Stationary large deviation functional for asymmetric systems with open boundaries

Christophe Bahadoran előadásának absztraktja

2006. november 9. csütörtök 16:15

Stationary nonequilibrium states of open systems exhibit long-range spatial correlations. One of the signatures of these correlations is the nonlocal stationary large deviation functional. This functional was derived by Derrida et al. (2002, 2003) for the symmetric and asymmetric exclusion process. In the symmetric case, the macroscopic fluctuation theory of Bertini et al. (2002) shows how to derive it from the dynamical large deviation functional of Kipnis et al. (1989). In the asymmetric case the dynamical functional has a very different structure on the torus (Jensen & Varadhan, 2000, 2003), due to shocks, and additional boundary terms are conjectured (Bodineau & Derrida, 2005) for open systems. In this talk I will explain how the stationary functional in the asymmetric case can be derived from the Jensen-Varadhan functional with the Bodineau-Derrida boundary terms.

Balázs Márton, 2006.10.09