The mission of Harvard College is to educate the citizens and citizen-leaders for our society. We do this through our commitment to the transformative power of a liberal arts and sciences education.The mission of the California Institute of Technology is to expand human knowledge and benefit society through research integrated with education. We investigate the most challenging, fundamental problems in science and technology in a singularly collegial, interdisciplinary atmosphere, while educating outstanding students to become creative members of society.The Founding Grant instilled the University`s mission with their pioneering spirit. Stanford's mission, they said, was to to qualify its students for personal success, and direct usefulness in life; And its purposes, to promote the public welfare by exercising an influence in behalf of humanity and civilization, teaching the blessings of liberty regulated by law, and inculcating love and reverence for the great principles of government as derived from the inalienable rights of man to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Stanford is a university where teaching, learning, and research are integral to the University`s mission. All faculty members do scholarly research, most often in association with graduate students or advanced undergraduates. Stanford`s entrepreneurial culture was key to the creation of Silicon Valley and the high technology industry. University faculty and students have contributed crucial innovations in such areas as computer technology, biotechnology, medicine and environmental sustainability. Academic excellence crosses Stanford`s disciplines, from the humanities to the social sciences to engineering and the sciences.Imperial College embodies and delivers world class scholarship, education and research in science, engineering, medicine and business, with particular regard to their application in industry, commerce and healthcare. We foster multidisciplinary working internally and collaborate widely externally.The mission of Karolinska Institutet is to contribute to the improvement of human health through research and education.The mission of MIT is to advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology, and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century. The Institute is committed to generating, disseminating, and preserving knowledge, and to working with others to bring this knowledge to bear on the world's great challenges. MIT is dedicated to providing its students with an education that combines rigorous academic study and the excitement of discovery with the support and intellectual stimulation of a diverse campus community. We seek to develop in each member of the MIT community the ability and passion to work wisely, creatively, and effectively for the betterment of humankind.The University of Oxford aims to lead the world in research and education.ETH Zurich consciously directs its activities to the needs of humanity, nature and society. It is aware that knowledge and skills must be grounded in a fundamentally open and dynamic attitude if they are to be truly useful in practical life and capable of growth. ETH Zurich strives to apply its know-how towards maintaining Earth`s ecosystem for future generations. Solving humanity`s urgent problems requires interconnected knowledge and skills developed in an interdisciplinary environment. By integrating natural sciences, engineering, humanities and social sciences, ETH Zurich seeks to devise innovative concepts of education and research which can help tackle humanity`s grand challenges and lay a path for a sustainable development. ETH Zurich imparts knowledge and skills on the highest level, enabling its students to orient themselves in a complex, rapidly changing world and to appreciate ethical and cultural values so that they graduate as highly qualified professionals and responsible members of society. Beyond addressing known problems, ETH Zurich seeks to identify new problems as an early warning system, and assume a leading role in seeking solutions. It draws upon the spirit of discovery, innovative force and flexibility of its members. As a research-intensive university in a small country, ETH Zurich competes with the world?s best by recruiting its faculty and staff worldwide, and by remaining attractive to international students. The multicultural tradition of Switzerland and its long-standing cultural heritage, provide ETH Zurich a strong base.The mission of the University of Cambridge is to contribute to global society through the pursuit of education, learning and research at the highest international levels of excellence.Columbia University is one of the world's most important centers of research and at the same time a distinctive and distinguished learning environment for undergraduates and graduate students in many scholarly and professional fields. The University recognizes the importance of its location in New York City and seeks to link its research and teaching to the vast resources of a great metropolis. It seeks to attract a diverse and international faculty and student body, to support research and teaching on global issues, and to create academic relationships with many countries and regions. It expects all areas of the university to advance knowledge and learning at the highest level and to convey the products of its efforts to the world.We are London's Global University, a world-leading centre of research and teaching, dedicated to developing and disseminating original knowledge to benefit the world of the future.Like all great research universities, Yale has a tripartite mission: to create, preserve, and disseminate knowledge. Yale aims to carry out each part of its mission at the highest level of excellence, on par with the best institutions in the world. Yale seeks to attract a diverse group of exceptionally talented men and women from across the nation and around the world and to educate them for leadership in scholarship, the professions, and society.A member of the Ivy League and the nation`s first university, the University of Pennsylvania is an inclusive community in Philadelphia where teaching and innovation extend across disciplines. Penn was founded by Benjamin Franklin in 1740 to push the frontiers of knowledge and benefit society by integrating study in the liberal arts and sciences with opportunities for research and practical, pre-professional training at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Penn is committed to meeting the full demonstrated need of all undergraduates with grant-based financial aid, making this intellectually compelling integration of liberal and professional education accessible to talented students of all backgrounds and empowering them to make an impact on the world.The mission of The Johns Hopkins University is to educate its students and cultivate their capacity for life-long learning, to foster independent and original research, and to bring the benefits of discovery to the world.Northwestern is committed to excellent teaching, innovative research, and the personal and intellectual growth of its students in a diverse academic community.Campus Life creates an engaging environment that inspires students to realize their full potential through self-discovery, connection to community, meaningful work, a love of learning, and a life of purpose.EPFL is Europe’s most cosmopolitan technical university with students, professors and staff from over 120 nations. A dynamic environment, open to Switzerland and the world, EPFL is centered on its three missions: teaching, research and technology transfer. EPFL works together with an extensive network of partners including other universities and institutes of technology, developing and emerging countries, secondary schools and colleges, industry and economy, political circles and the general public, to bring about real impact for society.Case Western Reserve University improves and enriches people's lives through research that capitalizes on the power of collaboration, and education that dramatically engages our students.The Mission of the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering is: To educate future creators, innovators, and communicators who will employ their grounding in engineering to become leaders in many spheres of society. To discover and develop new knowledge and sustainable technologies that improve the practice of engineering in service to society. To serve and improve the University, the engineering profession, and society at large.Washington University`s mission is to discover and disseminate knowledge, and protect the freedom of inquiry through research, teaching, and learning.Cultivating talents Creating initiatives Leading cultures and Serving the society. Peking University has always been at the forefront of China`s modernization, from offering innovative academic instruction to bolstering new overseas relationships. With current trends of worldwide globalization demanding rapid development in the social, economic, and technological spheres of Chinese society, Peking University utilizes its traditional strengths in the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities to make further progress in engineering, applied sciences, education, and numerous other interdisciplinary fields of study, resulting in the marked improvement of Peking University`s academic disciplinary system. With these serving as the basis for projected advancement, Peking University hopes to provide scholarly contributions to society, cultivate capable and inventive young minds, and ultimately better Chinese society both internally and on the global front.Throughout the past half-century, KAIST has paved the way for the science and technology industry in Korea and now stands strong as a globally prominent research university. The reason for such a remarkable feat is the endless effort put forth by outstanding faculty dedicated to excellent research, brilliant students committed to academics, and enthusiastic staff working to keep the institution running smoothly. KAIST abides by three rudimentary principles that uphold the mission and vision of the institution: to foster eminent scientists competent in both the theory and application of science; to develop technology enabling the nation`s technological advancements; to provide opportunities for collaborations with an array of institutions from various sectors of society. These three fundamental ideas underlie the existence of KAIST. In abiding by these concepts, KAIST will be able to go above and beyond its initial accomplishments and become a powerful engine for the economic and industrial advancement of the world. Finding innovative ways to Copperate with the global society will enable us to ensure the prosperity and well-being of humanity. As a leading force in a now developed nation, KAIST is currently concentrating on the kind of research needed to ensure the survival of humanity. KAIST is confronting relevant issues at the macro level, moving beyond the more narrowly defined industry- and technology-centered education of the past. KAIST is an idea factory, manufacturing a new paradigm of science and technology innovation. In this new era, it will attract talented people from around the world, increasing its global competitiveness. KAIST will add to the global pool of knowledge with groundbreaking research on sustainability. As KAIST develops new engines for economic growth through the convergence of advanced science and technology with business, it will continue to contribute to the development of the nation and the world.The Scuola Normale aims to identify and cultivate the talent and qualities of its students, guaranteeing an education aimed at developing individual potential and abilities, in a context of coexistence, dialogue and collaboration. Dozens of young people are selected each year, through competition, on the sole basis of their talent and their potential. They are housed in colleges and they live and work together: with them, every year the Normale chooses its future, and every day nurtures the latter with an investment that has no equal in Italy or Europe. The Scuola Normale is above all a community that lives, studies and grows together. Professors, researchers and students live together in a unique environment, where teaching and laboratory activities take place and cultural events and experimental initiatives are developed.Mission Statement The Scuola Normale aims to identify and cultivate the talent and qualities of its students, guaranteeing an education aimed at developing individual potential and abilities, in a context of coexistence, dialogue and collaboration. Dozens of young people are selected each year, through competition, on the sole basis of their talent and their potential. They are housed in colleges and they live and work together: with them, every year the Normale chooses its future, and every day nurtures the latter with an investment that has no equal in Italy or Europe. The Scuola Normale is above all a community that lives, studies and grows together. Professors, researchers and students live together in a unique environment, where teaching and laboratory activities take place and cultural events and experimental initiatives are developed.Carnegie Mellon will meet the changing needs of society by building on its traditions of innovation, problem solving, and interdisciplinarity. It is our mission to create and disseminate knowledge and art through research and creative inquiry, teaching, and learning, and to transfer our intellectual and artistic product to enhance society in meaningful and sustainable ways; to serve our students by teaching them problem solving, leadership and teamwork skills, and the value of a commitment to quality, ethical behavior, and respect for others; and to achieve these ends by pursuing the advantages of a diverse and relatively small university community, open to the exchange of ideas, where discovery, creativity, and personal and professional development can flourish.The mission of the University of Michigan is to serve the people of Michigan and the world through preeminence in creating, communicating, preserving and applying knowledge, art, and academic values, and in developing leaders and citizens who will challenge the present and enrich the future.The University`s mission is the creation, dissemination and curation of knowledge. As a world-leading centre of academic excellence we aim to: Enhance our position as one of the world`s leading research and teaching universities and to measure our performance against the highest international standards. Provide the highest quality learning and teaching environment for the greater wellbeing of our students. Produce graduates fully equipped to achieve the highest personal and professional standards. Make a significant, sustainable and socially responsible contribution to Scotland, the UK and the world, promoting health and economic and cultural wellbeing. As a great civic university, Edinburgh especially values its intellectual and economic relationship with the Scottish community that forms its base and provides the foundation from which it will continue to look to the widest international horizons, enriching both itself and Scotland.The Center for Science, Technology and Society at Tsinghua (STS Tsinghua Center) is dedicated to enhancing the quality of research, education, and public debate on the role of science and technology in contemporary societies. Through integrated, cross-disciplinary initiatives in research, teaching, training, and public outreach the Program seeks to develop foundational, policy-relevant insights into the nature of science and technology, and the ways in which they both influence and are influenced by society, politics, and culture. Among the fields that significantly contribute to the STS Tsinghua Center's core mission are science and technology studies, anthropology, comparative politics, history, government, law, and sociology.The Center conducts rigorous and sustained research on both national and international topics. Research projects in this STS center range broadly across the philosophical, historical, political, and social studies of science and technology, but center faculty and fellows have developed a special focus on topics involving the scientific practice, science communication, innovation policy, S&T strategy, technology governance and so on.King's College London is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge, learning and understanding in the service of society.The mission of Brown University is to serve the community, the nation, and the world by discovering, communicating, and preserving knowledge and understanding in a spirit of free inquiry, and by educating and preparing students to discharge the offices of life with usefulness and reputation. We do this through a partnership of students and teachers in a unified community known as a university-college.Emory University's mission is to create, preserve, teach, and apply knowledge in the service of humanity.Boston University is an international, comprehensive, private research university, committed to educating students to be reflective, resourceful individuals ready to live, adapt, and lead in an interconnected world. Boston University is committed to generating new knowledge to benefit society. We remain dedicated to our founding principles: that higher education should be accessible to all and that research, scholarship, artistic creation, and professional practice should be conducted in the service of the wider community local and international. These principles endure in the University`s insistence on the value of diversity, in its tradition and standards of excellence, and in its dynamic engagement with the City of Boston and the world. Boston University comprises a remarkable range of undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs built on a strong foundation of the liberal arts and sciences. With the support and oversight of the Board of Trustees, the University, through our faculty, continually innovates in education and research to ensure that we meet the needs of students and an ever-changing world.DTU will develop and create value using the natural sciences and the technical sciences to benefit society.UCLA`s primary purpose as a public research university is the creation, dissemination, preservation and application of knowledge for the betterment of our global society. To fulfill this mission, UCLA is committed to academic freedom in its fullest terms: we value open access to information, free and lively debate conducted with mutual respect for individuals, and freedom from intolerance. Learning and teaching at UCLA are guided by the belief that undergraduate and graduate students and their teachers belong to a community of scholars. All members of the community are engaged together in discovering and advancing knowledge and practice. Learning occurs not only in the classroom and research laboratory, but also through engagement in campus life and in communities and organizations beyond the university. Discovery, creativity, innovation and dissemination are hallmarks of UCLA. As one of the worlds great research universities, we are committed to assuring excellence within a wide range of disciplines, professions and arts while also encouraging investigation across disciplinary boundaries. Civic engagement is fundamental to our mission as a public university. We seek to serve society through both teaching and scholarship, to educate successive generations of leaders, and to pass on to students a renewable set of skills and commitment to social engagement. UCLA endeavors to integrate education, research and service so that each enriches and extends the others.A great global university founded on science and technology, nurturing creative and entrepreneurial leaders through a broad education in diverse disciplines.POSTECH was established with the goals to conduct in-depth and broad research in science and engineering that is keenly needed for the betterment of humanity as well as the advancement of Korea, to produce select young talents into the future global leaders with knowledge and honorable characters through excellent education and training, and to translate research results into real-world applications in order to serve the nation and humanity by building close collaboration between industry, academia, and research institutions. To fulfill these goals, POSTECH conducts cutting-edge research in basic science and a variety of engineering fields in close collaboration with leading universities overseas. In addition, POSTECH aspires to develop itself as an international research hub for materials industry. Furthermore, we focus not only on academic education but also on whole person education to nurture well-rounded graduates with integrity, creativity, and challenging spirit. POSTECH will broaden its academia-industry collaboration beyond national borders to improve the wellbeing of the human race and become one of the world's most distinguished universities.Great cities are engines of creativity, and New York University takes its name and spirit from one of the busiest, most diverse and dynamic cities of all. The University lives within New York and other great cities, from Abu Dhabi to Shanghai, Paris to Prague, Sydney to Buenos Aires all magnets for talented, ambitious people. Thriving beyond borders and across academic disciplines, NYU has emerged as one of the most networked and extensive worldwide platform for learning, teaching, researching, building knowledge, and inventing new ways to meet humanity`s challenges. Its students, faculty and alumni feed off the stimulating power of swirling intellectual and cultural experiences by mastering academic disciplines, expressing themselves in the arts, and excelling in demanding professions. New York University`s mission is to be a top quality international center of scholarship, teaching and research. This involves retaining and attracting outstanding faculty who are leaders in their fields, encouraging them to create programs that draw outstanding students, and providing an intellectually rich environment. NYU seeks to take academic and cultural advantage of its location and to embrace diversity among faculty, staff and students to ensure a wide range of perspectives, including international perspectives, in the educational experience.The mission of McGill University is the advancement of learning through teaching, scholarship and service to society by offering to outstanding undergraduate and graduate students the best education available, by carrying out scholarly activities judged to be excellent when measured against the highest international standards, and by providing service to society in those ways for which we are well suited by virtue of our academic strengths.As a leading research university with a distinctive commitment to undergraduate education, Rice University aspires to pathbreaking research, unsurpassed teaching, and contributions to the betterment of our world. It seeks to fulfill this mission by cultivating a diverse community of learning and discovery that produces leaders across the spectrum of human endeavor.As we shape our future, quality will be the pole star that guides us. We will seek quality in our teaching and research and in the services that support our academic enterprise. Our programs will be those that meet our own high standards, that augment each other, and that are worthy of the respect of our students and of scholars, educators, and the larger community. For students, our search for quality will mean opportunities both in and beyond the classroom to become well-educated, well-rounded individuals, professionals, and scholars. For faculty and staff, it will mean opportunities to realize their talents in the service of Tufts' goals. Fulfilling our vision of quality will mean choices. No university can do everything for everyone, and we will seek to do those things in which we can excel. Nor is quality static, and we will therefore welcome change and innovation, continually improving quality in every aspect of the University.KTH values are based on democracy, the equal value of every individual and a free and open discussion. Gender equality between women and men are regarded as issues of quality, and as a self-evident element of the KTH value platform. Gender equality and diversity among employees and students also provide an important resource for KTH. KTH`s operations are based on the conviction that education and research can, and should, contribute to improved living conditions and to peaceful social development that fulfills relevant requirements as concerns ecological, social and economic sustainability. As a technical university, KTH bears special responsibility for the development of the knowledge necessary to promote such sustainable development. Scientific progress is built on openness and collaboration. KTH works to implement the free exchange of information and for national and international Copperation. KTH`s overall goals: KTH education and research characterized by excellence and social relevance KTH belongs to the top echelon of technical universities in Europe< KTH is an international university KTH is an attractive Copperating partner KTH is attractive to students KTH is an attractive workplace KTH graduates are attractive on the international employment market KTH considers, in all its operations, sustainable development from an ecological, economic, social and technical point of view.UTokyo aims to be a world-class platform for research and education, contributing to human knowledge in partnership with other leading global universities. UTokyo aims to nurture global leaders with a strong sense of public responsibility and a pioneering spirit, possessing both deep specialism and broad knowledge. UTokyo aims to expand the boundaries of human knowledge in partnership with society.Die Universitaet pflegt das ganze Spektrum der klassischen Wissenschaftsgebiete. In einigen Forschungsgebieten ist sie international fuehrend (z. B. Medizin, Zahnmedizin, Klimaforschung, Nachhaltigkeit, Welthandel, Membranbiologie, ultraschnelle Prozesse von Molekuelen). Mit dem Bologna-System beteiligt sie sich am Aufbau des Europaeischen Hochschulraums. Sie bietet neben Bachelor- und Masterprogrammen auch spezialisierte Masterprogramme (z.B. Biomedical Engineering, Klimawissenschaft, Public Management) an. Beim Doktorat setzt sie auf Interdisziplinaritat und Strukturvielfalt.Pierre and Marie Curie University (UPMC) missions are to provide higher education in all the domains of science and medicine and to advance scientific and technological research. Our educational policies ensure the orientation and professional integration of our students nationally and internationally, and at the bachelor`s, master`s and doctorate levels. Convinced that only research-supported teaching that is open to exploration and discussion will lead to the jobs of tomorrow, UPMC has completely remodeled its internship program for all levels of students. UPMC offers varied, appropriate and innovative courses to the different student populations who are there both for an education and integration into professional life. The primary objective of our research mission is to contribute to the growth of knowledge. Organized in four thematic areas, our research fosters exchanges between laboratories, incubators and new thematic projects. The dissemination of scientific and technical culture and information is part of our mission as well as economic development: UPMC actively promotes corporate research and education partnerships (industry-sponsored research, chairs affiliated to a sponsoring company) and technology transfer from invention disclosure to proof of concept, plus patent and software licensing, incubation and the creation of new companies.UW-Madison is the oldest and largest campus in the University of Wisconsin System, a statewide network of 13 comprehensive universities, 13 freshman-sophomore transfer colleges and an extension service. One of two doctorate-granting universities in the system, UW?Madison`s specific mission is to provide a learning environment in which faculty, staff and students can discover, examine critically, preserve and transmit the knowledge, wisdom and values that will help insure the survival of this and future generations and improve the quality of life for all. The university achieves these ends through innovative programs of research, teaching and public service. Throughout its history, UW-Madison has sought to bring the power of learning into the daily lives of its students through innovations such as residential learning communities and service-learning opportunities. Students also participate freely in research, which has led to life-improving inventions ranging from more fuel-efficient engines to cutting-edge genetic therapies.The university pursues three missions: teaching, research, and service to the community. Teaching spans from bachelor to doctorate, as well as continuous education.The University of Hong Kong will endeavour: To advance constantly the bounds of scholarship, building upon its proud traditions and strengths; To provide a comprehensive education, developing fully the intellectual and personal strengths of its students while developing and extending lifelong learning opportunities for the community; To produce graduates of distinction committed to lifelong learning, integrity and professionalism, capable of being responsive leaders and communicators in their fields; To develop a collegial, flexible, pluralistic and supportive intellectual environment that inspires and attracts, retains and nurtures scholars, students and staff of the highest calibre in a culture that fosters creativity, learning, and freedom of thought, enquiry and expression; To provide a safe and healthy workplace to support and advance teaching, learning and research at the University; To engage in innovative, high-impact and leading-edge research within and across disciplines; To be fully accountable for the effective management of public and private resources bestowed upon the institution and act in partnership with the community over the generation, dissemination and application of knowledge; To serve as a focal point of intellectual and academic endeavour in Hong Kong, China and Asia, and act as a gateway and forum for scholarship with the rest of the world.The University's mission is to: provide high-quality undergraduate programs in the arts and sciences and professional fields, emphasizing those of special benefit to the citizens of Pennsylvania; offer superior graduate programs in the arts and sciences and the professions that respond to the needs of Pennsylvania, the nation and the world; engage in research, artistic, and scholarly activities that extend the frontiers of knowledge and creativity; Copperate with industrial and governmental institutions to transfer knowledge in science, technology, and health care; offer continuing education programs for the personal and professional development of adult students; and make available to local communities and public agencies the expertise of the University in ways that are consistent with the primary teaching and research functions that contribute to the betterment of the Commonwealth, the nation, and the world. The trustees, faculty, staff, students, and administration of the University are committed to accomplishing this mission and determined that the University shall continue to be counted among the prominent institutions of higher education throughout the world.Build a Global University and Educate the Brilliant of the World.Chalmers University of Technology conducts research and offers education in technology, science and architecture. The role and ambition of Chalmers is to contribute to economically, socially and environmentally sustainable development, both in Sweden and globally. The ultimate goal is to improve people`s living conditions worldwide. The people at Chalmers are inspired by the joy of discovery and the desire to learn. They cross traditional boundaries within and outside academia in search of creative solutions to global challenges. Being an entrepreneurial pioneer in Europe, Chalmers provides an effective innovation environment that transforms research into industrial applications, new businesses and benefit for the public. Eight Areas of Advance constitute solid platforms for collaboration between academia, industry and society at large in order to jointly address global challenges. Chalmers aims to provide a full educational platform. In addition to bachelor`s programmes conducted in Swedish, Chalmers offers a wide range of two-year master`s programmes, all conducted in English and open to both Swedish and international students. Chalmers also executes research programmes conducted in English leading to licentiate and PhD degrees, and offers professional education programmes for industry. Through internationally acclaimed education and research combined with a professional innovation process, Chalmers mission is to become one of the world`s most attractive universities.Kyoto University states its mission to sustain and develop its historical commitment to academic freedom and to pursue harmonious coexistence within the human and ecological community on this planet. Research. Kyoto University will generate world-class knowledge through freedom and autonomy in research that conforms with high ethical standards. As a university that comprehends many graduate schools, faculties, research institutes and centres, Kyoto University will strive for diverse development in pure and applied research in the humanities, sciences and technology, while seeking to integrate these various perspectives. Education. Within its broad and varied educational structure, Kyoto University will transmit high-quality knowledge and promote independent and interactive learning. Kyoto University will educate outstanding and humane researchers and specialists, who will contribute responsibly to the worlds human and ecological community. Relationship with society. As a university committed to a broad social engagement, Kyoto University will encourage Copperation with local and national society, and will disseminate knowledge informed by the ideals of freedom and peaceful coexistence. As an international institution, Kyoto University will promote foreign academic exchange and thereby strive to contribute to the well-being of the world. Administration. In order to enhance the free development of learning, Kyoto University will pay due respect to the administrative independence of each of its component institutions, while promoting Copperation among them. Kyoto University will conduct its administration with regard for the environment and respect for human rights and will be accountable to society at large.The Australian National University (ANU) was established in 1946 to be of enduring significance in the post-war life of the nation to support the development of national unity and identity, to improve Australia`s understanding of itself and its neighbours, and to contribute to economic development and social cohesion. The University`s mandate was to advance the cause of learning and research. and take its rightful place among the great universities of the world. In the decades since its establishment, ANU has built an international reputation for excellence in research and education. It is a resource for the nation, with a high concentration of internationally renowned scholars. The University is committed to the values of academic freedom in the pursuit of knowledge, integrity in all our activities, collegiality in our relationships, diversity in our staff and students and engagement with our communities and the nation. The University`s mission is to build on our distinctive excellence both as Australia`s national university and Australia`s finest university. We remain focused on the critical issues that will shape Australia and the world leading national and international policy discussions that contribute to the development of the nation and the world. Our staff partner with government, industry and not-for-profit organisations to apply research expertise to real-world problems. ANU students are part of a community of scholars. The vast majority of our academic staff are highly research-active and our education is research-led. An ANU education engages students and stretches them intellectually, encouraging them to question the norms : to ask why not only how and to discover through their own research. Our unique role as a national institution gives us a responsibility to make academic choices based on national need as well as student preference. Our programs are both responsive to student needs and to the requirements of the nation.The University of Washington educates a diverse student body to become responsible global citizens and future leaders through a challenging learning environment informed by cutting-edge scholarship. Discovery is at the heart of our university. We discover timely solutions to the worlds most complex problems and enrich the lives of people throughout our community, the state of Washington, the nation and the world.The University of Zurich is an institution devoted to free and public scholarly pursuit and scientific inquiry. Scholarly pursuit incorporates the acquisition, advancement and dissemination of knowledge in a methodical and critical manner. An inherent component of responsible scholarly activity is the ethical reflection of ways and means, and its consequences for humanity and the environment. All disciplines in which the University engages endeavour to discover the reality of our world. The University promotes open discourse and collaboration between the disciplines. As Switzerland's largest university, the University of Zurich is aware of its responsibility in maintaining and offering a wide range of academic disciplines.The missions of the University of Lausanne are to : Transmit knowledge and advance science through research and teaching Foster the development of intellectual life and spread culture Support young academics Bring out the results of academic research Prepare students to careers which require academic training Organise continuing education in the fields where the UNIL is competent Act as a service provider for the community and foster social debate. The University of Lausannefullfills its missions in the framework of scientific and ethical principles. The University of Lausanne`s tasks in teaching and research imply the following: Objective description of natural, social and human phenomena Objective presentation of the various schools of thought The use of rigourous critical methods to discuss scientific, social, political, philosophical and religious thoughts The respect of national and international regulations regarding human rights and environmental safety. In addition, the University of Lausanne must make researchers, teachers and students aware of their responsibility towards society.Dual Career Service provided by Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) is designed to support the partners of professors and postdocs who intend to take up positions at the university in finding suitable career opportunities in Munich. In addition, we offer information and advice on topics such as house-finding, schools, childcare, german courses, visas, residency, public administration as well as integration in Munich.To make The University of Manchester one of the top 25 universities in the world by 2010 and to remain thereafter a world-leader in the quality of higher education we offer, the excellence and impact of the research we undertake and the value of the contributions we make to the economic, social and cultural life and environmental sustainability of the wider society.Vanderbilt University is a center for scholarly research, informed and creative teaching, and service to the community and society at large. Vanderbilt will uphold the highest standards and be a leader in the quest for new knowledge through scholarship, dissemination of knowledge through teaching and outreach, creative experimentation of ideas and concepts. In pursuit of these goals, Vanderbilt values most highly intellectual freedom that supports open inquiry, equality, compassion, and excellence in all endeavors.These principles of community for the University of California, Berkeley, are rooted in our mission of teaching, research and public service. They reflect our passion for critical inquiry, debate, discovery and innovation, and our deep commitment to contributing to a better world. Every member of the UC Berkeley community has a role in sustaining a safe, caring and humane environment in which these values can thrive.Initially known as 'Fudan Public School', Fudan University was founded in the year 1905. Fudan became one of the national elite universities after the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949. The first one came in 1952 when colleges and universities all over the country underwent a thorough readjustment and reshuffling. Fudan lost its departments of applied disciplines for those of arts and sciences from other ten-plus universities in East China. The first twenty years of the Reform and Opening-up Policy brought the second grand opportunity to Fudan, whose development received the Central Government's serious attention during the 7th, 8th and 9th National Construction Plans for the Next Five Years. The University became more intellectually comprehensive by covering a wider range of academic disciplines: the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, technology, and management. The latest is the official merger with Shanghai Medical University on 27th, April, 2000, from which a brave new Fudan was born. For the first time has the University had its own college for medical sciences. Better equipped and more robust, Fudan is one step further today toward its ambitious aim of becoming a leading university in the world.To assist in the preservation, creation, application and dissemination of knowledge by teaching, research and public service in a comprehensive range of disciplines, thereby serving the needs and enhancing the well-being of the citizens of Hong Kong, China as a whole, and the wider world community.1) Imparting world class higher education in an environment of fundamental and applied research in science and engineering 2) Conducting high impact research, generating new knowledge, and disseminating this knowledge by publications in top journals and conferences 3) Applying faculty expertise towards the success of national science and technology initiatives 4) Applying deep knowledge in various areas to create knowhow, and by developing such knowhow for utilization by industry and societyUC San Diego is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge through excellence in education and research at the undergraduate, graduate, professional school and postdoctoral levels. The campus is committed to community engagement, public service and industry partnerships in order to advance the health and well-being of our region, state, nation and the world. Our academic community of world-renowned faculty, bright students and dedicated staff is characterized by a culture of interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation which spans the globe. To foster the best possible working and learning environment, our university strives to maintain a climate of fairness, Copperation, and professionalism, which is embodied in our campus Principles of Community. UC San Diego embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion as essential ingredients of academic excellence in higher education.The University of Toronto is committed to being an internationally significant research university, with undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs of excellent quality. Link to Statement of Institutional Purpose: Link to Towards 2030: The View From 2012: University & Research is an international research and knowledge centre whose mission is to explore the potential of nature, to improve the quality of life. Its goal is to become the foremost research institute in Europe and leading worldwide partner in the Healthy Food and Living Environment domain. Wageningen University & Research must therefore maintain both its ranking as one of the world’s foremost research centres as well as its leading position in the National Student Benchmark Survey. The application-oriented research institutes of Wageningen Research will establish themselves as the preferred partner in the development of ‘green knowledge’ and sustainable innovations. Their significant background in science, their user-oriented approach and their strong position in the ‘Golden Triangle’ will enable them to accomplish this goal.The central mission of the University of Southern California is the development of human beings and society as a whole through the cultivation and enrichment of the human mind and spirit. The principal means by which our mission is accomplished are teaching, research, artistic creation, professional practice and selected forms of public service.Heidelberg University, founded in 1386, is Germany`s oldest university and one of the strongest research universities in Europe. Its successes in the Excellence Initiative and in international rankings prove Heidelberg`s excellent reputation and leading role in the scientific community. In terms of educating students and promoting promising early-career academics, Heidelberg relies on research-based teaching and an outstanding, well-structured training for doctoral candidates. Heidelberg University is a comprehensive university, offering the full spectrum of disciplines in the humanities, law and the social sciences alongside the natural and life sciences, including medicine. It aims to strengthen the individual disciplines, to further interdisciplinary Copperation and to carry research results over into society and industry. Research at the university is focused on four interdisciplinary fields, the molecular and cellular basis of life, structure and pattern formation in the material world, cultural dynamics in globalised worlds and self-regulation and regulation: individuals and organisations. Heidelberg University also draws its strength from its Copperation with numerous local non-university research institutions and is tied into a worldwide network of research and teaching collaborations. Exchange programmes with more than 400 universities worldwide and 19 university partnerships give evidence to Heidelberg`s marked global interconnectedness.The Technische Universitat Dresden was founded in 1828. Today it is a university that unites the natural and engineering sciences with the humanities and social sciences, as well as medicine. This wide range of disciplines, which is unique in Germany, brings with it the obligation for the university to promote interdisciplinarity and to contribute to the integration of science and society. The Technische Universitat Dresden aims to establish a balance between professional and personal responsibilities and wishes to ensure equal opportunity in all its employment practices. The Technische Universitat Dresden fosters the international character of the university and its members and cross-border Copperation in research and teaching. The university engages in worldwide Copperation and is proud of its direct and close contacts with scientific institutions outside of the academic community, with companies and cultural institutions in Dresden. As an active member of the civil society it contributes to the performance and power of enterprises and institutions of the region and beyond by pursuing knowledge and research transfer. Stable and diverse research and teaching form the basis for the further successful development of the Technische Universitat Dresden. In its core competencies, it distinctively contributes to its fields of excellence. Excellence is born of the conjunction between outstanding research and passionate teaching. All disciplines represented at the university, have a foundation of expertise, initiative spirit, creative curiosity, commitment, communication and the ability to cope with criticism. All members participate in the process of researching by learning and learning by researching. The Technische Universitat Dresden seeks to ensure maximum efficiency and transparency in all decisions and administrative actions.The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the nation`s first public university, serves North Carolina, the United States and the world through teaching, research and public service. We embrace an unwavering commitment to excellence as one of the world`s great research universities. Our mission is to serve as a center for research, scholarship and creativity and to teach a diverse community of undergraduate, graduate and professional students to become the next generation of leaders. Through the efforts of our exceptional faculty and staff, and with generous support from North Carolina`s citizens, we invest our knowledge and resources to enhance access to learning and to foster the success and prosperity of each rising generation. We also extend knowledge-based services and other resources of the University to the citizens of North Carolina and their institutions to enhance the quality of life for all people in the State.A truly comprehensive institution with a full range of disciplines, Zhejiang University aims to provide an outstanding education that will enable its students to build a future of professional, intellectual and personal success, capable of leadership in different areas, whether it be political, economic or academic. Equally important, however, is the role the university has been playing in research. With a faculty capable of top-level and large-scale research and a high proportion of graduate students, the university has been undertaking projects, both basic and applied, to address pressing issues and challenges of today and of the future.Struggle for a first-class university in the world, inherit the civilization, seek after the truth, revitalize the Chinese Nation and benefit mankind.We aim to create and sustain a university in which, for the benefit of both Australia and the wider world, the brightest researchers and the most promising students, whatever their social or cultural background, can thrive and realise their full potential.Georgia Tech will define the technological research university of the 21st century. As a result, we will be leaders in influencing major technological, social, and policy decisions that address critical global challenges. 'What does Georgia Tech think?' will be a common question in research, business, the media, and government. Mission: Technological change is fundamental to the advancement of the human condition. The Georgia Tech community?students, staff, faculty, and alumni?will realize our motto of 'Progress and Service' through effectiveness and innovation in teaching and learning, our research advances, and entrepreneurship in all sectors of society. We will be leaders in improving the human condition in Georgia, the United States, and around the globe.Our mission is to inspire students, pursue breakthrough discoveries, and share knowledge with the state, country and world.To transform the way people think and do things through education, research and service.As a large and multifaceted international knowledge centre of academic and scientific excellence, the University's core mission is to: > educate young people > train new generations of researchers > produce academics who have both specialist knowledge and professional skills > conduct groundbreaking research > address social issues and work towards solving them Commitment, inspiration, ambition and independence are Utrecht University's core values. The University fosters its academic community through investment in staff and students.The university contributes to world peace and equity by devoting itself to research useful in solving societal problems, and educating human resources in leadership skills.Mission Lund University is a welcoming meeting place and a melting pot of new ideas. We are a full-scale university that with its diversity and strong environments for education, research and innovation tackles complex intellectual problems and global challenges. Together we work to understand, explain and improve our world and the human condition. At Lund University, new generations of students learn to investigate and understand themselves and the world around them. They develop their ability to work with others to tackle demanding problems. They lay a foundation for lifelong learning based on knowledge, creativity and democratic values. Lund University educates future knowledge producers, problem solvers and leaders. Vision A world-class university that works to understand, explain and improve our world and the human condition Goal Highest quality in education, research, innovation and interaction with society The goal shall be achieved through the following strategies: Cross-boundary collaboration Internationalisation Quality enhancement Leader, teacher and employee excellence.The University of Twente (UT) is unique in its capacity to break down and cross over the boundaries between disciplines. Our unique combination of engineering, natural, behavioral and social sciences has given the UT a distinct and valued position among the Dutch universities and international. By combining high tech with a human touch, we contribute to scientific innovations, educate people that can make a difference, and offer solutions to problems present in the world around us. We are `the entrepreneurial university`; we encourage our students and researchers to actively search for ways to apply their knowledge and skills. We are renowned for the help we provide to industry and commerce through our engineering approach and the creation of new innovative businesses. We Copperate closely with (regional, national and international) education and research institutes, and public and private organizations supporting our strategic goals. Our research institutes maintain relationships with many other leading institutes. The University of Twente provides academic study programmes that result in undergraduate (BSc), graduate (MSc) and PhD degrees. All educational programmes stimulate entrepreneurial attitudes and emphasize designing solutions for complex issues. Undergraduate programmes are broad, basic, multidisciplinary, academic programmes, and include a minor, which can be used for an international internship or a study period abroad. Talented students are invited to excel through participation in challenging honours programmes or the University College ATLAS. Most PhD researchers in The Netherlands are paid employees, often working directly for the university. Some PhD researchers come to the Netherlands with an international scholarship.Learn, discover, heal, create - and make the world ever better.As one of Japans top universities, Tokyo Institute of Technology seeks to contribute to civilization, peace and prosperity in the world, and aims at developing global human capabilities of the highest standard through pioneering research and education in science and technology, including industrial and social management. To achieve this mission, we have an eye on educating highly moral students to acquire not only scientific expertise but also expertise in the liberal arts, and a balanced knowledge of the social sciences and humanities, all while researching deeply from basics to practice with academic mastery. Through these activities, we wish to contribute to global sustainability of the natural world and the support of human life. The Institute has three undergraduate faculties, six graduate schools, four leading laboratories and multiple research and education centers producing graduates who excel in conducting research that meets the demands of society and industry. Nothing gives us greater pleasure than to be the first preference when it comes to employers seeking to recruit top engineers, or students choosing a career in science and technology. Our faculties and departments are active in the most advanced fields and occupy an important position in the global academic community, thanks to their internationally recognized research.Warwick into the top 50 world universities as measured by the quality of research output and the strength of student demand by the University`s 50th birthday in 2015. THE PRESENT The University of Warwick is a globally recognised centre of excellence for research and teaching, with an acknowledged reputation for links with business and industry. Warwick has: # An entrepreneurial and innovative spirit. Cutting-edge, world-leading research. # Challenging and rigorous courses, guided and inspired by our first-class academic staff. A growing, socially responsible, and cosmopolitan campus community. A culture of inclusiveness, fostered in an environment of mutual respect and dignity. # Committed staff who are willing to go the extra mile to do their job well. THE FUTURE We intend to make Warwick an undisputed world leader in research and scholarship. We will sustain an exceptional teaching and learning experience at Warwick. # We will continue to build on our reputation as an international portal. # We will continue to enhance the University's reputation with stakeholders in the UK. # We will continue to exploit a diverse portfolio of income generating activities to support our goals and retain our long-term sustainability.The University of British Columbia will provide its students, faculty, and staff with the best possible resources and conditions for learning and research, and create a working environment dedicated to excellence, equity, and mutual respect. It will Copperate with government, business, industry, and the professions, as well as with other educational institutions and the general community, to discover, disseminate, and apply new knowledge, prepare its students for fulfilling careers, and improve the quality of life through leading-edge research. The graduates of UBC will have developed strong analytical, problem-solving and critical thinking abilities; they will have excellent research and communication skills; they will be knowledgeable, flexible, and innovative. As responsible members of society, the graduates of UBC will value diversity, work with and for their communities, and be agents for positive change. They will acknowledge their obligations as global citizens, and strive to secure a sustainable and equitable future for all.Talents are our assets, reputation is our return. Servant of an Innovative Society: Viewing itself as a servant of society with responsibility for future generations, TUM is committed to innovative progress and sustainable improvement in the lives and coexistence of people. International Best Standards: TUM orientates itself scientifically, structurally, and organizationally according to the highest international standards.. Cosmopolitanism and Cultural Tolerance: Based on the liberal set of values of an enlightened society, our cosmopolitanism includes respect for the cultural identity of people in other regions of the world. Talent with a Conscience: Young talents shape the future. Mental and emotional creativity, cultural sensitivity, and social skills are as important to us as professional sovereignty and entrepreneurial spirit. Entrepreneurial Thinking and Engagement: TUM is committed to the principle of competitive excellence. It yields fundamental research results in market-oriented innovation processes and inspires an entrepreneurial spirit in all university areas. Value Creation through Appreciation: We particularly value the variety and diversity of individual talents. Living Generation Pact: TUM profits from the mutual support and networking of its members across disciplines, nationalities, and generations. It globally connects the enthusiasm and intellectual curiosity of students, the creative spirit of graduates, and the life experience of alumni.Established in 1789 in the spirit of the new republic, the university was founded on the principle that serious and sustained discourse among people of different faiths, cultures, and beliefs promotes intellectual, ethical and spiritual understanding. We embody this principle in the diversity of our students, faculty and staff, our commitment to justice and the common good, our intellectual openness and our international character. An academic community dedicated to creating and communicating knowledge, Georgetown provides excellent undergraduate, graduate and professional education in the Jesuit tradition for the glory of God and the well-being of humankind. Georgetown educates women and men to be reflective lifelong learners, to be responsible and active participants in civic life and to live generously in service to others.Our vision is : to deliver challenging research led degree programmes in an environment that supports learning and develops independent thinking among our students; to ensure that our research and teaching remain at the forefront of the social sciences, addressing the evolving challenges of society; to be among the most internationally-oriented centres of social science excellence in the world; to extend our engagement with society across our full academic portfolio and in key regions of the world and to enrol the best students from around the world to benefit from, and contribute to, the learning environment at the School.The University of California, Davis, is regarded, domestically and internationally, as a pre-eminent leader of higher education that is driven by our land-grant heritage to provide educational affordability and access to excellence. UC Davis is known for its diverse educational opportunities, its innovative, interdisciplinary research endeavors, and its distinction in leading enterprises that support social responsibility and a sustainable global environment. The central purpose of UC Davis, as a comprehensive research university, is the generation, advancement, dissemination and application of knowledge. In this, UC Davis is committed to developing and sustaining leading programs in The arts, humanities, biological and physical sciences and social sciences Agricultural and environmental disciplines and engineering. Professional studies in education, law, management, medicine, nursing, and veterinary medicine. In these programs, the campus integrates three purposes: teaching students as a partnership between faculty mentors and young scholars; advancing knowledge through pioneering research and scholarship; and applying that knowledge to address the needs of the region, state, nation and globe. UC Davis is committed to the tradition of the land-grant university, the basis of its founding. This tradition built on the premise that the broad purpose of a university is service to people and society guides today the campus special commitments and emphases.To nurture and develop the talents of students and to create applicable knowledge in order to support social and economic advancement.RWTH Aachen University is one of Europe`s leading technical universities with 260 institutes in nine faculties. Currently around 40,000 students are enrolled in over 130 academic programs. Over 6,300 of them are international students hailing from 120 different countries. Germany`s recent Excellence Initiative, a nationwide competition for government funding aimed to promote university-level research, has provided glowing confirmation of the University`s distinction in the first (2007-2012) and second (2012-2017) funding period by selecting RWTH as one of the German universities with the most promising institutional strategy. The scientific education students receive at RWTH Aachen University is firmly rooted in real-world applications. As a result, graduates are highly sought after by businesses as trainees and for executive positions. Work conducted in the research centers at RWTH Aachen University is strongly oriented toward the current needs of industry, commerce, and the professions. This has led to numerous innovations, patents, and licenses. Besides, the individual competence centers at the university collaborate very effectively across departments and faculties in interdisciplinary groups, while still maintaining a strong focus on their own department specialization. This is the basis and the doorway for RWTH Aachen University to achieve its core goal of Meeting Global Challenges, i.e. working on the greatest research issues of our time.Our aim has long been to improve the world by seeking to understand it better. The University`s motto, `Rerum Cognoscere Causas`, comes from Virgil`s Georgics and means `to know the causes of things`. We now define the University`s mission in more contemporary language as `to discover and understand`. We remain committed today to the mission of changing the world for the better through the power of ideas and knowledge.The University of Bristol is renowned globally for the high-quality of its research and teaching, pursuing and sharing knowledge and understanding, both for their own sake and to help individuals and society fulfil their potential. The University is: dedicated to academic achievement across a broad range of disciplines, and to continuous innovation and improvement research-intensive, supporting both individual scholarship and interdisciplinary or thematic research of the highest quality a centre for intellectually demanding, research-informed education that nurtures independence of mind and helps students achieve their personal goals and serve society`s needs, both during and after their time here an inclusive and collaborative community of scholarship that attracts and retains people with outstanding talent and potential from all walks of life and all parts of the world a stimulating and supportive environment for all students and staff, distinguished by a commitment to high standards, respect for the individual and a strong sense of collegiality committed to operating in a sustainable manner engaged with society`s interests, concerns, priorities and aspirations a major contributor culturally, environmentally and economically to Bristol and the South West well-led and responsibly run, with an emphasis on consultative decision-making and open communication as well as personal responsibility and accountability.Today, as well as back in the times of the Russian Empire and during the Soviet era, Lomonosov Moscow State University is the fundamental element of the scientific and educational system and the driving force behind the national policy on education and scientific research. Many alumni of Lomonosov MSU form the elite cadre of Russian and many other countries managers who organize the processes of innovative scientific, economic, and social development. Traditionally, most of them are political leaders and heads of federal and regional government agencies. For example, Mikhail Gorbachev, the first President of the Soviet Union, is an alumnus of Lomonosov MSU. The mission of Lomonosov MSU is to strengthen the Russian education system on the basis of a balanced innovative development while preserving the national educational identity, leadership in conducting ultramodern scientific research, and training of specialists by developing their fundamental knowledge and skills to high practical competencies. From day one, Lomonosov MSU has been committed to academic freedom and conveying democratic principles to international social processes.Dartmouth College educates the most promising students and prepares them for a lifetime of learning and of responsible leadership, through a faculty dedicated to teaching and the creation of knowledge.The Ohio State University will be the world`s preeminent public comprehensive university, solving problems of world-wide significance. It is committed to advancing the well-being of the people of Ohio and the global community through the creation and dissemination of knowledge. The university values excellence; collaborating as one university; acting with integrity; personal accountability; openness and trust; diversity in people and ideas; change and innovation, and simplicity in our work.Our mission derives from our foundation as the first English civic university, established in England`s second city. We are a university of national eminence and global reach, and we cherish our civic roots. We have a fundamental commitment to rigorous academic curiosity, forming ideas through the crucible of debate and opening them to challenge. This ensures that we produce exceptional graduates and impactful research, thereby making a significant contribution to society and the global economy.The University seeks to cultivate in its students not only an appreciation for the great achievements of human beings, but also a disciplined sensibility to the poverty, injustice, and oppression that burden the lives of so many. The aim is to create a sense of human solidarity and concern for the common good that will bear fruit as learning becomes service to justice.Based on the Law on the University of Italian Switzerland, USI's mission is to: offer quality training; conducting scientific research of international importance; contribute to the development of their territory by providing a contribution to the transfer of knowledge, innovation, entrepreneurship and cultural and scientific debate in their areas of expertise. In pursuing its mission, USI is inspired by three fundamental values: quality, openness and responsibility.To achieve the highest international standards of excellence in scholarship, manifested in the quality of its research and of its graduates.The George Washington University, an independent academic institution chartered by the Congress of the United States in 1821, dedicates itself to furthering human well-being. GW values a dynamic, student-focused community stimulated by cultural and intellectual diversity and built upon a foundation of integrity, creativity, and openness to the exploration of new ideas. GW, centered in the national and international crossroads of Washington, D.C., commits itself to excellence in the creation, dissemination, and application of knowledge. To promote the process of lifelong learning from both global and integrative perspectives, GW provides a stimulating intellectual environment for its diverse students and faculty. By fostering excellence in teaching, GW offers outstanding learning experiences for full-time and part-time students in Washington, D.C., the nation, and abroad. As a center for intellectual inquiry and research, GW emphasizes the linkage between basic and applied scholarship, insisting that the practical be grounded in knowledge and theory. GW acts as a catalyst for creativity in the arts, the sciences, and the professions by encouraging interaction among its students, faculty, staff, alumni, and the communities it serves. GW draws upon the rich array of resources from the National Capital Area to enhance its educational endeavors. In return, the University community contributes talent and knowledge to improve the quality of life in metropolitan Washington, D.C.The mission of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is to serve the State of Israel by training its scientific, educational and professional leadership; to serve the Jewish people by preserving and expanding the Jewish cultural, spiritual and intellectual heritage; and to serve humanity by expanding the frontiers of knowledge.The mission of the university is to provide the highest quality of education to its students and to perform cutting-edge research. The fulfillment of its mission requests to pursue, spread and challenge knowledge, as well as to develop a critical mind and to promote creativity. It also requests freedom of thought, expression, education, research, and the spirit of collegiality.Mission of NRNU MEPhI is to generate, disseminate the use and to preserve scientific knowledge aiming to address global challenges of the XXI century, as well as to provide innovative transformations in Russia accompanying development of the country competitiveness in the global energy and non-energy high-tech markets. The goals of the University are: fulfilling the specialists demand of the Russian nuclear energy industry and science, nuclear and radiation safety complex, scientific technology complex and other hi-tech sectors of Russian economy; training and retraining of the specialists in the sphere of modern science- intensive innovative technologies to maintain national interests and security of Russia; training of higher degree specialists (post graduation studies, master degree, institution of doctoral candidacy PhD) in the sphere of science intensive majors for the regions of RF; managers and expert analyst training to maintain the development of nuclear energy complex of Russia, for hi-tech sectors of Russian economy, promotion of science- intensive goods and technologies on Russian and international markets. To reach the goals the following interrelated tasks are being solved: development of the system of fundamental scientific research in top priority branches of science like nuclear as an important means of teaching the students key competences of research and analysis, mastering and upgrading the information; development of applied research system in priority science, technologies and engineering, commercial implementation of the research; maintaining efficient Copperation with the scientists of the leading Russian and foreign centers, adopt their practices, skills and knowledge to attain the high level of education; maintaining efficient partnership with business communities on the basis of integration of science and education, fulfillment of the complete innovative education cycle and transfer the innovative technologies.As the sole comprehensive public research university in the state`s system of higher education, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, has the threefold mission of: providing for the instructional needs of New Jersey`s citizens through its undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education programs; conducting the cutting-edge research that contributes to the medical, environmental, social and cultural well-being of the state, as well as aiding the economy and the state`s businesses and industries; and performing public service in support of the needs of the citizens of the state and its local, county, and state governments. Each component of the university`s mission reinforces and supports the other two. For example, research creates the new knowledge so necessary to support quality instruction and innovative public service. The mission of the university is accomplished through its three regional campuses (New Brunswick, Newark, and Camden) and the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, which complement and support each other, permitting the most effective use of state resources.The most important priority of the University is aspiration to education of freely and widely thinking personalities, able to make independent scientific and world viewing decisions. Keeping faithfulness to traditions of predecessors, the university staff is actively developing the modern approaches and methods in all fields of activity, strengthening its status in Russian and international research-educational area. National Research Tomsk State University, as the university of research type, sees its mission on preservation and multiplication of spiritual values of mankind, in getting and dissemination of advanced knowledge and information, in advanced training of intellectual elite of society on the base of integration of educational process, fundamental research and innovation approaches. The priority aims of the university are: - Serving to the interests of Russia, promoting of its intellectual potential by development of new knowledge and advanced training of research pedagogical, administrative and cultural elite of society. - Perfection of pedagogical process on the base of active use of innovation approaches and informational technologies, and subjection it to the task of harmonic development of personality and training of highly skilled specialists. - Deserving representation of Russian higher school in the international research-educational area, integration of its academic, intellectual and informational potential with the leading Russian and foreign centers of higher education, science and technologies. - Successful development of historically formed and acknowledged by the world society scientific - pedagogical schools in the field of humanitarian, physic-mathematical and natural science on the base of integration with academic sector of science. - Participation in development of real sector of economy on the base of innovation activity, including provision of staff support of high technologies.Excellent and high-quality research has made us what we are today - one of the leading medical universities in the world. Our success is based on the 'triple track' strategy. Research, education and patient care represent the three cornerstones of the University's system. This enables medical science to respond flexibly to the continually changing demands of both state and society. In the process, maintenance of health as well as therapy, abatement of symptoms and prevention of diseases stand in the foreground.National Taiwan University is famous for its providing diverse outstanding programs. The School and Graduate Institute of Physical Therapy is one of the explicit examples. The undergraduate physical therapy program at National Taiwan University provides you thoughtful insights on physical therapy skills and prepares you to be a confident health professional. The graduate physical therapy program at National Taiwan University offers you various physical therapy research directions and brings you to be emerging the trends of the world.The Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology is one of the world's most prestigious educational and research institutions and a leading Russian technical university. Ever since its foundation in 1951, MIPT has been at the forefront of Russian science and technology and is currently ranked joint first in the country for Physical Sciences by the THE World University Ranking. Among MIPT alumni are Nobel laureates and founders of high-technology companies, inventors and engineers, politicians and scientists. All MIPT students and alumni proudly call themselves 'phystechs', and the university itself is informally known by the same name - PhysTech.The University of Florida is a comprehensive learning institution built on a land grant foundation. We are The Gator Nation, a diverse community dedicated to excellence in education and research and shaping a better future for Florida, the nation and the world. Our mission is to enable our students to lead and influence the next generation and beyond for economic, cultural and societal benefit. Our mission is to enable our students to lead and influence the next generation and beyond for economic, cultural and societal benefit.The University of Sao Paulo (USP) was founded in 1934. Armando de Salles de Oliveira, then governor of Sao Paulo, was the responsible for the decision of creation of the University of Sao Paulo (USP). He signed the State Decree No 6,283, which established this institution on January 25th, 1934. USP is a public institution being therefore totally authonomous in didactical, scientifical, administrative, financial and patrimonial affairs. The ultimate goals of USP are: (I) to promote and develop all fields of knowledge through teaching and research; (II) to deliver higher education in order to qualify professionals and scholars to pursue research and teaching in all fields of knowledge, as well as qualification for professional activities; (III) to extend services to society that are inseparable from teaching and research. USP, as a public university, is always open to all currents of thought and is thus governed by the principles of freedom of speech, education and research.On the basis of its achievements in research and teaching, the Georg-August-Universitat Gottingen seeks to heighten its international reputation by concentrating on its special strengths: Internationality - enhancing its ability to attract scientists, scholars and students from abroad; expansion of international networks and partnerships for fostering research and young scientists. Research-based teaching and learning - development of research-related study programmes and occupationally-orientated training and further education courses, graduate schools, and junior research groups in which young scholars and scientists conduct independent research. Interdisciplinarity and diversity - intensifying the collaboration between the humanities and the social, natural and life sciences, and preservation of subject diversity in the interests of problem-solving to shape the future. Autonomy - strengthening the self-responsibility of the University as a Public Law Foundation, including also that of its boards, faculties and institutions. Copperation with non-university institutions - extending and institutionalising the collaboration with appropriate research establishments in science, commerce and the community.Nagoya University became a national university with a new governing structure.Nagoya University maintains a free and vibrant academic culture with the mission of contributingto the well-being and happiness of humankind through research and education in all aspects ofhuman beings, society and nature.The University of Maryland, College Park is a public research university, the flagship campus of the University System of Maryland, and the original 1862 land-grant institution in the State. It is one of only 62 members of the Association of American Universities, an organization composed of the leading research universities in the United States and Canada. The University of Maryland is committed to achieving excellence as the State?s primary center of research and graduate education and the institution of choice for undergraduate students of exceptional ability and promise. The University creates and applies knowledge for the benefit of the economy and culture of the State, the region, the nation, and beyond. As the flagship of the University System of Maryland, the University shares its research, educational, cultural, and technological strengths with businesses, government, and other educational institutions. The University counts among its greatest strengths -- and a major component of its excellence -- the diversity of its faculty, students, and staff. The University of Maryland, College Park is committed to equal educational opportunity and strives to hire a diverse faculty and staff of exceptional achievement through affirmative actions, to celebrate diversity in all of its programs and activities, and to recruit and retain qualified graduate and undergraduate minority students.The University of Queensland positively influences society by engaging in the pursuit of excellence through the creation, preservation, transfer and application of knowledge. UQ helps shape the future by bringing together and developing leaders in their fields to inspire the next generation and to advance ideas that benefit the world. UQ strives for the personal and professional success of its students, staff and alumni.The University of Malaya derives its NAME from the term 'Malaya' as the country was then known. The Carr-Saunders Commission on University Education in Malaya, which recommended the setting up of the university, noted in its Report in 1948: 'The University of Malaya would provide for the first time a common centre where varieties of race, religion and economic interest could mingle in joint endeavour ... For a University of Malaya must inevitably realise that it is a university for Malaya.' The growth of the University was very rapid during the first decade of its establishment and this resulted in the setting up of two autonomous Divisions on 15 January 1959, one located in Singapore and the other in Kuala Lumpur. In 1960, the government of the two territories indicated their desire to change the status of the Divisions into that of a national university. Legislation was passed in 1961 and the University of Malaya was established on 1st January 1962. On June 16th 1962, University of Malaya celebrated the installation of its first Chancellor, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj, who was also the country's first prime minister.Lancaster University`s mission is to pursue research at the highest international level, to create a stimulating and innovative learning environment for all students and staff and, in international, national and regional collaborations, to enhance economic, cultural and social well-being.To advance learning and knowledge through teaching and research, particularly: in science, technology, engineering, management and business studies; and at the postgraduate level; and to assist in the economic and social development of Hong Kong.Freie Universitat Berlin was founded in 1948 by professors and students in response to the persecution faced by students who took a critical eye of the system at Universitat Unter den Linden, at that time located in the Soviet sector of the divided city. The idea of founding a free university found widespread support in the international community, including financial support. This outpouring of aid helped pave the way for Freie Universitat to become a university with an outstanding international reputation. The principles of freedom and internationality have guided the university`s development ever since. Since the university`s founding, the academic ethos of Freie Universitat Berlin has always been defined by three values: truth, justice, and freedom.Aalto University works towards a better world through top-quality research, interdisciplinary collaboration, pioneering education, surpassing traditional boundaries, and enabling renewal. Aalto University educates responsible, broadminded experts with a comprehensive understanding of complex subjects to act as society's visionaries. The national mission of Aalto University is to support Finland`s success and contribute to Finnish society, its internationalization and competitiveness, and to promote the welfare of its people through highquality research and education.Radboud University Nijmegen is a student-oriented research university. Its teaching is geared to students as actively participating members of the academic community. The University also educates students to be critical, independently-minded and engaged individuals, who will eventually assume responsible positions in society with their own views regarding both science and society. The University does not regard students as consumers of education but as individuals who accept an active role and responsibility in both their academic education and personal development. Research Radboud University`s research contributes explicitly and conscientiously to expanding the limits of knowledge in the interests of society as a whole. Not only do research results contribute to international scientific debate and the increase of knowledge, they are also important for national and regional development. Radboud University has a good reputation for generating spin-offs. Mutual exchange The mutual exchange between the city and the University can be heard in the intellectual debates which, in a university city such as Nijmegen, are particularly lively. This intellectual life is part of Nijmegens atmosphere and certainly contributes to making the city and the region a more attractive place to live.Diversity in research and a strong disciplinary focus are two of the UiB's hallmarks. As a result of Bergen's international and marine traditions, the main strategic research areas are related to the marine environment- marine studies and global development studies/research.Queen Mary University of London will build on its distinctive position as a leading research-based higher education institution with a strong commitment to engagement in its London location, to be fully established by 2015 within the top ten universities in the UK on the basis of objective and widely respected criteria. We will achieve this through: The highest standards of research, as judged by international comparators, in a broad range of subject areas. The provision of the finest possible education to our undergraduate and postgraduate students, located both within and outside the UK. Commitment to the idea of the university as a community of scholars, mutually supportive and working both to further knowledge creation and benefit wider society.To undertake research and teaching of international standing that encourages staff and students to engage critically with practice and policy and deploy their professional skills to socio-economic benefit.The mission of Hokkaido University is to pursue education and research and to build a partnership with society under our basic philosophy of Frontier Spirit, Global Perspectives, All-round Education, and Practical Learning. Hokkaido University`s origin is Sapporo Agricultural College, the nation`s first modern academic institution founded in 1876, and its spirit of foundation is still alive. Firstly, Frontier Spirit represents the idea that each student and faculty of Hokkaido University must undertake the problems of the age and must bravely pave a new way. Secondly, the idea of Global Perspectives means that the students and the faculties must be open-minded to the diverse worlds. Thirdly, the idea of All-round Education means to develop people with rich cultural knowledge who have excellent humanity and intelligence as well as expert knowledge. Finally, Practical Learning here in Hokkaido University has two meanings. One is to pursue universal truth, and the other is to place importance on sharing the research results with society through practical application and utilization of the research.The University of Calgary is one of four Comprehensive Academic and Research (CARI) universities in Alberta. This classification determines our role within a Campus Alberta post-secondary system that includes 26 publicly-funded post-secondary institutions. As a CARI, the University of Calgary grants diplomas and degrees, including graduate degrees, and maintains a strong and diverse basic and applied research enterprise that contributes to the advancement and application of knowledge for Alberta and beyond. The University of Calgary is ranked first in Canada, second in North America, and thirteenth in the world amongst universities under fifty years of age. We have motivated and accomplished staff and students whose talent will guide the University of Calgary to become a global intellectual hub. Our graduates are community leaders. Over 155,000 of our alumni have careers in this city. Other graduates are located in 147 different countries, making a difference globally. Through our Eyes High vision and the priorities articulated in our Academic and Research Plans, we laid the foundation for a transformation that will greatly enhance the impact of the institution on our city, our province, and society at large. This transformation will involve all aspects of our educational and research enterprises as well as how we engage with our communities. These changes have positioned the University of Calgary to be a strategic partner that inspires and supports lifelong learning, and helps to foster a post-secondary system that enhances social, economic, and cultural prosperity.The Office of Admissions achieves university enrollment goals by providing high-quality leadership, services, and programs in order to recruit, admit, and enroll students whose experiences and talents demonstrate that they and Michigan State University will benefit by their enrollment.To cultivate talent and produce knowledge at the academic level to benefit mankind, business and society, internationally, nationally and regionallyKIT combines the traditions of a renowned technical university and a major large-scale research institution in a very unique way. In research and education, KIT assumes responsibility for contributing to the sustainable solution of the grand challenges that face the society, industry, and the environment. Engineering sciences, natural sciences, the humanities, and social sciences make up the scope of subjects covered by KIT. KIT`s research covers the complete range from fundamental research to close-to-industry, applied research and from small research partnerships to long-term large-scale research projects. Scientific sincerity and the striving for excellence are the basic principles of our activities. Worldwide exchange of knowledge, large-scale international research projects, numerous global Copperative ventures, and cultural diversity characterize and enrich the life and work at KIT. Academic education at KIT is guided by the principle of research-oriented teaching. Interdisciplinary research projects, international teams and the possibility of using unique research facilities open up exceptional development perspectives for our students. KIT supports innovativeness and entrepreneurial culture. Moreover, KIT supports a culture of creativity, in which employees and students have time and space to develop new ideas. Employees and students of KIT are offered equal opportunities irrespective of the person. Family-friendliness is a major objective of KIT as an employer. Personal responsibility and self-motivation of KIT employees are fostered by transparent and participative decisions, open communication, and various options for life-long learning. The structure of KIT supports flexible, synergy-based Copperation beyond disciplines, organizations, and hierarchies. Young people are our future. Reliable offers and career options excellently support KIT`s young scientists and professionals in their professional and personal development.UNSW`s aspiration is to continuously improve our position as a leading research-intensive university in the Asia-Pacific region, focusing on contemporary and social issues through defined strengths in professional, scientific and technological fields. The University seeks to make a significant contribution to the development of knowledge, to learning and teaching, to our students, and to society.The mission of Aarhus University is to ensure and develop knowledge, welfare and culture through research and research-based education, knowledge dissemination and external advice. The vision of Aarhus University is to belong to the elite of universities and to contribute to the development of national and global welfare via outstanding research and world-class degree programmes.Upon founding The University of Iowa in 1847, Iowa`s first legislature entrusted it with a threefold mission of teaching, research, and public service. In pursuing that mission today, the University seeks to advance scholarly and creative endeavor through leading-edge research and artistic production; to use this research and creativity to enhance undergraduate, graduate, and professional education, health care, and other services provided to the people of Iowa, the nation, and the world; and to educate students for success and personal fulfillment in an increasingly diverse and global environment.Create a greater international presence by promoting advanced research, derived from both basic and emergent approaches. Strive to always secure society`s trust by closely Copperating with both government and industry in tackling contemporary social issues and problems. Commit to specialized and disciplined education, while ensuring an education that fosters broader perspectives and comprehensive understanding from the undergraduate through to the graduate levels. Create an education system capable of nurturing scholars and professionals with the capacity to make sound social judgments. Actively carry on the role of mediator and communicator of diverse cultures as an institution of global caliber possessing a strong foothold in the local community. These three goals will be kept in the hearts of those who support the university and will be pursued by staff, students, and graduates. Through the collective efforts in accomplishing our mission, Osaka University aspires to become a model of excellence in education, research, collaboration with industry, community outreach, and management for universities across the nation.The official TMDU Mission Statement: 'Cultivating Professionals with Knowledge and Humanity'. The undergraduate College of Liberal Arts and Sciences supports students as they learn a 1-year core curriculum before taking five years of specialized courses in medicine or dentistry or three years of courses in one of our other health science programs. To facilitate the undergraduate and graduate programs, TMDU has a teaching hospital attached to each Faculty. Moreover, the hospitals are located close to each other on campus, so there is much synergy as students, researchers and professors exchange information and work together in TMDU programs, institutes and projects. At TMDU, in both the undergraduate and graduate programs, we do our best to produce scientists who show intellectual curiosity in all that they do and who expend every possible effort in seeking the truth. These qualities are necessary for successfully engaging in clinical practice or research. Our university thus aims to not only train medical professionals who can meet the critical needs of society, but to also enable our graduates to become researchers and leaders who can do pioneering work in our internationalized world. We make it our mission to assure students that the university is not a place to study, but rather is a place where one learns how to study and how to think independently. To pursue these goals, TMDU has three educational philosophies: To provide students with a broad education and a rich sensibility. To educate creative people capable of diagnosing and solving problems independently. To train medical professionals who have an international outlook. Supervising and inspecting health care centers and authorizing the issuance of license on health care services. Encouraging international Collaboration in educational and research field.The University exists to create and share knowledge and to educate for the benefit of all.The educational goals of Hanyang University are to train talented individuals in order to support their self-actualization and to make a positive contribution to the community, the nation, and the world. We aim to accomplish these by achieving excellence in all aspects of teaching, research and development of theories.This ideology is the fundamental principle by which SKKU brought up leaders of our society for over 600 years, thus contributing to evolution of our society. SKKU aims to educate future global leaders equipped with this ideology so that it will further contribute to the international society. Sungkyunkwan University, under the catch-phrase Unique Origin Unique Future, continuously pursues to integrate its foundation philosophy with the modern technology with a view to cultivating global talents who will lead the 21st century. We take pride in the University`s innovative spirit; as a result of the long efforts to place natural sciences on an equal footing with our strong foundation in humanities, we now operate two campuses: the Humanities and Social Sciences Campus and the Natural Sciences Campus. Based on a highly successful partnership with Samsung which has generously funded several core initiatives, the University has been rapidly developing and prospering since 1996.TU Berlin has a long and rich tradition and is recognized globally as an excellent research university. Our goal is to continue to develop science and technology for the benefit of our society. The members of the university are wholly committed to the principle of sustainable development which tackles contemporary challenges without further burdening future generations. For us, research and teaching are inseparably linked. Using innovative, technology-oriented and holistic methodologies we are contributing to the shaping of a better future. We are fully aware of our responsibility vis--vis society not only due to our history, but also because we must uphold ethical and humanistic oriented standards in our research and teaching endeavors. It is against this background that research and teaching in the natural, planning and engineering sciences are inextricably linked with the humanities and social sciences. Our university members are actively engaged in promoting equal opportunity between women and men and in creating family-friendly study and working conditions. We strive to ensure equal opportunity and non-discrimination at all levels of the university organization. In our teaching and research we also explicitly embrace the plurality of world views and diverse ways of life. We carry out basic and application-oriented research at a top international level. On the basis of our comprehensive spectrum of disciplines we establish fields of future scientific focus and promote cross-faculty research activities and networks with external actors. TU Berlin is an attractive educational institution in which students acquire the academic and social competencies they will need for their careers and to actively shape the society of the future. The broad range of subjects offered by TU Berlin provides students a transdisciplinary scientific education, which in turn is an expression of the university`s societal and global responsibilities.As stated in our statutory mission, the University of Colorado Boulder is a comprehensive graduate research university with selective admissions. This translates to the confluence of superb teaching, research, scholarship, creative work and service that distinguish a flagship university, as well as the flexibility to engage in the emerging cultural, societal and scientific challenges of the world. One of our goals is to expand our longstanding excellence in interdisciplinary research and creative work to become a global leader in collaborative ventures that span traditional academic fields in pursuit of discoveries and innovations that serve the greater good. Another of our goals is to continue our growth as an international research university with a globally engaged campus community by bringing the world`s best thinkers to CU-Boulder to address global issues facing government, industry and society at large. Our third goal is to extend our strength in graduate education by adding faculty, investing in new technologies and expanding graduate programs to prepare our students for distinguished careers as future faculty and leaders in their professions. Our fourth goal to continually enhance our learning and teaching environment is facilitated by our commitments to interdisciplinary research, internationalization and excellence in graduate education, as well as by our ongoing dedication to providing undergraduate students with strong critical thinking, quantitative reasoning, problem solving, communication, foreign language and hands-on expertise by the time they graduate.HIT is now well on its way towards achieving the goal of being a world-class university. HIT is famous for its original style of schooling: Being strict in qualifications for graduates; making every endeavor in educating students. With the Cradle of Engineers to International First-rate Innovative Talents as their goal, HIT`s graduates have been warmly welcomed by employers throughout China. More than 100,000 graduates have stepped into society and many have moved up to high-ranking managerial positions and worked as specialists in the fields of science and technology, education, and economics. A number of graduates have become leaders of the CPC and assumed government positions at different levels. HIT alumni can be found among the generals of the PLA, as well as academicians of the Chinese Academy of Science and the Chinese Academy of Engineering. The graduates have been making great achievements and creating wonders in all areas of society, enhancing the prosperity of China and the world.To provide comprehensive, high-quality education that engages students in research and broad-based scholarship. We empower our graduates to be leaders in solving complex societal programs. We value teaching, research, outreach, student engagement, access and quality.The University of Nova Gorica (UNG) aims to be a research oriented and student friendly university, where knowledge is formed within a harmonious relationship between students and researchers, and transferred to younger generations and into business environment. UNG strives to provide the highest quality education on undergraduate and graduate level and perform scientific research with a competitive advantage in an international context, as well as ensure their comprehensive integration into local, national and international spheres. UNG is strongly oriented to international collaborations with similar institutions around the world and prepares joint international study programs. It fosters student and teacher exchange programs with European and other universities. A choice of the language of study is adapted to this aim, especially at the graduate level. UNG researchers and teachers are expected to be internationally recognized scientists who participate in international research projects. UNG takes special care to promote multidisciplinary study programs and research, designed to build partnerships between industry and academia, to contribute in creating a better society both at local and global levels. UNG aims to ensure a high employability of its graduates. At least 80% of its bachelors, masters or doctoral students should find employment within six months of graduation. UNG promotes scholarships so that its study programs are accessible to all social classes.Colorado School of Mines role and mission has remained constant and is written in the Colorado statute as: The Colorado School of Mines shall be a specialized baccalaureate and graduate research institution with high admission standards. The Colorado School of Mines shall have a unique mission in energy, mineral, and materials science and engineering and associated engineering and science fields. The school shall be the primary institution of higher education offering energy, mineral and materials science and mineral engineering degrees at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. (Colorado Revised Statutes, Section 23-41-105) Mines well-defined and focused mission is achieved by the creation, integration and exchange of knowledge in engineering, the natural sciences, the social sciences, the humanities, business, and their union, to create processes and products to enhance the quality of life of the world`s inhabitants. Mines is consequently committed to serving the people of Colorado, the nation, and the global community by promoting stewardship of the Earth, advancements in energy and sustaining the environment.To educate students for a life of fulfillment and accomplishment. To create and translate knowledge to meet global and societal needs.The University of Hawaii at Manoa will gain international recognition as among the nation`s leading land, sea, and space grant universities. Grounded in the traditional values of our host culture, we strive for excellence in teaching, research, and community engagement, while promoting environmental sustainability and human justice.The Weizmann Institute of Science is one of the world's leading research institutes. It consists of 250 experimental and theoretical research groups on five faculties: biology, biochemistry, chemistry, mathematics and computer science and physics. The understanding that comes out of his laboratories helps to provide a fundamental understanding of the human body and the universe and lead to advances in medicine, technology and the environment. This is a science for the benefit of humanity in the best possible way.Indiana University is a major multi-campus public research institution, grounded in the liberal arts and sciences, and a world leader in professional, medical, and technological education. Indiana University`s mission is to provide broad access to undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education for students throughout Indiana, the United States, and the world, as well as outstanding academic and cultural programs and student services. Indiana University seeks to create dynamic partnerships with the state and local communities in economic, social, and cultural development and to offer leadership in creative solutions for 21st century problems. Indiana University strives to achieve full diversity, and to maintain friendly, collegial, and humane environments, with a strong commitment to academic freedom.Founded in 1817 as a Latin-speaking State University by William I, King of the Netherlands, Ghent University is a relatively young university. In 1930 Ghent University became the first Dutch-speaking university in Belgium. The Decree of 1991 granted great autonomy to the university. Over the years eminent scientists such as Joseph Plateau (physicist, considered as a pioneer in the development of motion pictures), Leo Baekeland (inventor of Bakelite) and Corneel Heymans (Nobel Prize winner for his discoveries in the field of respiratory regulation) studied and worked at Ghent University. With a view to Copperation in research and scientific service, numerous research groups, centres and institutes have been founded over the years. Several of them are renowned worldwide, in various scientific disciplines such as biotechnology, aquaculture, photonics, immunology, neurosciences. In 2010, five multidisciplinary research partnerships were founded as part of a strategic spearhead research policy plan promoting excellence in research. Ghent University is an open, committed and pluralistic university with a broad international perspective and research-inspired educational programmes. Because it plays a leading role in the academic and scientific world, Ghent University attaches great interest to a transparent organization structure, a dynamic human resources policy, an active environmental policy, its support to spin-offs and other new initiatives. Today, after decades of uninterrupted growth, Ghent University with more than 35,000 students is one of the leading institutions of higher education and research in the Low Countries.Adhering to a fine tradition of “Patriotism, Progress, Honesty, Sincerity, Truth-Seeking, Innovation and being a paragon of virtue and learning” while embodying the spirit of “Learn, so as to instruct others and Act, to serve as example to all,” for over a hundred years Beijing Normal University has lived by the philosophy of “Pursuing knowledge, Cultivating personality, and Helping the whole world.”Through our research and teaching, we engage students and society in the quest for knowledge, seeking to achieve excellence in all we do,and responding with creativity and imagination to the challenges and opportunities of a shared future.The mission of the University of Padua, in the context of the European High Education system, is essentially that of a large Research University, where the two functions of teaching and developing scientific research are intimately linked together. The University includes also a large Medical School, where these two functions are supplemented by and strongly connected to the medical assistance function. The educational activity is organized according to the Bologna scheme, with triennial 1st degree courses, biennial master courses, specialization courses and PhD courses. There are presently 13 Faculties: Agricultural Sciences, Arts and Philosophy, Educational Sciences, Engineering, Law, Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, Medicine and Surgery, Pharmacy, Political Sciences, Psychology, Statistical Sciences, Veterinary Medicine, Economics and Business Administration. For all of them the mission is the continuous improvement of the educational standards in relation to the evolving needs of the economic and social system. A specific goal for the next years is to improve the attractivity of the University towards foreign students, by collaboration agreements with other Universities and by offering courses in English, possibly given by teachers coming from foreign countries. The research activity is mainly carried out in the Departments, which are presently undergoing a deep revision to adapt them to the modern organization of scientific research and to improve effectiveness. The process will result in a reduction of the number of Departments to around thirty, covering almost all disciplines. The research in the University benefits from strong collaborations with many European and International Universities and Research Institutions. In particular, in the fields of Sciences and Engineering, large laboratories are run in collaboration with the National Research Council ant the National Institutes for Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics.Six strategic orientations for IMT Atlantique Bretagne - Pays de la Loire To create an interactive, agile, innovative and creative school To train agents for change, who are recognised for: their scientific and technical aptitude their systemic understanding of societal issues their entrepreneurial spirit and objectivity their grasp of collaborative work, both in networks and remotely their intercultural and interpersonal skills their sense of responsibility To conduct ambitious research that responds to social issues and favours responsible economic development To offer companies a comprehensive partnership in our areas of expertise To be the benchmark establishment of French higher education on the international scene in combining energy and digital technology To be an example of voluntary commitment in serving our regions and to contribute to their transformationThe University of York is one of the success stories in UK higher education. Since 1963, it has powered its way to a consistent leading position in the UK, is a World Top 100 University and a member of the Russell Group. The University of York has grown from a small institution with big ambitions and immense energy to become one of the world's leading universities. It has done this through a combination of visionary leadership, inspired teaching and a relentless pursuit of research excellence and the application of that research for the benefit of society. This commitment has attracted world-class academics and ambitious students from across the globe. Our 750m investment in its campus represents the largest capital investment in UK Higher Education as York continues its evolution in the 21st century. The campus expansion includes new student accommodation, world-class research and teaching facilities and embedded and stand-alone facilities for businesses. The University has also invested 20m in expanding its library facilities and a further 12 million in creating York Sport Village. The University of York is a catalyst in developing and accelerating York city's international profile and accelerates the promotion of York's strengths as a knowledge economy and acts as a magnet for inward investment to the city and region. The University of York makes an enormous impact across the world through its work on justice, scientific discovery and societal and cultural innovation. It continues to develop innovative partnerships with national and international organisations, and delivers a world-class experience for its students. The goal is to equip students not only with a first-class education but with attributes to make them potential leaders in their chosen fields and enable them to rise to the challenges of the future.The Julius-Maximilians-University of Wurzburg is an internationally famous university that offers a broad range of subjects. Nourishing close relationships with both its home town of Wurzburg and the surrounding region of Franconia, the university has produced achievements of worldwide significance in both research and teaching. This forms the bedrock of our identity, which we also see as our duty in order to continue the promotion of excellent teaching and research in all areas of science. Established in 1402, the university today offers over 100 degree programmes in the humanities and social sciences, in natural and life sciences, in medicine and in specific areas of engineering, out of which we prepare our students for a host of different careers. One of the university's important leitmotifs is to swantail its teaching with developments in current research. Our students work closely with leading researchers from all over the world and contribute to the promotion of science. One of our aims therefore is to strengthen interdisciplinary collaboration in order to work on fascinating questions that have arisen in different scientific contexts. Our central duty at the University of Wurzburg is to gain knowledge in all areas of science and transmit this to our students, the scientific community and the public in general. Teaching and researching at international level is seen in our responsibility towards the needs of society and the ethical values involved. This attitude is mirrored in our motto: 'Veritati', which ascribes itself to the search for truth. We assume social responsibility in the promotion of democratic civil rights, humanitarian ideals and a sustained use of resources.Central European University was founded in 1991 with the explicit aim of helping the process of transition from dictatorship to democracy in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia. It was committed to bringing together students from these 30 countries and from the West in order to nurture respect for diverse cultures and opinions, human rights, constitutional government, and the rule of law. In its first decade, CEU sought to contribute to innovative academic research, progressive higher education and the development of dynamic, sustainable open society primarily in the former 'socialist' countries. More recently, its interest has become global, with special attention paid to emerging democracies throughout the world. These aims all in step with promoting the values of the Open Society remain fundamental to CEU, but our mission has become global with special attention to emerging democracies worldwide. Nowadays, half of the applicants to CEU come from almost 100 countries of all five continents beyond its historic focus region. The universitys commitment to academic excellence and the social dimension of its mission are mutually reinforcing: being a regional thought-leader enables CEU to support and advise policy initiatives for social and economic reform. CEU has been working hand-in-hand with the Open Society Institute (OSI), providing academic and professional backing for OSI`s global agenda of democratic governance, human rights, and economic, legal and social reform. The university has also been an active academic partner of local initiatives to strengthen good governance and address challenges as diverse as supporting independent media and promoting public health. CEU`s knowledge-based social engagement not only offers students a greater academic choice, but also helps to prepare them for a future of service and leadership.State University of New York, Stony Brook has a five-part mission: - to provide comprehensive undergraduate, graduate, and professional education of the highest quality; - to carry out research and intellectual endeavors of the highest international standards that advance knowledge and have immediate or long-range practical significance; - to provide leadership for economic growth, technology, and culture for neighboring communities and the wider geographic region; - to provide state-of-the-art innovative health care, while serving as a resource to a regional health care network and to the traditionally underserved; - to fulfill these objectives while celebrating diversity and positioning the University in the global community.The University of California, Santa Barbara is a leading research institution that also provides a comprehensive liberal arts learning experience. Because teaching and research go hand in hand at UC Santa Barbara, our students are full participants in an educational journey of discovery that stimulates independent thought, critical reasoning, and creativity. Our academic community of faculty, students, and staff is characterized by a culture of interdisciplinary collaboration that is responsive to the needs of our multicultural and global society. Our commitment to public service is manifested through the creation and distribution of knowledge that advances the well-being of our state, nation, and world. All of this takes place within a living and learning environment like no other, as we draw inspiration, opportunity, and advantage from the beauty and resources of UC Santa Barbara's extraordinary location at the edge of the Pacific Ocean.We provide clean, safe and comfortable accommodations for our foreign teachers with enthusiastic, thoughtful, and efficient service. Our services to foreign teachers include aid to each college and department with necessary visas, expert certificates and stay permits. We strive to organize cultural activities to enrich foreign teachers' experiences in China.The University of Gothenburg aims to be an academic environment of excellence where independence and freedom are the two most fundamental principles and where academic quality is promoted by integrity and internal democracy. We serve our community best when we are morally and intellectually independent from political, ideological and economic interests. Academic excellence and a critical search for the truth is the essence of our activities, and our work must always be based on high ethical and moral principles. We aim to combine academic excellence with openness towards others, and we strive to combine constructive Copperation with our environment with critical analyses of trends in society. Our University plays an important role in working for the sustainable and democratic society. Being engaged in environmental issues distinguishes the everyday activities throughout the university, as well as the research at several of our departments. Our University is one of many disciplines, with many opportunities for synergies between research groups and with a multitude of options for our students. We believe that a dialogue between researchers and students empowers the long-term development of knowledge. Further, our commitment to diversity means that we must be an asset also for people that traditionally lack contact with research and higher education. The University of Gothenburg aims to be one of the greatest, most vital and interesting universities in Europe.We aim: i) to be a world-class research-intensive university; ii) to deliver teaching and facilitate learning of the highest quality; iii) to play a leading role in the economic, social and cultural development of the North East of England.We promote and provide oral health care as an integral component of overall health for regional, national and international communities through quality education, research and service. We promote integrity, competence and compassion while providing evidence-based, ethical oral health care to all populations, in collaboration with other health professionals.It the University at Buffalo, we view the tripartite mission of the public university : research, education, and public service , not as separate or discrete actions, but as interdependent activities continually informing and enriching each other. As a public research university, we value our institutional responsibility to bring the benefits of our research, scholarship, and teaching excellence to the members of our local and world communities in ways that enhance both our understanding of our world and the quality of life for all people.Cultivate outstanding talents in science and techology. Promote cooperative research with industry and international collaborations in education and research. Contribute to advances in science and technology and improve balanced regional economic development in Korea.UCL, a university: • with an international reputation in the fields of education and research, • that promotes the international mobility of people and knowledge, • where innovation in the field of education is highly valued, • with humanist values, both by choice and by tradition, • that actively contributes to regional development, • in a privileged environment.We aspire to be, among universities, the essential reference on what Canada represents: a university that is an integral part of its community, open to the world, and distinguished by its search for excellence in research, its high-quality learning environment, its passion for knowledge and innovation, its leadership on language issues, and its openness to diversity. Every member of our institution will take part in our educational mission.Our ambition is to build on our history to enhance the University of Aberdeen`s reputation as one of the world`s leading universities. Our mission is to be recognised throughout the world as a renowned international university, focussing on society`s future needs and challenges, employing the best staff and delivering a unique and stimulating intellectual experience for students. Our strengths are our people, both current staff and students and our alumni, scattered widely across the globe. We will work to engage with all the Aberdeen family in the next few years, through keeping them informed of our successes and engaging them with our plans.Western University is dedicated to advancing knowledge and transforming lives through teaching excellence and research, which impacts the world. Western delivers an exemplary university experience by engaging the best and brightest students, faculty and staff, and providing the resources necessary to achieve ever-higher global standards. Our commitment to lifelong learning and to building better communities, both at home and around the world, ensures the success of our graduates as the leaders of tomorrow. Western students have amongst the highest entering average grades in Canada and and provides them with a balanced approach of academic, social, cultural, intellectual and experiential learning opportunities. For nine consecutive years, Western has received the highest score of any large Canadian university (25,000 plus enrolment) in a national survey that measures student experience at universities. This exceptional learning experience has contributed to more Western undergraduate and MBA alumni being recognized in the prestigious Canada?s Top 40 Under 40TM which honours successful leaders in their fields under the age of 40. Western is intensifying its global focus, attracting international students from more than 100 countries. It is also providing ever more international research and service learning opportunities for Canadian students with exchange agreements with more than 85 institutions in 20 countries.Our mission We transform lives through the power of higher education. A leading international university, we undertake groundbreaking research and deliver a world-class student experience in a campus environment of outstanding natural beauty. As University of Exeter staff, students and alumni, we value: Excellence We aim to realise our potential and celebrate our achievements. Personal Leadership We have a clear sense of direction and seize opportunities to be forward thinking. Creativity Bold and enterprising, we support innovation. Truth We are dedicated to upholding the highest levels of integrity and the ethical pursuit of knowledge. Working Together Through a communicative and trusting environment, we nurture Exeter`s unique and invaluable community spirit. Ambition We constantly challenge ourselves to do better, pursuing goals with energy and enthusiasm. Inclusivity We promote and celebrate diversity, fostering equal opportunities and personal dignity. Sustainability Through education and research we are aware of the ecological limits of the planet and promote the careful use of resources. Adaptability We are resilient and receptive to change and foster a positive outlook. Partnership We work collaboratively to create alliances across sectors and beyond borders.University of Freiburg is confident of maintaining its leading position in the German university landscape.The infrastructural conditions for sustained top-level performance in teaching andresearch are optimal. The university`s leading position in research is simultaneouslythe basis for an excellent education, which makes the University of Freiburg one ofthe most attractive academic centers in Europe; its graduates have high recruitmentpotential as the elite of the academic, economic, and political world of the future.Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB) is a European benchmark university, both for the quality of its teaching staff and for the innovative nature of its research. This has earned it recognition by the Spanish Government as a Campus of International Excellence. Founded in 1968, it has become a model to follow due to its firm commitment to contributing to social progress through the training of professionals required by the most cutting edge economic and social sectors. The main campus is located in Bellaterra, only 25 minutes from Barcelona and at the heart of one of the main industrial and technological centres of southern Europe. It is home to most of the schools, departments, institutes, services, and to a significant science and technology cluster. The student community at UAB reflects its international spirit, with a representation of different nationalities from all around the world. Over 40 percent of postgraduate students come from countries other than Spain. UAB imparts high quality and rigorous programmes characterised by elevated practical components. It offers, by way of an agile and innovative teaching programme, degrees, masters, graduate certificates, PhD`s and other postgraduate and specialised courses. It is internationally renowned for its quality and innovation in research, and promotion in excellence and competitiveness. A wide range of research areas promotes multidisciplinarity at UAB, making it a breeding ground for quality researchers and professionals and a centre for the dissemination of knowledge and technologies .The WWU Munster has developed a strong research profile in each of the five major research areas of natural sciences, life sciences, mathematics, the humanities and social sciences, as well as economics and law. The specific support of top-level research in high-performance areas is directed towards an interdisciplinary environment and is combined with promotion of first-class junior research staff. At the same time, by ensuring that broad research can be carried out it creates a secure basis on which excellence can thrive. ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE For the WWU Munster, promoting excellence is a dynamic process which takes up new academic and social challenges and responds appropriately. WWU`s central tasks include not only the achievement of outstanding research results, but also the promotion of new fields of research which take up novel social and academic challenges. Successful work in many areas of research today requires interdisciplinary Copperation of researchers from various fields. The WWU aims at a comprehensive use of its multidisciplinary potential to promote cross-discipline groups of researchers providing the critical mass necessary for excellent research work. This occurs in the understanding that true scientifc advance is mainly created at the edges or in the overlap of research fields. On top of that the WWU promotes broad research on a wide range of subjects as a basis for the continual creation of new focuses of top-level research.Texas A&M University is dedicated to the discovery, development, communication, and application of knowledge in a wide range of academic and professional fields. Its mission of providing the highest quality undergraduate and graduate programs is inseparable from its mission of developing new understandings through research and creativity. It prepares students to assume roles in leadership, responsibility, and service to society. Texas A&M assumes as its historic trust the maintenance of freedom of inquiry and an intellectual environment nurturing the human mind and spirit. It welcomes and seeks to serve persons of all racial, ethnic, and geographic groups, women and men alike, as it addresses the needs of an increasingly diverse population and a global economy. In the twenty-first century, Texas A&M University seeks to assume a place of preeminence among public universities while respecting its history and traditions.Our mission is to equip future managers and business professionals with the skills and knowledge to succeed in a rapidly changing and interconnected world. We endeavor to achieve this by multiplying the connections between high-quality learning, teaching and research across the disciplines, as well as by collaborating with institutional, academic and research partners who share our high aspirations and values.