From the second day of the conference the program takes place the Alfréd Rényi Mathematical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Reáltanoda street No. 13-15.)
16th October (Thursday)
Morning lectures:
9.00-9.50: Erling Stormer (University of Oslo)9.50-10.30: Coffee breakEntropy in operator algebras10.30-11.20: Heide Narnhofer (University of Vienna)
Dynamical entropy in quantum theoryAfternoon program: Historical Session
At 12 p.m. a memorial tablet of the János Bolyai Mathematical Society and the American Mathematical Society will be unveiled on the house of birth of John von Neumann (Bajcsy-Zsilinszky str. 62.) .
Representative of the American Mathematical Society is Arthur Jaffe, representative of the János Bolyai Mathematical Society is Dénes Petz.
Lectures in the Rényi Institute:
14.00-14.30: Greetings by G.O.H. Katona (director of the Rényi Institute). Professor Mandelbrot presents award to the winners of the essay competition "John von Neumann, the mathematician".
14.30-15.00: Coffee break
15.00-15.50: Miklós Rédei (Eötvös University, Budapest)
15.50-16.10: BreakExcerpts from von Neumann's unpublished letters16.10-17.00: George Dyson (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton)
The physical realization of an electronic computing instrument, 1945-1958
17th October (Friday) Morning lectures
9.00-9.50: Boris S. Pavlov (University of St. Petersburg)9.50-10.30: Coffee breakVon-Neumann operator extension theory and solvable models in quantum mechanics
10.30-11.20: Elliot H. Lieb (Princeton University)
11.25-12.15: Pavel Exner (Czech Technical University)The mathematics of the second law of thermodynamicsVon Neumann way to treat quantum sytems of a mixed dimesionalityColloquium in the Rényi Institute
14.00-15.00: Benoit Mandelbrot (Yale University)Afternoon lecturesWhat is new in fractal geometry
15.00-15.40: Coffee break
15.40-16.30: Luigi Accardi (University of Roma)
16.30-17.20:Michael Schürmann (University of Greifswald)John von Neumann and the birth of quantum probabilityNoncommutative stochastic independence and quantum Lévy processes18th October (Saturday) Morning lectures
9.00-9.50: Mary Beth Ruskai (Tufts University)9.50-10.30: Coffee breakAdditivity questions in quantum information theory
10.30-11.20: Richard Jozsa (Bristol University)
11.25-12.15: Jakob Yngvason (University of Vienna)Von Neumann entropy in quantum information theoryThe role of type III factors in quantum field theoryAfternoon lectures
14.30-15.20: Masanao Ozawa (Tohoku University)15.20-15.50: Coffee breakMathematical theory of quantum measurements and its applications to quantum information and computing
15.50-16.40: Dennis Dieks (University of Utrecht)
16.40-17.30: Viaceslav Belavkin (University of Nottingham)Algebras of observables and definiteness of physical propertiesQuantum Measurement Problem: Breaking the von Neumann ChainConference dinner
19th October (Sunday) Morning lectures
9.00-9.50: André Verbeure (University of Leuven)9.50-10.30: Coffee breakBose-Einstein condensation10.30-11.20: Uffe Haagerup (Odense University)
11.25-12.15: Fumio Hiai (Tohoku University)The invariant subspace problem for von Neumann algebrasNorm inequalities of means of Hilbert space operatorsAfternoon lectures
14.30-15.20: Mark Fannes (University of Leuven)15.20-15.50: Coffee breakCoherent transport and dynamical entropy15.50-16.40: Andreas Winter (Bristol University)
16.40-17.30: Klaus Fredenhagen (University of Hamburg)Combinatorics, logic and quantum codingTime as quantum mechanical observable20th October (Monday)
Morning lectures
9.00-9.50: Masanori Ohya (Tokyo Science University )Quantum algorithm and its beyond for solving NP complete problem9.50-10.30: Coffee break
10.30-11.20: Gianfausto Dell'Antonio (University of Rome I)
Recent advances in point interactions11.25-12.15: Geoffrey L. Sewell (Queen Mary and Westfield College)
Macroscopic Observables in Quantum Statistical Mechanics
End of conference
Some other pictures: photos1 , photos2