2018. 08. 29.
[1] Á. G. Horváth – J. Szirmai, Nemeuklideszi
geometriák modelljei,
Typotex Kiadó, Budapest (2004), ISBN: 963 9548
40 5.
Elektronikus kiadás:
Typotex kiadó, Budapest
[2009]: ISBN-13 978-963-9548-40-4.
[2] Szirmai J., Kombinatorikus térkikövezések
metrikus realizációi a hiperbolikus térben.
PhD Disszertáció, BME
[3] Szirmai J., Gömbkitöltések és fedések
Thurston geometriákban, valamint magasabb dimenziós hiperbolikus terekben.
Habilitációs értekezés,
BME (2016).
[4] J. Szirmai, Density upper bound of
congruent and non-congruent hyperball packings generated by truncated regular
simplex tilings,
Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico
di Palermo Series 2,
67 [2018], 307-322,
DOI: 10.1007/s12215-017-0316-8,
[5] J.
Szirmai, Hyperball packings in hyperbolic 3-space,
[6] E. Molnár - J. Szirmai, Top dense
hyperbolic ball packings and coverings for complete Coxeter orthoscheme groups,
Publications de l'Institut
Mathématique, 103(117) [2018], 129-146,
DOI: 10.2298/PIM1817129M, arXiv: 1612.04541.
[7] J. Szirmai, Horoball packings related to the
4-dimensional hyperbolic 24 cell honeycomb {3,4,3,4},
Filomat [2018], 32/1,
87-100, DOI: 10.2298/FIL1801087S,
arXiv: 1502.02107.
[8] E. Molnár – I. Prok - J. Szirmai, On
maximal homogeneous 3-geometries and their visualization,
Universe , 3/4, (2017), 83, 12 pages; DOI:10.3390/universe3040083.
[9] J. Szirmai, Packings with horo- and hyperballs
generated by simple frustum orthoschemes,
Mathematica Hungarica, 152 (2), (2017), 365–382 DOI:10.1007/s10474-017-0728-0,
arXiv: 1505.03338.
[10] E. Molnár – P. Pech - J. Szirmai, Simson-Wallace locus
in d-dimensional projective-metric space,
Journal of Geometry, 108, 2017), 393–409, DOI: 10.1007/s00022-016-0346-y.
[11] E. Molnár - J. Szirmai – A. Vesnin, Geodesic
and translation ball packings
generated by prismatic
tesselations of the universal cover of SL(2,R),
in Mathematics, 71(3), (2017), 623-642, DOI: 10.1007/s00025-016-0542-y.
[12] E. Molnár - J. Szirmai, On hyperbolic cobweb
of the University of Zilina,
Mathematical Series,
28 (2016), 43-52,
[13] J.
Szirmai, Non-periodic geodesic ball packings to infinite regular prism tilings
in SL(2,R) space,
Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 46/3, (2016), 1055--1070,
arXiv: 1403.3192.
[14] G. Csima -- J. Szirmai, Isoptic surfaces of convex
Computer Aided Geometric Design
(CAGD) , 47,
(2016), 55-60,
DOI: 10.1016/j.cagd.2016.03.001 arXiv:1510.07718.
[15] J.
Szirmai, The optimal hyperball packings related to the smallest compact
arithmetic 5-orbifolds,
Journal of Mathematics, 40(2), (2016), 260-270,
arXiv: 1306.4221.
[16] R. T. Kozma -- J. Szirmai, Symmetries of
horoball packings related to famous 3-dimensional hyperbolic tilings,
Culture and Science, Vol. 27, Number 4, [2016], 261-277.
[17] B. Schultz - J. Szirmai, Densest geodesic
ball packings to space groups generated by screw motions,
Mediterranean Journal of
Mathematics, 13/2, (2016), 775–788. DOI: 10.1007/s00009-014-0513-z, arXiv: 1405.5441 .
[18] J.
Szirmai, The least dense hyperball covering to the regular prism tilings in the
hyperbolic n-space,
di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 195,
(2016) 235-248, DOI: 10.1007/s10231-014-0460-0,
arXiv: 1312.2328.
[19] E. Molnár – I. Prok - J. Szirmai, The
Euclidean visualization and projective modelling of the 8 Thurston geometries,
Studies of the University of
Zilina, Mathematical Series 27, (2015), 35-62.
[20] R. T. Kozma – J. Szirmai, New Lower Bound
for the Optimal Ball Packing Density of
Hyperbolic 4-space,
Discrete and Computational
Geometry 53, (2015), 182--198, DOI: 10.1007/s00454-014-9634-1, arXiv: 1401.6084.
[21] A. Cavichioli – E. Molnár –
F. Spaggiari – J. Szirmai, Some tetrahedron manifolds with Sol geometry.
of Geometry, 105/3, (2014), 601-614, DOI:
[22] J. Szirmai, A candidate to the densest
packing with equal balls in the Thurston geometries,
Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie (Contributions to Algebra and Geometry),
55/2, (2014), 441- 452, DOI: 10.1007/s13366-013-0158-2, arXiv:1210.2202 .
[23] J. Szirmai, Regular prism tilings in SL(2,R) space,
mathematicae 88/1 – 2, (2014), 67-79, DOI: 10.1007/s00010-013-0221-y, arXiv:1206.4408 .
[24] J. Szirmai, Simply transitive
geodesic ball packings to space groups
generated by glide reflections,
di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 193/4, (2014), 1201-1211, DOI: 10.1007/s10231-013-0324-z, arXiv1206.0566.
[25] E. Molnár - J. Szirmai – A. Vesnin, The
optimal Packings by translation balls in SL(2,R),
Journal of Geometry, 105 (2), (2014), 287-306, DOI:
[26] G. Csima - J. Szirmai, Isoptic curves of conic sections in constant curvature geometries,
Communications, 19
(2014), 277-290 arXiv: 1301.6991.
[27] E. Molnár - J. Szirmai: Volumes and geodesic
ball packings to the regular prism tilings in SL(2,R) space
Publ. Math. Debrecen, 84/1-2 (2014), 189–203, DOI: 10.5486/PMD.2014.5832, arXiv: 1304.0546.
[28] G. Csima - J. Szirmai, On the isoptic
hypersurfaces in the n-dimensional
Euclidean space,
KoG (Scientific and professional journal of Croatian Society for
Geometry and Graphics),
17, (2013), 53-57.
[29] J. Szirmai, On lattice coverings of the Nil
space by congruent geodesic balls,
Mediterranean Journal of
Mathematics, Vol. 10. No. 2, (2013),
953-970, DOI: 10.1007/s00009-012-0211-7, arXiv:1105.1986.
[30] J. Szirmai, Horoball packings to the
totally asymptotic regular simplex in the hyperbolic n-space,
Aequationes mathematicae, 85 (2013), 471–482, DOI: 10.1007/s00010-012-0158-6, arXiv:1112.1969.
[31] J. Szirmai, Geodesic ball packings in space for generalized
Coxeter space groups,
Mathematical Communications, 17/1, (2012),
[32] B. Odehnal - J. Szirmai, Packing Coxeter honeycombs with sequences
of spheres,
Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie (Contributions to Algebra and
Geometry), 54/1 (2013), 441 – 452, DOI: 10.1007/s13366-012-0110-x.
[33] J. Szirmai, Lattice-like translation ball
packings in Nil space,
Publ. Math.Debrecen,
80/3-4, [2012], 427-440, DOI: 10.5486/PMD.2012.5117.
[34] J. Szirmai, Horoball packings and their
densities by generalized simplicial density function in the hyperbolic space,
Mathematica Hungarica, 136/1-2, [2012],
39-55, DOI: 10.1007/s10474-012-0205-8, arXiv:1105.4315.
[35] E.
Molnár, J. Szirmai, Classification of Sol lattices,
Geometriae Dedicata, 161, (2012), 251-275, DOI: 10.1007/s10711-012-9705-5, arXiv:1106.4646.
[36] J.
Pallagi - B. Schultz - J. Szirmai, On regular square prism tilings in SL(2,R)
KoG (Scientific and professional journal of Croatian Society for
Geometry and Graphics) 16, [2012], 36-42.
[37] R. T. Kozma – J. Szirmai, Optimally Dense
Packings for Fully Asymptotic Coxeter Tilings by Horoballs of Different Types,
für Mathematik, 168, [2012],27-47 DOI: 10.1007/s00605-012-0393-x, arXiv:1007.0722.
[38] J. Szirmai - J. Pallagi, Visualization of
the Dirichlet-Voronoi cells in space,
Periodica (International Journal for Engineering and Information Sciences), Vol. 7, (2012) Supp l. 95-104 DOI: 10.1556/Pollack.7.2012.S.9.
[39] J. Szirmai - G. Csima, Isoptic curves to
parabolas in the hyperbolic plane,
Periodica (International Journal for Engineering and Information Sciences), Vol. 7, (2012) Supp l. 55-64 DOI: 10.1556/Pollack.7.2012.S.5.
[40] J. Szirmai - B. Schultz, On parallelohedra
of Nil-space,
Periodica (International Journal for Engineering and Information Sciences), Vol. 7, (2012) Supp l. 129-136 DOI: 10.1556/Pollack.7.2012.S.12.
[41] J. Pallagi - B. Schultz - J. Szirmai, Equidistant
surfaces in Nil space,
Studies of the University of
Zilina, Mathematical Series, 25, [2011),
[42] J. Pallagi - B. Schultz - J. Szirmai, Equidistant
surfaces in space,
KoG (Scientific and professional journal of Croatian Society for
Geometry and Graphics) 15, [2011], 3-6.
[43] E. Molnár- J. Szirmai - J. R. Weeks, 3-simplex tilings, splitting orbifolds and manifolds,
Culture and Science, Vol. 22, Numbers 3-4, [2011], 435-459.
[44] J. Katona - E. Molnár- I. Prok - J. Szirmai, Higher-dimensional central projection into 2-plane with visibility and applications,
Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics, Vol.
35, Number 2, [2011], 249-263.
[45] J. Szirmai, Geodesic ball packings in space for generalized
Coxeter space groups,
Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie (Contributions to Algebra and
Geometry) 52/2 (2011),
413 – 430, DOI: 10.1007/s13366-011-0023-0
[46] G. Csima - J. Szirmai,
Isoptic curves in hyperbolic plane,
of the University of Zilina, Mathematical Series. Vol. 24 (2010), 15-22.
[47] Szirmai,
J. The densest translation ball packing by fundamental lattices in Sol space,
Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie (Contributions to Algebra and
Geometry) 51 No. 2 (2010),
353 – 373.
[48] E. Molnár - I. Prok - J. Szirmai,
Szimmetrikus kövezések végtelen sorozata a hiperbolikus térben,
Matematikai Lapok 16, Numbers 2, [2010], 79-92.
[49] J. Pallagi - B. Schultz - J. Szirmai, Visualization
of geodesic curves, spheres and equidistant surfaces in space,
KoG (Scientific and professional journal of Croatian Society for
Geometry and Graphics) 14, [2010], 35-40.
[50] E.
Molnár- J. Szirmai, Symmetries
in the 8 homogeneous 3-geometries.
Symmetry: Culture and Science, Vol. 21, Numbers
1-3, [2010], 87-117.
[51] E. Molnár - J. Szirmai – A. Vesnin, Projective
metric realizations of cone-manifolds with singularities along 2-bridge knots
and links,
of Geometry, 95 ,
(2009], 91–133.
[52] E. Molnár- J. Szirmai, Generalized polygonal
Wankel engines, Periodica Polytechnika Ser.Transp. Eng. 37/1-2, [2009], 29-32.
[53] J. Szirmai, Extremal ball and horoball
packings to the regular tilings by infinitely centred cells in the hyperbolic
Studies of the University of Zilina, Mathematical
Series. Vol. 22 (2008), 39-50.
[54] E. Molnár - J. Szirmai, Minimally presented
orientable splitting 3-manifold with one cusp,
Studies of the University of Zilina, Mathematical
Series. Vol. 22 (2008), 19-30.
[55] J. Szirmai, The optimal ball and horoball
packings to the Coxeter honeycombs in
the hyperbolic d-space,
zur Algebra und Geometrie (Contributions to Algebra and Geometry).
48 No. 1 (2007), 35-47.
[56] J. Szirmai, The densest geodesic ball
packing by a type of Nil lattices,
zur Algebra und Geometrie (Contributions to Algebra and Geometry).
48 No. 2 (2007), 383-397.
[57] J. Szirmai, The regular p-gonal prism
tilings and their optimal hyperball packings in the hyperbolic 3-space,
Acta Mathematica Hungarica 111 (1-2) (2006), 65-76.
[58] E. Molnár- J. Szirmai, On Nil
crystallography, Symmetry: Culture and Science Volume
17, Numbers 1-2, pages 55-74 (2006).
[59] J. Szirmai: The regular prism tilings and
their optimal hyperball packings in the hyperbolic n-space,
Math. Debrecen, 69 (1-2) (2006), 195-207.
[60] I. Prok - J. Szirmai, Optimal ball packings
for crystallographic groups of cubic systems and their visualization by
für Kristallographie, 221/1 (2006),
[61] E. Molnár - I. Prok - J. Szirmai,
Classification of tile-transitive 3-simplex tilings and their realizations in
homogeneous geometries,
Non-Euclidean Geometries, János Bolyai
Memorial Volume, Editors: A. Prékopa and E. Molnár,
Mathematics and Its Applications, Vol. 581, Springer
(2006), pp. 321--363.
[62] J. Szirmai: Horoball packings for the
Lambert-cube tilings in the hyperbolic 3-space,
Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie (Contributions
to Algebra und Geometry) 46 No. 1
(2005), 43-60.
[63] J. Szirmai,
The optimal ball and horoball packings of the Coxeter tilings in the
hyperbolic 3-space,
zur Algebra und Geometrie (Contributions to Algebra and Geometry) 46 No. 2 (2005), 545-558.
[64] J. Szirmai: Derivation of a class of
complete orthoschemes by Coxeter's method in the hyperbolic 4-space,
Studies of the University of Zilina, Mathematical
Series. Vol. 18/1
(2004), 49-62.
[65] J. Szirmai: Flächentransitiven Lambert
Würfeltypen und ihre optimale Kugelpackungen ,
Mathematica Hungarica, (2003), 100 (1-2), 101-116.
[66] I. Prok - J. Szirmai, Simply transitive
optimal ball packings for the orientable crystallographic groups of the cubic
Polytechnica Ser. Mech. Eng. (2003), 47/1 57-64.
[67] J. Szirmai: Determining the optimal Horoball
packings to some famous tilings in the hyperbolic 3-space,
Studies of the University of Zilina, Mathematical Series. Vol. 16/1 (2003),
[68] E. Molnár - I. Prok - J. Szirmai, D-V cells
and fundamental domains for crys-tallographic groups, algorithms and graphic
realizations, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, (2003), 38, 929-943.
[69] E. Molnár - I. Prok - J. Szirmai, Bestimmung
der transitiven optimalen Kugelpackungen für die 29 Raumgruppen, die
Coxetersche Spiegelungs-untergruppen enthalten,
Sci. Math. Hungarica, (2002), 39 443--483.
[70] E. Molnár - T. Schulz - J. Szirmai, Periodic
and aperiodic figures on the plane by higher dimensions,
for Geometry and Graphics (2001), Vol 5, No 2. 133-144.
[71] Máté Cs. - Szirmai J., A kockarendszerhez
tartozó tércsoportok egyszeresen tranzitív gömbkitöltéseinek meghatározása
Alkalmazott Matematikai
Lapok , 19 (1999),
[72] E. Molnár - I. Prok - J. Szirmai, The
Gieseking manifold and its surgery orbifolds,
Novi Sad, Journal of
Mathematics (1999), Vol 29, No. 3.
[73] E. Molnár - I. Prok - J. Szirmai,
Classification of solid transitive simplex tilings in simply connected
3-spaces, Part II. Metric realizations of the maximal simplex tilings,
Periodica Mathematica
Hungarica. 35 (1-2) (1997),
[74] J. Szirmai, Über eine unendliche Serie der
Polyederpflasterungen von flchentransitiven Bewegungsgruppen,
Acta Mathematica
Hungarica, 73 (3) (1996),
[75] J. Szirmai, Metrische Realisierungen von
zwei Familien der dreidimension-alen körpertransitiven Symplexpflasterungen,
Annales Univ. Sci.
Budapest. Sect. Math. 39,
(1996), 145-162.
[76] E. Molnár - J. Szirmai, Einige Pflasterungen
des hyperbolischen Raumes mittels flächentransitiver Bewegungsgruppen,
Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest.
Sect. Math. 38, (1995),
[77] J. Szirmai, Typen von flächentransitiven
Annales Univ. Sci.
Budapest. Sect. Math. 37, (1994)
[78] Szirmai J., Néhány tércsoport optimális
Alkalmazott Matematikai
Lapok 17
(1993), 87-99.
[79] J. Szirmai, Optimale Kugelpackungen für die
Raumgruppen F23, P432 und F432,
Periodica Polytechnika
Ser. Mech. Eng. 36, (1992),
publikációk konferencia kiadványban:
[80] B.
Schultz - J. Szirmai, Interesting surfaces in Nil space,
of 8th International Conference on Applied Informatics,
(ICAI) Eger, (2010)
Hungary, Vol.1 185-192.
[81] J. Szirmai, Visualization of the geodesic
ball packings in the Nil geometry
of 7th International Conference on Applied Informatics
(ICAI) Eger, (2007)
[82] J. Szirmai: Iterationsserien der
Dirichlet-Voronoi Zerlegungen,
of „Dresden Symposium Geomety ”. (2003), 347-355.
[83] E. Molnár - I. Prok - J. Szirmai,
Classification of hyperbolic manifolds and related orbifolds with charts up to
two ideal simplices, Proceedings of Internationale Tagung über
Geometrie, Algebra und Analysis Balatonfüred, Hungary, (1999), 293-315.
[84] E. Molnár - I. Prok - J. Szirmai, Two
families of fundamental 3-simplex tilings and their realizations in various
3-spaces, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference
of Mathematics, Zilina, Slovakia, (1998) Vol 2, 43-64.
[85] J. Szirmai, Ein Computeralgorithmus für die
Bestimmung der einfach transitiven optimalen Kugelpackungen unter zum
Würfelsystem gehörigen Raumgruppen,
of International Conference
on Applied Informatics Eger-Noszvaj, Hungary, (1997) 285-301.
[86] G. Csima - J. Szirmai, Isoptic curves of
generlized conic sections in hyperbolic geometry, isoptics in Euclidean space,
of the PhD Conference, Doctoral School of Mathematics an Computer Science,
University of Technology and Economics, [2013] , 51-55, ISBN 978-963-313-085-8.
[87] B. Schultz - J. Szirmai, Densest geodesic
ball packings to space groups generated
by rotations,
of the PhD Conference, Doctoral School of Mathematics an Computer Science,
University of Technology and Economics, [2013] , 56-61, ISBN 978-963-313-085-8.
[88] J. Katona
- E. Molnár- I. Prok - J. Szirmai, Visualization
with visibility of higher dimensional and non-Euclidean geometries,
of the 16th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics, H. Schröcker,
M. Husty (ed.); Innsbruck University Press, Innsbruck [2014], No. 60, 10 pages,
ISBN: 978-3-902936-46-2.
[89] E.
Molnár- I. Prok - J. Szirmai, Visual
mathematics and geometry, the "final" step: projective geometry through linear algebra,
of the 5th International Scientific Colloquium
Mathematics and Children, (Teaching and Learning Mathematics) /
Kolar-Begović, Z., Kolar-Šuper, R., Đurđević Babić, I. (ed.). - Osijek ) [2015], 239-249 , ISBN:
[90] E. Molnár – P. Pech - J. Szirmai, On visualization of
homogeneous 3-geometries and their Simson-Wallace locus for simplices via exterior
of the Czech-Slovak Conference on Geometry and Graphics,
A. Kolcun, M. Lávicka, M. Zácek [ed]; Ostravská
Univerzita (2016), 129-144, ISBN 978-80-7464-874-8 (online), ISBN
978-80-7464873-1 (CD).
[91] E. Molnár- I. Prok - J. Szirmai, The
football {5, 6, 6} and its geometries: from a sport tool to fullerens and
of the 6th International Scientific
Colloquium Mathematics and Children, (Mathematics
Education as a Science and a Profession) / Kolar-Begović, Z., Kolar-Šuper, R., Jukić Matić,
I. (ed.). – Zagreb-ELEMENT ) [2017], 66-87 , ISBN: 978-953-197-592-6, arXiv: 1703.02264.
[92] E. Molnár – J. Szirmai, Non-Euclidean
polyhedral manifolds, models and visualization,
of the Slovak-Czech Conference on Geometry and Graphics,
D. Velichová, M. Lávicka, S. Tomiczková [ed]; Vydavatelstvo
SCHK, Bratislava, (2017), 133-140, ISBN 978-80-89597-78-9.
[93] E. Molnár – J. Szirmai, Hyperbolic space
forms with crystallographic applications and visualization, In: Cocchiarella L. (eds) ICGG 2018 - Proceedings of the 18th
International Conference on Geometry and Graphics. ICGG 2018.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 809.
Springer, (2018), 320-337, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-95588-9_26.
[94] G. Csima - J. Szirmai, Isoptic curves of
generalized conic sections in the hyperbolic plane,
Ukrainian Mathematical Journal (2017),
arXiv: 1504.06450.
[95] J. Szirmai, Nil geodesic triangles and their interior
angle sums,
Bulletin of the
Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Series (2018),
DOI: 10.1007/s00574-018-0077-9,
arXiv: 1611.05613.
[96] G. Csima – J. Szirmai, The sum of the
interior angles in geodesic and translation triangles of SL(2,R) geometry,
Filomat (2018),
arXiv: 1610.01500.
[97] R. T. Kozma – J. Szirmai, The structure and
visualization of optimal horoball packings in 3-dimensional hyperbolic space,
Submitted Manuscript [2017]. arXiv: 1601.03620, (Melléklet:
[98] B. Schultz -- J. Szirmai, Geodesic ball packings generated by
regular prism tilings in Nil geometry,
Submitted Manuscript [2017], arXiv: 1607.04401.
[99] J. Szirmai, Triangle angle sums related to translation
curves in Sol geometry,
Submitted Manuscript [2017], arXiv: 1703.06646.
[100] J. Szirmai, Bisector surfaces and
circumscribed spheres of tetrahedra derived by translation curves in Sol
Submitted Manuscript [2017], arXiv: 1705.04207.
[101] J. Szirmai, Decomposition method related
to saturated hyperball packings,
Submitted Manuscript (2017), arXiv: 1709.04369.
[102] J. Szirmai -- A. Vránics, Lattice
coverings by congruent translation balls using translation-like bisector
surfaces in Nil geometry,
Submitted Manuscript (2017),
[103] E. Molnár – J. Szirmai, Infinite series
of compact hyperbolic manifolds,
as possible crystal
Submitted Manuscript (2018),
[104] J. Szirmai, Hyperball packings related to
octahedron and cube tilings in hyperbolic space,
Submitted Manuscript (2018), arXiv: 1709.04369.
R. T. Kozma – J. Szirmai, New horoball packing density
lower bounds in hyperbolic 5-space,
Submitted Manuscript (2018).
[106] Szirmai J., Ábrázoló geometria, (Munkafüzet középiskolák számára) 1992 Budapest
[107] E. Molnár - I. Prok - J. Szirmai, Kristályok
és periodikus kövezések,
Erdélyi Matematikai Lapok (Brassó) (2005) 6, 1-15.