Curriculum vitae of
Prof.Dr. Béla Nagy
Name: Professor Dr. Béla Nagy
Born: Nyiregyháza,
Hungary, 1942
Employment: Department
of Analysis, Institute of Mathematics,
Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Technology and Economics,
Budapest, Hungary
Postal address:
H-1521 Budapest, Stoczek u. 2-4. H. II.
Tel.: (361)-463-2324 or -1857
Position: Professor Emeritus
(2012-), Full professor (1987-2012)
Studies and scientific
Doctor of the
Mathematical Sciences,
1985, thesis: Spectral decompositions of closed linear operators in Banach spaces
Candidate of the
Mathematical Sciences,
1975, thesis: Trigonometrical
operator functions
Doctor of the
Natural Sciences, 1970,
KLTE Debrecen, Sub auspiciis
Rei Publicae Popularis
KLTE TTK Mathematics, 1960-1965
Head of the Department 1988-1996 and
Full Professor, 1987
Associate Professor, 1976
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Structural Ing. of the University
of Technology and Economics,
Budapest, 1973
Post-graduate scholarship,
Department of Mathematics
KLTE, 1970-1973
Assistant, Department
of Mathematics of the Faculty of Structural Eng. of the University of Technology and Economics,
Budapest, 1965
Exterior researcher
of the Math. Res. Institute
of the Hung. Acad. Sci.since 1983
Research and/or teaching positions
Repeated joint
research periods with Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Förster at
the TU Berlin between 1988
and 2014, resulting in 32 joint research publications
Fulbright Scholarship:
Department of Math., Hampton University, Hampton, Virginia, 1991/92
Guest professor: Fachbereich Mathematik der TU
Berlin, 1987/88 ‚ 1988/89
Humboldt Scholarship: Fachbereich Mathematik der Uni. des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, 1982/83
Conferences and invited
2013, Moscow 2002, Haifa 2001, Dresden
2001, Karlsruhe 2000, Ulm 2000, Bristol 1999,
Oxford,UK 1999, Berlin 1996, Haifa 1995, Regensburg 1995, Berlin 1995, Ulm 1994, Berlin 1994, Essen 1993, Szeged 1993, Baton Rouge,LA 1993, Gent 1993, West Chester,PA
1992, Knoxville,TN 1992, New Orleans, Baton Rouge,LA 1992, Edinburgh, Cambridge,UK 1990,
Stockholm 1989, Saarbrücken 1989, Berlin 1988,
Bukarest 1986, Tübingen 1985, Timisoara 1981, etc.
Scholarships home
and abroad:
W. Fulbright Scholarship 1991/92,
A.v.Humboldt Scholarship
DAAD Scholarships several times,
Széchenyi Professoral Scholarship Hungary, 1997-2001
Bolyai J. Math. Society since 1965
Member of the
Math. Committee of the Hungarian Academy
of Sciences 1994-1996
Member of the
Scientific Committee of the Faculty and of the Doctoral
Committee of the
Section Mathematics
Main research areas:
Spectral theory
of linear operators in Banach spaces,
Spectral decompositions
and local spectra,
Nonnegative matrices
and operators in ordered Banach spaces,
Semigroups of operators and cosine operator functions,
Finite dimensional
positive linear systems
84 research papers in English language international publications
Publications cited
in at least
14 English language monographs
Head of former OTKA Hungarian research grants (last one till
Study of the
structure of operator algebras
and linear operators,
Structure and local spectral theory of linear operators,
Spectral theory
and structure of linear
operators in Banach spaces,
Nonnegative linear
Linear operators and linear systems
English, German - fluent, state examination (highest level)
Russian - reading
professional texts