributions
2 Uniform distribution on a two-dimensional set
4 Projections and conditional distributions
5 Normal distributions in two-dimensions
6 Independence of random variables
8 Properties of the expected value, variance and standard
12 Limit theorems to normal distributions
---------------------------------- Results
of the exam on 8th January
Students may come and
see their tests: 10th Jan., Wednesday, 10am, H502
Results of the 15th January exam: