GeoInformation system GeoTime and surface waterflow modelling
Elena N. Petrova előadásának absztraktja
2009. szeptember 24. csütörtök 16:15
The talk is devoted to GeoInformation technologies that are being developed in IITP for more than 20 years. The created technologies are realized as analytic GIS systems that are intended for scientific research support in Earth and social sciences. Starting from the middle 90's web GIS technologies are being developed. A specific character of GIS systems is that they deal with data and processes which have spatial (geographical) reference. The talk presents the methods of data analysis and modeling of space-time geophysical processes realized in the developed GISs. Some examples are given. One of the examples concerns the problem of simulation of a surface water flow and the dynamics of spatial-temporal processes caused by a surface water flow (e.g. pollution spread and denudation-accumulation processes).
Balázs Márton, 2009.09.08