Research interest

Everything started in Autumn 2009, when I took a course on Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems. It was given by Domokos Szász and it was so interesting and motivating that I decided to write my thesis in this topic. Doma suggested Péter Bálint as an advisor for me. After I graduated I became his Ph.D. student. Currently I study different methods (including Young-tower constructions and coupling techniques) used to investigate statistical properties of hyperbolic dynamical systems.

Conference and seminar talks

  • Dynamical Systems Seminar,
    Institute of Mathematics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics,
    Young Tower Construction for The Singular CAT Map
    May, 2010.

  • Thematic Program on Dynamics and Transport in Disordered Systems,
    Workshop on Billiard Models in Classical Mechanics,
    Fields Institute, Toronto
    Statistical Properties of The System of Two Falling Balls
    June, 2011.

  • Workshop and Seminar on Weak Chaos, Infinite Ergodic Theory and Anomalous Dynamics,
    MPIPKS, Dresden
    Statistical Properties of The System of Two Falling Balls
    August, 2011.

  • Dynamical Systems Seminar,
    Institute of Mathematics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics,
    Statistical Properties of The System of Two Falling Balls
    October, 2011.

  • Dynamical Systems Seminar,
    Institute of Mathematics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics,
    High dimensional generalization of standard pairs and the coupling technique
    October, 2012.

  • Dynamical Systems Seminar,
    University of Vienna,
    On the coupling of standard pairs
    January, 2014.

  • LMS-CMI Research School on Statistical Properties of Dynamical Systems,
    Loughborough, United Kingdom
    The flow of two falling balls mixes rapidly
    April, 2015.

List of publications

  • Statistical properties of the system of two falling balls, (pdf)
    Péter Bálint, Gábor Borbély, András Némedy Varga,
    Chaos 22: (2) Paper 026104. (2012)

  • The flow of two falling balls mixes rapidly, (pdf)
    Péter Bálint, András Némedy Varga,
The System of Two Falling Balls