Lukács Erzsébet publikációs listája

Referált cikkek

  1. Lukács, E., Pálfy, P.P.: Modularity of the subgroup lattice of a direct square, Arch. Math. 46 (1986) 18--19.
  2. Lukács, E.: On the polynomial functions of bisemilattices, Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapest Eötvös Sect. Math. 29 (1987) 223--226. Zbl: 634.06002
  3. Lukács, E.: Globals of G-algebras, Houston J. Math. 13 (1987), 241--244. Zbl: 629.08002
  4. Lukács, E.: Modularity of some three-generator sublattices in subgroup lattices, Comm. Algebra 15 (1987), 2073--2080.
  5. Jipsen, P., Lukács, E.: Finite simple relation algebras with many identity atoms, in: Proceedings of the Conference on Algebraic Logic in Budapest, 1988 Colloq. Math.Soc. János Bolyai 54, 241--244. Zbl: 745.03053
  6. Ágoston, I., Dlab, V., Lukács, E.: Lean quasi-hereditary algebras, in: Representations of Algebras, Sixth International Conference, Ottawa, 1992, Can. Math. Soc. Conf. Proc. Ser. 14 (1993) 1--14. Zbl: 820.16006
  7. Ágoston, I., Dlab, V., Lukács, E.: Homological characterization of lean algebras, Manuscripta Mathematica 81 (1993) 141--147. Zbl: 814.16005
  8. Jipsen, P., Lukács, E.: Minimal relation algebras, Algebra Universalis 32 (1994) 189--203. Zbl: 815.03040
  9. Ágoston, I., Dlab, V., Lukács, E.: Ext-algebras, Mathematical Reports of the Academy of Science, Canada XVI(5) (1994), 215--220. Zbl: 835.16009
  10. Ágoston, I., Lukács, E., Ringel, C.M.: Frobenius functions on translation quivers, in: Representation Theory of Algebras, Seventh International Conference, Cocoyoc, 1994, Can. Math. Soc. Conf. Proc. Ser. 18 (1996), 17--37. Zbl: 858.16010
  11. Ágoston, I., Dlab, V., Lukács, E.: Homological duality and quasi-heredity, Canadian Journal of Mathematics 48 (1996), 897--917. Zbl: 868.16009
  12. Ágoston, I., Dlab, V., Lukács, E.: Stratified algebras, Mathematical Reports of the Academy of Science, Canada 20 (1998), 20--25. Zbl: 914.16010
  13. Ágoston, I., Dlab, V., Lukács, E.: Well-filtered algebras, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 133 (1998), 3--21. Zbl: 926.16005
  14. Ágoston, I., Lukács, E., Ringel, C.M.: Realizations of Frobenius functions, Journal of Algebra 210 (1998), 419--439. Zbl: 937.16024
  15. Ágoston, I., Dlab, V., Lukács, E.: Strictly stratified algebras, in: Algebra. Proc. Intern. Alg. Conf. on the Occassion of the 90th birthday of A.G. Kurosh, Moscow, 1998, ed.: Yuri Bahturin. Walter de Gruyter, 2000, 17--26.
  16. Ágoston, I., Happel, D., Lukács E., Unger, L.: Standardly stratified algebras and tilting, Journal of Algebra 226 (2000), 144--160. Zbl: pre991.46293
  17. Ágoston, I., Happel, D., Lukács E., Unger, L.: Finitistic dimension of standardly stratified algebras, Communications in Algebra 28(6) (2000) 2745--2752. Zbl: pre991.43752
  18. Ágoston, I., Dlab, V., Lukács, E.: Hilbert and Poincaré series of Koszul algebras, Mathematical Reports of the Academy of Science, Canada 23(4) (2001), 153--159.
  19. Ágoston, I., Dlab, V., Lukács, E.: Quasi-hereditary extension algebras, Algebras and Representation Theory 6(1) (2003), 97--117.
  20. Ágoston, I., Dlab, V., Lukács, E.: Standardly stratified extension algebras, Communications in Algebra 33 (2005), 1357--1368.
  21. Ágoston, I., Dlab, V., Lukács, E.: Approximations of algebras by standardly stratified algebras, Journal of Algebra 319 (2008), 4177--4198.
  22. Ágoston, I., Dlab, V., Lukács, E.: Constructions of stratified algebras, Communications in Algebra 39 (2011), 2545--2553.
  23. Ágoston, I., Lukács, E.: Stratifying pairs of subcategories for CPS-stratified algebras, Journal of Algebra and its Applications 12(4) (2013), 12 oldal
  24. Ágoston, I., Lukács, E.: Constructions of CPS-stratified algebras, Communications in Algebra 41(7) (2013), p. 2614--2628


  1. Lukács, E.: Részcsoporthálók. Doktori disszertáció, ELTE, Budapest, 1987
  2. Lukács, E.: Related structures of groups, Ph.D. Thesis, Vanderbilt University, 1989.


  1. Shafarevich, I.R.: Algebra. Typotex Kiadó, Budapest, 2000, 70 oldal.