10. Convolution of dice with discrete U-shape
- A biased dice gives the number \(1\), \(2\), \(3\), \(4\), \(5\), \(6\)
appropriately with probability \(0.30\), \(0.10\), \(0.05\), \(0.05\),
\(0.15\), \(0.35\). Throw some dice and calculate the sum of the
numbers on them. Write a program which calculates (not
simulates) the probabilities of these sums of one, two, three,
four, ten, and twenty dice. After this, draw these six
distribution functions. In the figure for the sum of the twenty
dice, draw the density function of the normal distribution well
approximating this sum with a different color. Put these 6
figures in one window organizing them into two lines and three
- The aim of this exercise is the calculation of convolution,
and visualization of the Central limit theorem (with a
distribution does not look similar to a normal distribution).
- Help: The distribution of the convolution of \(k\) dice can be
determined from a set of \(6^k\) elements, but such a program runs
out of time. My advice: calculate the convolution of the
distribution of \(k\) dice recursively. First calculate the
convolution of two dice from a diagonally summarized
matrix. This distribution will have \(11\) probabilities. For 3
dice, this distribution will be convoluted with the distribution
of a dice. For this you may diagonally sum the elements of a
\(6\times11\) matrix. And so on.