May 2 12.15-12.45 Sebastien Michel R. Peled, Y. Peres, J. Pitman, R. Tanaka: Random Dirichlet series arising from records 12.45-13.15 Gergo Lukats G. Alsmeyer, Z. Kabluchko, A. Marynych: Leader election using random walks 13.15-13.45 Fahrozi M. Odening, J. Hinrichs: Using Extreme Value Theory to Estimate Value-at-Risk --- May 9 12.15-12.45 Brieuc Evanno V. Fasen, C. Kluppelberg, A. Menzel: Quantifying Extreme Risks 12.45-13.15 Petra Harjan A. J. McNeil: Extreme Value Theory for Risk Managers 13.15-13.45 Richard Bene K. Avdulaj: The Extreme Value Theory as a Tool to Measure Market Risk --- May 16 12.15-12.45 Dora Szekrenyes M. Krusper: The application of multivariate extreme value distributions to insurance and financial data 12.45-13.15 Bruno Queguiner L. Homolka: Extreme value theory and bootstrap approach for robust value at risk estimation under Basel II --- Mate Baranyi: oral exam Katinka Pall: oral exam