Curriculum vitae of M. Szilvási-Nagy
Born: Budapest
Employment: Department of Geometry, Institute of Mathematics, Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Postal address: H-1521 Budapest, Stoczek u. 2-4. H. II.
Tel.: (361)-463-2665 or -2645
Position: Assoc. professor
Studies and scientific
Dr. habil. in mathematics Debrecen University, 2002 (computer aided geometric modelling)
Candidate of the Mathematical Sciences, 1989 (computational geometry)
Doctor of the Natural Sciences, ELTE Budapest, (differential geometry)
Mathematics, Physics and Descriptive Geometry, Diploma at the ELTE Budapest
Associate Professor, 1989 Department of Geometry
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Structural Ing. of the BUTE
Assistant, Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Structural Eng.
of the BUTE
Research and/or teaching positions
Guest professor: HdK West-Berlin 1986-1991, TFH Berlin 1992-1993, Bristol 1997
Researcher: TU Berlin several times
Invited lectures: Dresden, Karlsruhe, Ulm, Berlin, Potsdam, Graz, Wien, Prag, Bratislava, Hampton VA
Research areas:
Computer aided design, surface modelling, computational geometry
Head of 2 OTKA research grants (1994, 1997)
68 papers, 2 books, teaching program packages (based on polyeder modelling and spline-technique)
Bolyai J. Math. Society, John von Neumann Computer Soc., International Soc. for Geometry and Graphics, Committee for digital Pedagogy of Ministry of Education, Curatorium of the Soc. for Constructive Geometry and Visual Culture, Hungarian Society for Geometry and Graphics
Member of the editorial board of international conferences: EDUGRAPHICS 1993, SEFI 1997, ICAI 1997, 1999, 2000, SCG 2001, 2002
Member of the
org. committee: Konstruktive Geometrie 1993,
1995, 1998, 2001, 2005
actual: John von Neumann Computer Soc., Hungarian Society for Geometry and Graphics
For the Hungarian higher education 2000, Széchenyi István scolarship 2001.
German, English fluent, Russian reading professional texts.