[matematikus képzés], MS
Mathematical Statistics and Information Theory  ***

Code: BMETE95MM05;    Requirement: 3/1/0/V/5;
Semester: 2015/16/2;                    Language: English;

Lecturer: [Dr. Bolla Marianna] ;

Presence.  At least 70% of the classes should be attended.


Grading: there will be one homework exercise set to be submitted by the 7th week, and one midterm test on the 12th week (theoretical questions and exercises), both for 50-50 points.  For the signature, you have to reach at least 20-20 points The midterm test can be repeated on  the 13th week. If you still do not  have the signature, a makeup is possible on  the 15th week. Based on your midterm points, I will give you a grade at the end of the semester. If this grade is 1 (fail)  or better, but you want to improve it, then you can sit for an oral exam in  the exam period. Here mainly theoretical questions (with proofs) are asked.


Consultations: in office hours and before the midterm test.


Lecture notes are on the homepage of the lecturer:


  1. I. Csiszár, P. Shields, Information Theory and Statistics: A Tutorial. In: Foundations and Trends  in Communications and Information Theory, Vol. 1. No. 4 (2004), pp. 417-528 ( in English, available on   the homepage).
  2. Handouts in English.


Budapest,  February 10, 2016.



                                                                                              Dr. Bolla Marianna
                                                                                              Associate Professor