The list of problems is continually updated after the lectures.
Try to solve the given problems by yourself at home. We discuss the solutions in class.
Midterm test
Problems for practicing Date: 21. March, 2018 (7th week, Wednesday), 9:15-10:45, room T.606. Topics: Euclidean spaces. Limits, continuity, differentiation of functions of several variables. Applications of differentiation. (Chapters 1 and 2 from the book.) midterm test
Midterm retake test
Date: 27. April, 2018 (11th week, Friday), 9:15-10:45, room H.57. Topics: Same as in the midterm test.
The retake exam can be used for improving the result of the midterm test. midterm retake test
Semester closing test
Date: 2. May, 2018 (12th week, Wednesday), 9:15-10:45, room T.606. Topics: Jordan measure, integral of multivariable functions. (Chapters 3, 4 and 5 from the book.) semester closing test
Semester closing retake test
Date: 18. May, 2018 (14th week, Friday), 14:15-15:45, room H.45A. Topics: same as in the semester closing test. semester closing retake test, solution
Second retake test
See in Neptun. You have to sign for it in Neptun, and it has a fee. It cannot be used for improving the results. Test, partial solutions.
General information, topic list Dates: 6., 13., 20. June, 2018 (Wednesdays), 8-10h, IB028. Consultations: 5., 12., 19. June (Tuesdays), 10-11h, room H.301.