Galambos, Péter (Óbuda University)

Application-oriented Polytopic System Modelling

and Controller Design

Regulation of parameter-varying and nonlinear dynamics renders serious problem in various fields of engineering from mechanical systems to Information technology. Our small team has long been working on elaborating a special branch of polytopic modelling techniques that may leads to a powerful toolkit for solving real-world problems.

Polytopic modelling of parameter dependencies provides an opportunity to design suboptimal state and output feedback. Furthermore, using this technique the uncertainty of the models can also be taken into account. The approach is based on Lyapunov’s indirect method and during the last decades, various Lyapunov-function candidates were elaborated according to the practical demands such as time-delay and other specialties of the systems.

Through polytopic tensor-product models we are able to describe the parameter dependencies separately, allowing to handle their properties in a unified way independently of their measured/estimated or time invariant nature. The goal is to construct methods that apply different approaches for the parameter dependencies according to their properties. Another important goal is the automatic determination of these polytopic models from the LPV description.

The most important drawback of these methods compared to the norm-bounded uncertainty techniques (and a great challenge for mathematicians) is that - despite of the serious effort of the past years – we have no efficient optimization method to solve robust output feedback problem on polytopic models. …



The talk is held in Hungarian!

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Date: Nov 28, Tuesday 4:15pm

Place: BME, Building „Q”, Room QBF13

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