Mathematics III for architecture students
The course will be held online using Microsoft Teams. I will upload hand-written notes and videos and I will provide live consultations on Wednesdays between 17:15-18:15.
During the semester there will be two homeworks and there will be an online test on December 2. Each homework is worth 20 points, the test is worth 60 points. The test is successful if the achieved point is at least 18. In case of a successful test, I will add up the points you earned and assign grades according to the following scale: 40-50 (2), 51-60 (3), 61-80 (4), 81-100 (5). The make-up test will be held on the 14'th of December. Each student can be asked to explain his/her written homework or test solution in a Microsoft Teams talk. If the explanation is needed, a notification will be sent within one week after the submission of the homework or the test.