Tools of Modern Probability -- fall semester 2016
A modern valószínűségszámítás eszközei -- 2016 őszi félév
freely choosable this semester -- ebben a félévben szabadon választható

Subject code: BMETE95AM33
Lectures: Monday 14:15-16:00, room T604 and Wednesday 14:15-16:00, room H405/A
Lecturer: Imre Péter Tóth

Suggested literature
Most of the material deiscussed in class is covered in the following literature. From the books, you only need a tiny bit, detailed below. Unfortunately, part of what I said is not covered in any of these, and I couldn't find good literature (which is not unresonably long and hard for the little that I said). For other parts, I do suggest something, but it fits only partially. These will be indicated.
What actually was covered: detailed list with references A few more topics, which were discussed, but will not be asked on the exam: Grading rules: