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Contact information for Gábor Pete

My e-mail is my first name "at" math dot bme dot hu. Alternatively, robagetep (my name backwards) "at" gmail dot com.

Please note that I'm not "Mr. Gabor", neither "Dear Pete", because Pete is indeed my family name. It's an old Hungarian word not much to do with Peter, and pronounced something like Pet-eh, not like Peet.

Office at the Technical University of Budapest:

H 509 (fifth floor of building H)
Map of the university campus
Phone: 36 / 1 / 463-1111, then ask for extension 1653

Office hours for Spring 2016 at the Technical University:

Please email me if you want to meet. Most likely times are Thu 15-16, Friday 14-15.

At the Rényi Institute:

Third floor, office 306
How to get there.

Most likely times are Monday 14-16, and will see later.

Mailing address:

Institute of Mathematics
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
1 Egry József u.,
1111 Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian cell phone: 36 / 30 / 675 9824