Publikációs lista hivatkozásokkal
Prok István
2014. július 31.

[1] – E. Molnár: A polyhedron algorithm for finding space groups. 3rd Int. Conf. on Engineering Graphics and Descriptive Geom. Proceedings (Vienna 1988) Vol. 2, 37–44.
▪ MR 90g: 51018 – R. L. E. Schwarzenberger
M. Stojanović, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest, Sect. Math. 36 (1993), 85–102.
M. Stojanović, Collections of scientific papers of the Faculty of Science Kragujevac, 16 (1994), 105–114.
M. Stojanović, Mat. Vesnik 49/1 (1997), 59–68
M. Stojanović, Novi Sad J. Math. 29/3 (1999), 337–348.
M. Stojanović, Filomat 24/1 (2010), 1–19.
M. Stojanović, Filomat 28/3 (2014), 557–577.

 [2] – E. Molnár: Classification of solid transitive simplex tilings in simply connected 3-spaces. I. The combinatorial description by figures and tables, results in spaces of constant curvature. Colloquia Math. Soc. János Bolyai 63 Intuitive Geometry, Szeged (Hungary) 1991 (North–Holland Co., Amsterdam – Oxford – New York) (1994) 311–362.
OTKA 1615 (1991)
Zbl. 821. 52004 – M. Lassak
▪ MR 97e: 52036 – R. Ding
M. Stojanović, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest, Sect. Math. 36 (1993), 85–102.
J. Szirmai, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest, Sect. Math. 37 (1994), 171–184.
M. Stojanović, Collections of scientific papers of the Faculty of Science Kragujevac, 16 (1994), 105–114.
J. Szirmai, Acta Math. Hung. 73 (3) (1996), 247–261.
J. Szirmai, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest, Sect. Math. 39 (1996), 145–162.
M. Stojanović, Mat. Vesnik 49/1 (1997), 59–68.
O. Delgado-Friedrichs – D. H. Huson, Discrete Comput. Geom. 21 (1999), 299–315.
M. Stojanović, Novi Sad J. Math. 29/3 (1999), 337–348.
O. Delgado-Friedrichs, Theor. Comput. Sci. 303 No 2-3 (2003), 431–445.
M. Stojanović, Filomat 24/1 (2010), 1–19.
M. Stojanović, Filomat 28/3 (2014), 557–577.

[3] Kocka alaptartományú euklideszi kristálycsoportok. Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok 16 (1992) 321–338.
▪ MR 95h: 51024 – I. Bárány

[4] The Euclidean space has 298 fundamental tilings with marked cubes by 130 space groups.  Colloquia Math. Soc. János Bolyai 63 Intuitive Geometry, Szeged (Hungary) 1991 (North–Holland Co., Amsterdam – Oxford – New York) (1994), 363–388.
OTKA 1615 (1991)
Zbl. 820. 52014 – Á. G. Horváth
▪ MR 97a: 52043 – O. V. Shvartsman
E. Molnár, Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie, Vol. 35 (1994), No. 2, 205–238.
O. Delgado Friedrichs – D. H. Huson, Discrete Comput. Geom. 21 (1999), 299–315.

[5] Data structures and procedures for a polyhedron algorithm. Periodica Polytechnica Ser. Mech. Eng. 36 (3-4), (1992), 299–316.
OTKA 1615 (1991)
Zbl. 798. 52008
▪ MR 96m: 52020
E. Molnár, Publ. Math. Debrecen 46/3-4 (1995), 239–269.
L. Ács – E. Molnár, PU.M.A. Vol13 (2002), No. 1-2, 1–20.
L. Ács – E. Molnár, Journal for Geometry and Graphics Vol6 (2002), No. 1, 1–16.
E. Molnár, Studies of the University of Žilina Math. Ser. 16 (2003), 67–80.

[6] Fundamental tilings with marked cubes in spaces of constant curvature. Acta Math. Hungar. 71 (1-2), (1996), 1–14.
OTKA 1615 (1991)
Zbl. 858. 52009 – Ch. Leytem
▪ MR 97i: 20063 – I. Rivin
B. Everitt, Topology and its Applications 138
(2004) 253–263.
▪ A. CaviccHioli – F. SPAGGIARI – A. I. TELLONI Topology and its Applications 157 (2010) 921–931.

[7] Application of a polyhedron algorithm for finding regular polyhedron tilings. 7th Int. Conf. on Engineering Computer Graphics and Descriptive Geom. Proceedings (Cracow 1996), 300–304.

[8] Discrete transformation groups and polyhedra by computer. Spec. SEFI Eu. Seminar on Geom. in Engineering Education Proceedings (Bratislava – Smolenice 1997), 139–145.
OTKA T 020498 (1996)

[9] – E. MolnárJ. Szirmai: Classification of solid transitive simplex tilings in simply connected 3-spaces. II. Metric realizations of the maximal simplex tilings. Periodica Math. Hung. 35 (1-2), (1997), 47–94.
□ OTKA~T~7351 (1993)
Zbl. 916. 52008 – G. M. Ziegler
▪ MR 99j: 52026 – R. Ding
M. Stojanović, Mat. Vesnik 49/1 (1997), 59–68.
O. Delgado-Friedrichs – D. H. Huson, Discrete Comput. Geom. 21 (1999), 299–315.
M. Stojanović, Novi Sad J. Math. 29/3 (1999), 337–348.
L. Ács, PU.M.A. Vol11 (2000), No. 2, 129–138.
O. Delgado-Friedrichs, Theor. Comput. Sci. 303 No 2-3 (2003), 431–445.
▪ B. KLOTZEK – H. WENDLAND, Journal of Geometry. 71 (2001) No. 1-2, 85–98.
E. BrieskornA. PratoussevitchF. Rothenhäusler, Mosc. Math. J. 3 (2003) No. 2, 273–333.
M. Stojanović, Filomat 24/1 (2010), 1–19.
M. Stojanović, Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics 35/2 (2011), 303–315.
M. Stojanović, Periodica Math. Hung. 67/1 (2013), 115–131.
M. Stojanović, Filomat 28/3 (2014), 557–577.

[10] Classification of dodecahedral space forms. Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 39 (1998), No.2, 497–515.
OTKA T 7351 (1993)
Zbl. 926. 52021 – P. Schmitt
▪ MR 99i: 52029
B. Everitt, Topology and its Applications 138
(2004) 253–263.
▪ A. CaviccHioli – F. SPAGGIARI – A. I. TELLONI Topology and its Applications 157 (2010) 921–931.

[11] – E. MolnárJ. Szirmai: Two families of fundamental 3-simplex tilings and their realizations in various 3-spaces, Proceedings of the Int. Sci. Conf. on Math. Vol2 (Žilina, Slovakia 1998), 43–64.
OTKA T 020498/1996
Zbl. 936. 52009 – P. Schmitt

[12] – E. Molnár – J. Szirmai: The Gieseking manifold and its surgery orbifolds, Novi Sad J. Math. Vol29, No. 3, (1999) 187–197, XII. Yugoslav Geometric Seminar, Novi Sad, October 8–11. 1998.
OTKA T 020498/1996
Zbl. 947. 57019 – M. Stojanović
▪ MR 2001g: 57030 – K. P. Scannell
Zbl. 1027(2004/02).51020 Johannes Böhm
A. D. MednykhV. S. Petrov, Non-Euclidean Geometries, János Bolyai Memorial Volume, Ed. A. Prékopa and E. Molnár, Springer (2005), pp. 307–319.

[13] – E. Molnár – J. Szirmai: Classification of hyperbolic manifolds and related orbifolds with charts up to two ideal simplices, Topics in Algebra, Analysis and Geometry, Gyula Strommer National Memorial Conference, Balatonfüred (Hungary) 1999, pp. 293–315.
OTKA T 020498/1996
Zbl. 1027. 51020 – J. Böhm.
A. D. MednykhV. S. Petrov, Non-Euclidean Geometries, János Bolyai Memorial Volume, Ed. A. Prékopa and E. Molnár, Springer (2005), pp. 307–319.

[14] Alaptartományszerű kövezések állandó görbületű terekben szabályos poliéderekkel, BME TTK Alk. Mat. Szak, PhD értekezés 2000, megvédve 2001.

[15] – Á.G. Horváth: Packing congruent bricks into a cube. Journal for Geometry and Graphics 5/1 (2001), 1–11.
Zbl. 1008. 52017
▪ MR 2002h: 52027 – Ch. Zong

[16] E. Molnár – J.Szirmai: D-V cells and fundamental domains for crystallographic groups, algorithms and graphic realizations, Math. and Comp. Modelling 38, Nos7-9, 929–943 (2003).
□ OTKA T 020498/1996
□ T
ÉT–DAAD D-4/99
Zbl. 1055.20041 Summary
▪ MR 2004m: 20099 Summary

[17] – E. Molnár – J. Szirmai: Bestimmung der transitiven optimalen Kugelpackungen für die 29 Raumgruppen, die Coxetersche Spiegelungsuntergruppen enthalten, Studia Sci. Math. Hung. 39 (2002) 443–483.
Zbl. 1026.
▪ MR 2004a: 52038 Summary
E. Koch – H. Sowa – W. Fischer, Acta Cryst. A61 (2005), 426–434.

[18] Polyhedron modelling and symmetry groups. II. Magyar Számítógépes Grafika és Geometria konferencia kiadványa (Budapest 2003) 78–82.

[19] – J. Szirmai: Simply transitive optimal ball packings for the orientable crystallographic groups of the cubic system, Periodica Polytechnika Ser. Mech. Eng. Vol47, No. 1, 57–64, (2003).
□ TÉT–DAAD D-4/99
Zbl 1084.52516 Summary

[20] – E. Molnár – J. Szirmai, Classification of tile-transitive 3-simplex tilings and their realizations in homogeneous geometries, Non-Euclidean Geometries, János Bolyai Memorial Volume, Editors: A. Prékopa and E. Molnár, Mathematics and Its Applications, Vol. 581, Springer (2005), pp. 321–363.
Zbl. 1103.52017J. Pfeifle
▪ MR 2006j:52025 – E. Zamorzaeva
M. Stojanović, Filomat 24/1 (2010), 1–19.
M. Stojanović, Filomat 28/3 (2014), 557–577.

[21] – J. Szirmai: Optimal ball packings for crystallographic groups of cubic crystal systems and their Dirichlet–Voronoi cells. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 221/1 (2006), 99–103.

[22] – J. KATONA – E. MOLNÁR: Visibility of the 4-dimensional regular solids moving ont he computer screen, Proceedings of the 13th ICGG (Dresden, Germany, 2008).

[23] – E. MOLNÁR – J. SZIRMAI: Szimmetrikus kövezések végtelen sorozata a hiperbolikus térben, Matematikai Lapok, Bolyai Emlékszám, Új sorozat 16. (2010) 79–91.
▪ K. J. BÖRÖCZKY, Matematikai Lapok 16. (Bolyai Emlékkötet, 2010), 62–79.

[24] – E. MOLNÁR: Hyperbolic Spaceforms on Schläfli Solid (8, 8, 3), Symmetry: Culture and Science 22:(1-2) (2011) 247–261.
M. Stojanović, Filomat 24/1 (2010), 1–19.
M. Stojanović, Filomat 28/3 (2014), 557–577.

[25] – C. BAVARD – K. J. BÖRÖCZKY – B. FARKAS – L. VENA – G. WINTSCHE: Equality in László Fejes Tóth’s triangle bound for hyperbolic surfaces, Acta. Sci. Math. (Szeged) 77 (2011), 669–679.

[26] – J. KATONA – E. MOLNÁR – J. SZIRMAI: Higher-dimensional central projection into 2-plane with visibility and applications. Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics 35:(2) (2011) 249–263.

[27] – E. MOLNÁR: Animation of the 4-dimensional regular solids moving in the computer 2-screen with visibility and shading of 2 faces. Mezhdunarodnoi krymskoi konferencii, SED – 12, (Simferopol 2012) 89–92.

[28] – E. MOLNÁR: Multidimensional geometry and its applications in economics, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Economic Sciences (Kaposvár 2013) 114–118.

[29] – E. MOLNÁR: The regular 4-solids move in the computer 2-screen with visibility and shading of 2-faces, Proceedings of Symposium on Computer Geometry 21 (Kocovce 2013) 74–77.

[30] – E. MOLNÁR: Three- and four-dimensional regular 4-solids move in the computer 2-screen, Mathematics Teaching for the Future (Zagreb 2013) 173–185.

[31] – J. KATONA – E. MOLNÁR – J. SZIRMAI: Visualization with visibility of higher dimensional and non-Euclidean geometries, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics, Innsbruck, Austria, 2014. Paper 60. 10 p.

[32] – E. MOLNÁR – J. SZIRMAI: Visual mathematics and geometry, the "final" step: projective geometry through linear algebra, Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Colloquium Mathematics and Children, (Teaching and Learning Mathematics), Osijek, Croatia, 2015. 10 p.