Time Series Analysis with Applications in Finance (2020 fall).
Exam topics
Course requirements
Topic description
Midterm assignments
Lessons 1-2: Stationary time series and spectral representation
Lessons 3-4: Estimating parameters of weakly stationary time series, periodograms and spectra
Lesson 5-6: ARMA processes in 1D, Wold decomposition and classification of 1D time series
Lesson 7-8: VARMA processes in MD, Wold decomposition and classification of MD time series
Lesson 9-10: Prediction of multivariate time series, Kalman's filtering, and dynamic PCA
Lesson 11: Non-stationary processes, financial time series, ARCH and GARCH processes
Illustration to the Lessons: simulated and real life data (many examples and figures)
Basics: Complex matrices
Basics: Complex functions
Basics: Prediction in Hilbert spaces
For C.R. Rao's 100th birthday
Dynamic Factor Analysis