Hangos, Katalin (MTA SZTAKI)
Dynamic modelling and model analysis based on first engineering principles
It is widely known that model building requires a strongly interdisciplinary background that includes not only a deep understanding of the application field and systems and control theory but also a good knowledge of applied mathematics and numerical analysis. In the lecture we first describe and illustrate the so-called ”best engineering practice” in model development, that has been worked out for process system models, and adopted to the wide class of dynamic models based on first engineering principles. We discuss shortly (thermal) energy, mechanical, electrical and (bio)chemical dynamic system models and the combination of these, like thermo-mechanical models. The second part of the lecture is devoted to the concepts and tools of dynamic model analysis (stability, controllability etc. analysis) that is used to perform a first rough checking of the model against engineering intuition: this is called model verification. Dynamic model analysis is also used as a preliminary step for model identification (e.g. parameter estimation) or controller design, these are also briefly outlined.
Date: Nov. 10, Tuesday 4:15pm
Place: BME, Building „Q”, Room QBF13