Stochastic Processes at CEU -- winter semester 2013/14
Everybody will get two such questions. According to a wish of the audience, the emphasis will be on continuous time processes.
- Stochastic processes. Finite dimensional distributions versus pathwise properties.
- Filtrations, natural filtration of a stochastic process. Markov processes, martingales, processes of independent increments, stationary processes.
- Poisson process, Wiener process. Definition and basic properties.
- Convergence to equilibrium for finite state space time homogeneous Markov chains.
- Transience, recurrence and positive recurrence for countable state space Markov chains. Pólya's theorem about recurrence of the simple symmetric random walk.
- Discrete state space, time homogeneous Markov chains in continuous time. Phenomenological descriptions with exponential clocks. The infinitesimal generator and its relation to finite time transition probability matrices. Examples.
- Stochastic integrals: difficulties of a pathwise definition, the problem of choosing the intermediate point. Itô's choice.
- Definition of the Itô integral for a fixed time, for progressively measurable processes. Motivation, basic properties, Itô isometry
- The Itô integral as a stochastic process. Continuity and martingale property.
- Itô processes and the Itô formula. Examples, applications. Examples of stochastic differential equations.
- Itô representation theorem.
- The martingale representation theorem.