Quarteroni, Alfio
(Ecole Polytechnique
Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
and Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
models for the cardiovascular system: numerical simulation, control and
optimization, clinical applications
Cardiovascular diseases unfortunately represent one of the leading causes of
death in Western Countries. Mathematical models allow the description of
the blood motion in the human circulatory system, as well as the interplay
between electrical, mechanical and fluid-dynamical processes occurring in the
Appropriate numerical strategies can be devised to allow for an effective
description of the fluid in large and medium size arteries, the analysis of
physiological and pathological conditions, and the simulation, control and
shape optimization of assisted devices or surgical prostheses.
This presentation will address some of these issues and a few representative applications of clinical interest.
Date: Oct. 27, Tuesday 4:15pm
Place: BME, Building „Q”, Room QBF13