Zaránd, Gergely (BME,
Institute of Physics)
matrices and the geometry of their random eigenstates
a physicist’s perspective
Random matrix ensembles have a broad physical
application: so-called Gaussian ensembles describe generic quantum-mechanical
spectra of chaotic and disordered quantum systems, while circular ensembles
account for their scattering properties. In my talk, I will first give an
overview the most famous random matrix ensembles, and
show some specific examples of their physical application.
Deformations of a physical system by external electrodes, e.g., can be translated to deformations of random matrices and their corresponding eigenstates. In the second part of my talk, I plan to discuss the effect of these deformations, and the corresponding geometric properties of the eigenstates of random matrix ensembles. I will, in particular, discuss the topological structure of degeneracies, their densities, and will also show some recent analytical and numerical results for the distribution of the so-called quantum geometric tensor.
The talk is held in Hungarian!
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nyelve magyar!
Date: Oct 6, Tuesday 4:15pm
Place: MS Teams BME,
Building „Q”, Room QBF13