Tóbiás, Roland (MTA-ELTE KKRK)

Analysis of Spectroscopic Networks

Networks are widely employed for the description of complex phenomena occuring in nature, society, and communication. A considerable amount of our chemical knowledge is based on high-resolution spectroscopy measurements, detecting transitions among discrete energy le¬vels the chemical systems possess according to quantum mechanics. A network-based ap¬proach to handle large spectroscopic data¬sets has been developed during the last decade and applied successfully to the complex measured spectra of several molecules, some of astrophy¬sical interest and some related to the greenhouse effect. In this presentation we will introduce the concept of spectroscopic networks (SN) and seek answers to the following ques¬tions:

(1) How many components do (measured and computed) spectroscopic networks have and what are their characteristics?

(2) How can network theory improve the information systems storing high-resolution spectro-scopic data used by modellers, engineers, and scientists?

(3) What is the relationship between cycles of SNs and the law of energy conservation (LEC)?

(4) How to use the LEC equations to

(a) determine the term (energy) values of energy levels participating in a transition as

accurately as possible,

(b) detect transitions with incorrect ex¬perimental wa¬venumbers or assignments, and

(c) characterize/improve the measurement uncertainties?

(5) What is the effect of bridges on the term values of energy levels in SNs?

Beyond these problems, some open questions will also be introduced:

(1) How to treat parallel edges (coincident transitions) in the light of the LEC?

(2) How to construct a cycle basis which is most sensitive to the presence of outliers?

(3) What is the fastest way to approximate this cycle basis?



The talk is held in Hungarian!

Az elõadás magyar nyelven lesz megtartva!

Date: Nov 21, Tuesday 4:15pm

Place: BME, Building „Q”, Room QBF13

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