week # | when | topic | remark |
week 1-2 | 2016.09.19,26 | Review of basic notions of probability theory. Measure-theoretic language. Some famous problems and paradoxes. | |
week 3 | 2016.10.03 | Different types of convergence for random variables. Borel-Cantelli lemmas. | |
week 4-5 | 2016.10.10,17 | Laws of Large Numbers. The method of characteristic functions in proving weak convergence: the Central Limit Theorem. | |
week 6-7 | 2016.10.24,31 | Conditional expectation with respect to a sub-sigma-algebra. Martingales. Some martingale convergence and optional stopping theorems. | |
week 8-9 | 2016.11.07,14 | Applications of martingales: Galton-Watson branching processes. Asymptotic results. Birth and death process. ABRACADABRA problem. | |
week 10-11 | 2016.11.21,28,12.05 | Random walks on the integers. Construction and basic properties of Brownian motion. | |
week 12 | 2016.12.05 | Probabilistic methods in combinatorics - an example. | |