Bihary, Zsolt (Corvinus)
Income distribution and tax policy
How much ability, diligence, and luck contribute
to the individual's financial success? And if these are the only relevant
factors, then what about Dropout Jimmy from high school showing up with a
Cadillac at the class reunion party? Is there a hidden factor that we tend to
I propose a simple model to characterize the
earning potential of individuals with different attributes. I investigate the
incentives that drive the individual to work hard (or not). I outline a model
for class seperation in society, and explain the observed wide distribution of
How is the tax rate set in a given society? How is
it influenced by the composition of the population, and by the politicy of
decision making? Who will vote to lower, and who will vote to raise the tax
The talk is
held in Hungarian!
Az előadás
nyelve magyar!
Date: Dec 1, Tuesday 4:15pm
Place: BME, Building „Q”, Room