Csikós Balázs, Horváth Márton: Sphere-like isoparametric hypersurfaces in Damek–Ricci spaces (2024) arXiv:2401.00838
Horváth Márton: Cubic sublattices, Discrete & Computational Geometry (2023) SpringerLink, arXiv:2203.01901
Csikós Balázs, Amr Elnashar, Horváth Márton: D'Atri spaces and the total scalar curvature of hemispheres, tubes and cylinders, Revista Matemática Complutense 36 (3) 887–898. (2023) SpringerLink, arXiv:2110.03678
Csikós Balázs, Horváth Márton: Two Kneser–Poulsen-type inequalities in planes of constant curvature, Acta Mathematica Hungarica 155 (1) 158–174. (2018) SpringerLink, arXiv:1711.03352
Csikós Balázs, Horváth Márton: Harmonic Manifolds and Tubes, The Journal of Geometric Analysis 28 (1) 3458–3476. (2018) SpringerLink, arXiv:1705.00311
Horváth Márton, Ruzsa Z. Imre: Connections between the cardinality of sumsets and difference sets near the extreme, Annales Universitatis Scientiarium Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae Sectio Mathematica 59 133–138. (2016) Annales, pdf
Csikós Balázs, Horváth Márton: Harmonic manifolds and the volume of tubes about curves, Journal of the London Mathematical Society 94 (1) 141–160. (2016) Oxford, arXiv:1506.02468
Csikós Balázs, Horváth Márton: A characterization of spaces of constant curvature by minimum covering radius of triangles, Indagationes Mathematicae 25 (3) 608–617. (2014) ScienceDirect
Horváth Márton: Geodetikus gömbök metszetéről, doktori értekezés (2013) pdf
Csikós Balázs, Horváth Márton: A characterization of harmonic spaces, Journal of Differential Geometry 90 (3) 383–389. (2012) Project Euclid
Csikós Balázs, Horváth Márton: On the volume of the intersection of two geodesic balls, Differential Geometry and Applications 29 (4) 567–576. (2011) ScienceDirect