Download the program!
The program starts in Windows by clicking on the file Compoly.jar.
If the window of the program appears in icon size, enlarge it!
In Linux enter the command: java -jar Compoly.jar
For help at the start you find examples.
You may get more detailed help, if you download and unzip the file, then start the file compehelp.html.
1. The mouse is not active in the drawing field! Use the menu!
2. The program exports the data of the constructed composition
in .obj and in .wrl formats. These files are
numerated during a session. After closing the
program you have to rename them, if you want
preserve them.
3. I have developed Compoly for teaching geometric modeling and descriptive
geometry. The task is to visualize simple
solids in Monge's projection and the line
of intersection of two pyramids, prisms, cones,
cylinders and their plane sections. Therefore, the
visibility algorithms are restricted to convex components.
4. By the help of red-green glasses the anaglyph figures in central
projection provide real spatial impression.
By exporting the data of the constructed composition
to javaview or euler3d you may get more impressive
Some examples are shown in the following pictures constructed by Compoly:
1. building of a museum
2. toy truck
3. tower
shown by euler3d:
exported in wrl format.
4. a cog-wheel constructed as a composition of regular prisms
5. a simple chapel for the start
Have a lot of fun!
07.02.2008. (last changed 07. 05. 2015.) M. Szilvasi-Nagy (