Sep 6 , Csáji, Balázs Csanád (SZTAKI): Distribution-Free Guarantees for Kernel Methods (in English) (Abstract, Slides)
Sep 13, Tapolcai, János (BME TMIT): The mathematical background of atomic swaps among blockchains (in Hungarian) (Abstract, Slides)
Sep 20, Vágó, Lajos (Citi): Aspects of counterparty credit risk valuation (in English) (Abstract, Slides)
Sep 27, Káli, Szabolcs (KOKI): Understanding dynamics and computations in the brain by simulating neurons and networks (in Hungarian) (Abstract, Slides)
Oct 4, Binzberger, Viktor: Electronic trading in fixed income institutional markets (in English) (Abstract, Slides)
Oct 11, Török, János (Institute of Physics): Online social network sites and how to study them (in Hungarian) (Abstract, Slides)
Oct 18, Bajzik, Lajos (Nokia Bell Labs): Path finding and dimensioning problems related to reliable telecommunication networks (in English) (Abstract, Slides)
Nov 8, Szálka, Gergely (MSCI) : The Past is the new Future -- why does it feel that we are where we were 100 years ago (in English) (Abstract, Slides)
Nov 15, Szirányi Tamás (SZTAKI): Markov Random Field image segmentation and change detection (in English) (Abstract, Slides)
Nov 22, Sziklai, Balázs (KTI, Corvinus): Sum of ranking differences (in Hungarian) (Abstract, Slides)
Nov 29, Kis, Tamás (SZTAKI): Vehicle routing problems (in Hungarian) (Abstract, Slides)
Information: Mádi-Nagy Gergely