Course Requirements Mathematics A4 Probability Theory
Code: BMETE90AX58
Instructor: Marianna Bolla , Prof. Dsc.
Faculty of students: Electrical Engineering Faculty
Attendance: Not checked regularly, but it is the student’s responsibility to be keeped informed, regularly visit the homepage and take the handouts.
Tests: There will be two tests, 90 minutes each, for maximum 50 points each.
First one: 24 October, in class
Second one : 28 November, in class.
Make-up tests: 9-13 December, together with the students of the Hungarian course
(in the time given by the faculty).
Faculty signature: To get the faculty signature, you must reach minimum 20 points (40% ) with each test (bonus points are also added). Any of the tests can be repeated on
11 December, 10-12h in IB026.
If someone still does not have the signature at the end of the make-up week (13 December),
can take a comprehensive test in the exam period for which registration via NEPTUN is required.
Ross, S., A First Course in Probability, PrenticeüHall, 1992.
Handouts, lecture notes, exercise sets are on the homepage
Consultations: for request via e-mail.
As the function of the sum of the two test results (+ bonus points), the final grade is
0-39 Fail (1)
40-54 Pass (2)
55-69 Satisfactory (3)
70-84 Good (4)
85- Excellent (5)
October 8, 2024. Marianna Bolla
Prof. Dsc.
Dept. Stoch.