Multivariate staistics with economic applications ***
BMETE95MM18; Requirement:
2017/18/1; Language:
Lecturer: [Dr.
Bolla Marianna] ;
Presence. You are allowed to miss no more than 3 classes.
Midterm tests: on the 7th and 13th weeks.
Makeup test: on the 14th
Topic: theoretical questions, methods, numerical
exercises and analysing
application results.
Ffor the signature, you have to reach 40% of the total 25 + 25 points.
Two homeworks: to be turned in on the 7th and 13th weeks. For the signature, you have to reach 40% of the total 25+25 points.
Final grade: based ont the midterm tests and homeworks as follows .
40-:grade 2, 55-: grade 3, 70-: grade 4, 85-: grade 5 (out of the maximum 100 points).
Consultation: in the office hours of the lecturer.
Literature, lecture notes (the book number 2 is available in the library, but we will not cover the whole book):
Bolla M. és Krámli A., Statisztikai következtetések elmélete, Typotex, Budapest, 2005 (5-8. fejezet bizonyos részei), only for Hungarians.
Mardia, K. V., Kent, J. T., Bibby, J. M., Multivariate Analysis, Academic Press, Elsevier Science, 1979.
The material of the lectures is to be found ont the homepage of the Multivariate Statistics course together with statistical tables and other course material.
Budapest, 5th September, 2017.
Marianna Bolla
Dr. Habil.
Dept. Stochastics