January 25,  2016   Hungarian Scientific Bibliography,  MTMT

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     Mathematical articles

 1.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt,  Ideals and congruence relations in lattices, I, (Hungarian),  Magyar Tud. Akad.  Mat. Fiz. Oszt. Közl. 7 (1957),  93-109.

 2.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt, Über die Anordnung von Ringen (German),  Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 8 (1957),  259-260 .

 3.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt, On the Jordan-Dedekind chain condition,  Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 18 (1957),  52-56.

 4.     G. Grätzer and  E. T. Schmidt, Ideals and congruence relations in lattices, II,  (Hungarian),  Magyar Tud. Akad. Mat.  Fiz. Oszt. Közl. 7 (1957),  417-434.

 5.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt, On the lattice of all join-endomorphisms of a lattice,  Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 9 (1958),  722-726.

 6.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt, On a problem of M. H. Stone,  Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 8 (1957),  455-460.

 7.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt, Characterizations of relatively complemented distributive lattices,  Publ. Math. Debrecen 5 (1958),  257-287.

 8.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt, Two notes on lattice-congruences,  Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapest. Eötvös Sect. Math. 1 (1958),  83-87.

 9.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt, On ideal theory for lattices,  Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 19 (1958),  82-92.

10.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt, Ideals and congruence relations in lattices,  Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar.  9 (1958),  137-175.

11.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt, On a theorem of Gábor Szász (Hungarian),  Magyar Tud. Akad. Mat. Fiz. Oszt. Közl.  9 (1959),  255-258.

12.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt, On the generalized Boolean algebra generated by a distributive lattice Indag. Math.  20 (1958),  547-553.

13.     E. T. Schmidt, Algebrai strukturák kongruenciaháloiról,  (Hungarian),  Magyar Tud. Akad. Mat. Fiz. Oszt. Közl. 9 (1959),  163-174.

14.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt,  An associativity theorem for alternative rings Magyar Tud. Akad. Mat. Kutató Int. Közl. 4 (1959),  259-264.

15.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt, Standard ideals in lattices Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 12 (1961), 17-86.

16.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt, Über einfache Körpererweiterungen (German),  Magyar Tud. Akad. Mat. Kutató Int. Közl. 5 (1960),  283-285.

17.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt, On inaccessible and minimal congruence relation, I.,  Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged)  21 (1960),  337-342.

18.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt, On a problem of L Fuchs concerning universal subgroups and universal homomorphic images of abelian groups, Indag. Math. 23 (1961),  253-255.

19.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt, On congruence lattices of lattices Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 13 (1962),  179-185.

20.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt, A note on a special type of  fully invariant subgroups of Abelian groups Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapest Eötvös Sect. Math. 3-4 (1960/1961),  85-87.

21.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt, Characterizations of congruence lattices of abstract algebras,  Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 24 (1963),  34-59.

22.     E. T. Schmidt, Über die Kongruenzverbände der Verbände, Publ. Math. Debrecen 9 (1962),  243-256.

23.     E. T. Schmidt, Universalen Algebren mit gegebenen Automorphismengruppen und Unteralgebrenverbänden, Acta Sci. Math 24 (1963),  251-254.

24.     E. T. Schmidt, Universalen Algebren mit gegebenen Automorphismengruppen und Kongruenzverbänden, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 15 (1964),  37-45.

25.     E. T. Schmidt, Remark on a paper of  M. F. Janovitz, Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 16 (1965),  289.

26.     E. T. Schmidt, On the definitions of homorphism kernels of lattices, Matematische Nachrichten 33 (1967),  25-30.

27.     E. T. Schmidt,  Zur Charakterisierung der Kongruenzverbände der Verbände, Math. Casopis 18 (1968),  3-20.

28.     E. T. Schmidt, Eine Verallgemeinerung des Satzes von Schmidt-Ore, Publ. Math. Debrecen  17 (1970),  283-287.

29.     E. T. Schmidt,  Über regulare Mannigfaltigkeiten, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 31 (1970),  195-201.

30.     E. T. Schmidt, Unabähngikeitrelationen in Halbverbänden, Periodica Math. Hungar. 1 (1971),  45-52.

31.     E. T. Schmidt, On  n-permutable equational classes, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 33 (1972),  29-30.

32.     B. Csákány and E. T. Schmidt, Translations of regular algebras, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged)  31 (1970),  157-160.

33.     E. T. Schmidt, Every finite distributive lattice is the congruence lattice of a modular lattices, Algebra Universalis 4 (1974),  49-57.

34.     E. T. Schmidt, Über die Kongruenzrelationen der modularen Verbände, Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 3 (1974),  59-68.

35.     E. T. Schmidt, On the length of the congruence lattice of a lattice, Algebra Universalis 5 (1975),  98-100.

36.     E. T. Schmidt,  A remark on lattice varieties defined by partial lattices, Studia Sci. Math. Hungar 18 (1974),  195-198.

37.     E. T. Schmidt, On finitely generated simple modular lattices,  Periodica Math. Hungar 6(1975),  213-216.

38.     E. Fried and E. T. Schmidt,  Standard sublattices, Algebra Universalis  5 (1975),  203-211.

39.     E. T. Schmidt,   Lattices generated by partial lattices, Proceedings of coll. Math, Szeged 14. LatticeTheory, 14 (1974),  343-353.

40.     E. T. Schmidt,  On the Characterization of the Congruence Lattices of Lattices, Proceedings Lattice Theory Conference, Ulm, (1974), 162-179.

41.     E. T. Schmidt,  On the variety generated by all modular lattices of breadth two, Houston Journal of Math. 2 (1976),  415- 418.

42.     E. T. Schmidt,  Starre Quotienten in modularen Verbänden, Proceedings of the Klagenfurt Conference (1978),  331-339.

43.     E. T. Schmidt,  On splitting modular lattices, Proceedings of the Univesal Algebra Conference Esztergom (1977),  697-703.

44.     E. T. Schmidt,  Remarks of finitely projected modular lattice, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 41 (1979),  187-190.

45.     E. T. Schmidt,  Remark on generalized function lattices, Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 34 (1979),  337-339.

46.     E. T.  Schmidt, On finitely projected modular lattices,  Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 38 (1981),  45-51.

47.     E. T. Schmidt,  The ideal lattice of a distributive lattice with 0 is the congruence lattices of a lattice,  Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 43 (1981),  153-168.

48.     E. T.  Schmidt,  Remark on compatible and order-preserving function on lattices,  Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 14 (1979),  139-144.

49.     E. T.  Schmidt and R.Wille,  Note on compatible operations of modular lattices,  Algebra Universalis 16 (1983),  395-397.

50.     E. T. Schmidt,  Congruence lattices of complemented modular lattices, Algebra Universalis 18 (1984),  386-395.

51.     G. Czédli, A. Huhn and E. T. Schmidt,  Weakly independent subsets in lattices, Algebra Universalis 20 (1985),  194-196.

52.     E. T. Schmidt,  Remarks on dependence relations in relational database models, Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok 8 (1982), 177-182.

53.     K. Kaarli, L. Márki and E. T. Schmidt,  Affin complete semilattices, Monatshefte für Mathematik 99 (1985),  297-309.

54.     E. Fried, G. E. Hansoul, E. T. Schmidt and J. Varlet,  Perfect distributive lattices, Proceedings of the Vienna-Conference (1984), 125-142.

55.     E. T. Schmidt,  Congruence relations related to a given automorphism group of a Boolean Lattice, Annales Univ.Sci. Budapestiensis de R. Eotvos nom. 29 (1970),  269-272.

56.     E. T. Schmidt,  Homomorphism of distributive lattices as restriction of congruences, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged),  51 (1987),  209-215.

57.     E. T. Schmidt,  On locally order-polynomially complete modular lattices, Acta Math. Acad. Sci., Hungar. 49 (1987),  481-486.

58.     E. T. Schmidt,  On a represantation of distributive lattices,  Periodica Math. Hungar. 19 (1988),  25-31.

59.     E. T. Schmidt,  Polynomial automorphisms of lattices,  Proceedings of the Vienna-Conference, (1988),  233-240.

60.     E. T. Schmidt,  Cover-preserving embedding,  Periodica Math. Hungar. 23 (1991),  17-24.

61.     E. T. Schmidt,  Pasting and semimodular lattices Algebra Universalis 27 (1990),  595-596.

62.     E. Fried, G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt,  Multipasting of lattices,  Algebra Universalis 30 (1993),  241-261.

63.     R. Freese, G.Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt,  On complete congruence lattices of complete modular lattices, Internat. J. Algebra Comput. 1 (1991),  147-160.

64.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt,  Algebraic lattices as congruence lattices: The m-complete case, Lattice theory and its applications, Darmstadt,  (K. A. Baker and R. Wille eds.),   Heldermann Verlag, ( 1995),  91-101.

65.     G. Grätzer, H. Lakser and E. T. Schmidt,  Congruence lattices of small planar lattices, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 123 (1995),  2619-2623.

66.     G. Grätzer, P.M. Johnson and E. T. Schmidt,   A representation of m-algebraic lattices, Algebra Universalis 32 (1994),  1-12.
67.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt,  On the congruence lattice of a Scott-domain, Algebra Universalis 30 (1993),  297-299.

68.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt,  "Complete-simple" distributive lattices, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 119 (1993),  63-69.

69.     G. Grätzer and E.T. Schmidt,  Another construction of complete-simple distributive lattices,  Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged)  58 (1993),  115-126.

70.     G. Grätzer and E.T. Schmidt,  Complete congruence lattices of complete distributive lattices,  J. of Algebra 171 (1995),  204-229.

71.     E. T. Schmidt,  Homomorphisms of distributive lattices as restriction of congruences: the planar case Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 30 (1995), 283-287.

72.      G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt,  Congruence lattices of p-algebras, Algebra Universalis 33 (1995),  470-477.

73.     E. T. Schmidt,  Congruence lattices of modular lattices,  Publicationes Mathematice 43 (1993),  129-134.

74.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt,  Do we need complete-simple distributive lattices? , Algebra Universalis 33 (1995),  140-141.

75.      G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt,  The Strong Independence Theorem for automorphismgroups and congruence lattices of finite lattices, Beiträge Algebra Geom. 36 (1995),  97-108.

76.     E. Fried and E. T. Schmidt,  Cover-preserving embedding of modular lattices, Periodica Math. Hungar.  28 (1994), 73-77.

77.      G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt,  A lattice construction and congruence-preserving extensions,  Acta Math. Hungar.  66 (1995),  275-288.

78.     G. Grätzer and  E. T. Schmidt,  Congruence lattices of function lattices, Order 11 (1994),  211-220.

79.     G. Grätzer, H. Lakser and E. T. Schmidt,  On a result of Birkhoff Period. Math. Hungar.  30 (1995),  183-188.

80.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt,  On isotone functions with the Substitution Property in distributive lattices,  Order 12 (1995),  221-231.

81.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt,  Complete congruence lattices of join-infinite distributive lattices,  Algebra Universalis 37 (1997),  141-143.

82.     G. Grätzer, H. Lakser and E. T. Schmidt,  Congruence representations of join homomorphisms of distributivelattices: A short proof,  Math. Slovaca  46  (1996), 363-369.

83.     G. Grätzer, H. Lakser and E. T. Schmidt,  Isotone maps as maps of congruences. I. Abstractmaps,  Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 75 (1997), 105-135.

84.     G. Grätzer, E. T. Schmidt and Dabin Wang,  A short proof of a theorem of Birkhoff,  Algebra Universalis 37 (1997),  253-255.

85.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt,  Some cominatorial aspects of congruence lattice representations, Theoret. Comput. Sci. 217 (1999),  291-300.

86.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt,  On finite automorphism groups of simple arguesian lattices, Studia Sci. Math. Hungar.  35 (1999),  247-258.

87.     G. Grätzer, H. Lakser and E. T. Schmidt,  Congruence lattices of finite semimodular lattices,  Canadian Math. Buletin. 41 (1998),  290-297.

88.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt,  Congruence-preserving extensions of finite lattices into sectionally complemented lattices, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 127 (1999), 1903-1915.

89.     G. Grätzer, H. Lakser and E. T. Schmidt,  Restriction of  standard congruenceson lattices, Contributions to general Algebra 10 (Proceedings of the Klagenfurt Conference)  (1997),  167-175.

90.      E. T.  Schmidt,  On finite automorphism groups of simple arguesian lattices, Publicationes Math. (Debrecen)  53 (1998),  383-387.

91.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt,  Congruence-preserving extensions of finite lattices to semimodular lattices, Houston Journal of Math.  27 (1) (2001),  1-9.

92.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt,  On the Independence Theorem of related structures for modular (arguesian) lattices,  Studia Sci. Math. Hungary.  40 (2003), 1-12.

93.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt,  Sublattices and standard congruences,  Algebra Universalis  41 (1999),  151-153.

94.     G. Grätzer, H. Lakser and E. T. Schmidt,  Congruence representations of join-homomorphisms of distributive lattices with small lattices. Size and breadth,  J. Australian  Math.  Soc. Ser. A.  68 (2000),  85-103.

95.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt,  Representations of  join- homomorphisms of distributive lattices with doubly 2-distributive lattices Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged)  64 (1998),  373-387.

96.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt,  Regular congruence-preserving extensions of lattices Algebra Universalis  46 (2001),  119-130.

97.      G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt,  Complete congruence repsentations with 2-distributive modular lattices,  Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged)  67 (2001), 39-50.

98.     G. Grätzer,  H. Lakser and E. T. Schmidt,  Isotone maps as maps of congruences. II.Concrete maps,  Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar.  92 (2001),  233-238.


99.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt Representing congruence lattice of lattices with partial unary operations as congruence lattices  of lattices I. Interval equivalence,  Journal of Algebra 269 (2003),  136-159.
100.    G. Grätzer E. T. Schmidt and K. Thomsen, Congruence lattices of  unifom lattices, Houston  Journal of Math.  29 (2003),  247-263..
101.    G. Grätzer, M. Greenberg and E. T. Schmidt, Representing congruence lattice of lattices with partial unary operations as congruence lattices  of lattices II. Interval ordering,   Journal of Algebra 286 (2005), 307-324.
102.    G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt, Finite lattices with isoform congruences  Tatra Mountain Mathematical Publications 27 (2003), 111-124.

103.    G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt, Congruence class sizes in finite sectionally complemented lattices Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 47 (2004), 191-205. 

104.    G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt, Finite lattices and congruences. A survey,  Algebra Universalis 52 (2004),  241-278.

105.    G. Grätzer, R. W. Quackenbush and E. T. Schmidt, Congruence-preserving extensions  of   finite lattices to isoform lattices, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 70 (2004), 473-494.
106    G. Czédli and E. T. SchmidtFrankl's conjecture for large semimodular and  planar semimodular lattices, Acta  Univ. Palacki, Olomouc,  47 (2008), 47-53 .
107.    G. Czédli and E. T. SchmidtHow to derive finite semimodular lattices from distributive lattices? Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. , 121 (2008), 277-282.
108.     G. Czédli and E. T. Schmidt, CDW-independent subsets in distributive lattices,  Acta  Sci. Math. (Szeged),  75 (2009),  297-301.
109.     G. Czédli,  M. Hartmann  and E. T. SchmidtCD-independent subsets in distributive lattices, Publicationes Math. (Debrecen) 74 (2009), 1-8.
110.      G. Czédli, M. Maróti and E. T. SchmidtOn the scope of averaging  for Frankl's  conjecture, Order, 26 (2009),  31-48. 
111.     E. T. Schmidt, Cover-preserving embeddings of finite length semimodular lattices into simple semimodular lattices,  Algebra Universalis ,  64 (2010), 101-102,  ( doi: 10.1007/s00012-010-0091-2)


112.   E. T. Schmidt,  Semimodular lattices  and the Hall-Dilworth gluing construction, Acta Math.  Hungar. 127 (2010),  220-224.  (doi:10.1007./s10474-010-9120-z)


113.   G. Czédli and E. T. Schmidt, Finite distributive lattices are congruence lattices of almost-geometric lattices,  Algebra Universalis,  65 (2011), 91-108.
114.   G. Czédli and E. T. Schmidt, Some results  on semimodular lattices, Proc.  Olomouc Conference (2010), Johannes Hein Verlag, Klagefurt, 45-56.


115.   G. Czédli and E. T. Schmidt,  A cover-preserving embedding  of  semimodular lattices into geometric lattices, Advances in Mathematics  225 (2010),  2455-2463.
116.    E. T. Schmidt, Congruence lattices and cover-preserving embeddings of finite length semimodular lattices,  Acta  Sci. Math. (Szeged), 77  (2011), 47-52.


117.   G. Czédli and E. T. Schmidt, The Jordan-Hölder Theorem with Uniqueness for groups and semimodular lattices,  Algebra Universalis,  66 (2011), 69--79.


118.   G. Czédli and E. T. Schmidt, Slim semimodular lattices. I. A visual aproach, Order, 29  (2012),  481--497  (DOI: 10.1007/s11083-011-9215-3)


119.   G. Czédli and E. T. Schmidt, Slim semimodular lattices. II. A description by patchwork systems, Order,  30  (2013), 689--721(DOI: 10.1007/s11083-012-9271-3 ).


120.     G. Grätzer and  E. T. Schmidt,   A short proof of the  congruence representation theorem of rectangular lattices,  Algebra Universalis, 71 (2014), 65--68,  arXiv


121.    G. Czédli and E. T. Schmidt,  Composition series in groups and the structure of slim semimodular lattices,  Acta  Sci. Math. (Szeged), 79 (2013),  369-390,  arXiv


122.     G. Grätzer and  E. T. Schmidt,  An extension theorem for planar semimodular lattices,  Periodica Math.   69 (2014),  32-40. 


123.     E. T. Schmidt, A structure theorem of of semimodular lattices and the Rubik's cubeSubmitted to  Algebra Universalis,   75 (2016), xx--yy.




                 Online manuscripts 


124.     E. T. Schmidt, A characterisation of the sources  in semimodular lattices (2012/2016)  


 125.     E. T. Schmidt, A new look at the semimodular lattices, a geometric approach (results, ideas and conjectures), (2015) 


126.   E. T. Schmidt, Diamond-free patch lattices,  (2015) 


127.  E. T. Schmidt,  Rectangular hulls of semimodular lattices, (2011)


128..  E. T. Schmidt,  An extension theorem for finite semimodular lattices, (2014,  new version:  2016)


129.    E. T. Schmidt, A new look at the semimodular lattices, a geometric approach.  Survay,  (2011) 


130.    E. T. Schmidt, A structure theorem of semimodular lattices: the patchwork representation, (2012)  


131    E. T. Schmidt, Semimodular lattices,  Slide show (2012) 


132.    E. T. Schmidt, Rectangular lattices as geometric shapes, (2013)  online


133.     E. T. Schmidt,  Congruences of 2-dimensional semimodular lattices ,     (2014), 



              The most important results:


    1.  Congruence lattices of universal algebras: [19]

                Every algebraic lattice is isomrphic to the congruence lattice of a universal algera.

    2.  Congruence lattices of lattices:  [47],  ( see also [27],[40])

                The ideal lattice of a distributive lattice with zero is the congruence lattice of a lattice.

    3. Congruence lattices of  (complemented ) modular lattices [34] ,[47],

                 Every  finite lattice L is the congruence lattice of a  complemented modular lattice.

    4.  The lattice of complete congruences of a complete lattice:  [70]:

                  Every complete lattice K can be represented as the lattice  of complete congruences  of a

                comlete distributive lattiece L.

    5.  Congruence-preserving and congruence-isomrphic extensions:  [88] ,   [91], [96]

                 Every finite lattice has a congruence-preserving  extension to a   1. regular lattice,

                2.  complemented lattice, 3 semimodular lattice. 

    6.   Semimodular lattices: [119], [123]

                Every  finite  2-dimensional semimodular lattice is the patchwork of patch lattices .

               (Conjecture: Every  finite   semimodular lattice is the patchwork of patch lattices )




1.     E. T. Schmidt,  Kongruenzrelationen algebraischer Strukturen, VEB Verlag der Wissenschaften, (1969). 

2.     E. T. Schmidt,  A Survey of Congruence Lattice Representations,  Teubner Texte zur Mathematik, Band 42, Teubner Verlagsgesellschaft Lepzig (1982)

3.     E. T. Schmidt,  Algebra, (Hungarian)  Lectures notes(1974).  276 pages.

4.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt,  Congruence lattices of  lattices, 519-530,  Appendix C  in G. Grätzer's book: General Lattice Theory (Birkhauser Verlag,  new edition in 1998). 

5.     G. Grätzer and E. T. Schmidt,  Congruences and Constructions, The Concise Handbook  of  Algebra, Alexander V. Mikhalev and Günter F. Pilz, eds.   Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht  (2002),  ISBN 0-7923-7072-4,  417-420. 



1.     Matematikai Kislexikon,  Mûszaki Könyvkiadó,  Budapest, 1972. (with coauthors).

2.      E. T. Schmidt,  Meditation on an algebra textbook for school, (Hungarian) Matematikai Lapok  23 (1972),  349--354.

3.     E. T. Schmidt,  A Tribute to András Huhn  Order 2 (1986),  331--333.

4.     E. T. Schmidt,  A survey of the hungarian algebraic research, (Hungarian) Matematikai Lapok, 24 (1983),  191--200.

5.     E. T. Schmidt,  On the algebraic work of József Kürschák (Hungarian) Matematikai Lapok, 34 (1983--1987),  247--248.

6.     E. T. Schmidt,  Ervin Fried is 60 years old,  (Hungarian) Matematikai Lapok, 34 (1983--1987),  49--252, 

7.     G.Czédli  and  E. T. Schmidt,  Concept lattices (Hungarian) Polygon IV, 2 (1994),  27-46.

8.     E. T. Schmidt,  The new Mathematical Institute of the Technical University, Jövô Mérnöke, 18/1 (1996).

9.     E. T. Schmidt, The History of algebra and mathematical logic in the Mathematical Institute,(Hungarian) MTA Közgyûlési Elõadások (2002), 123-126.

10.     E. T. Schmidt,  Richard Wiegandt Septuagenarian, Math. Pannonica, 13/2 (2002),  149-157.

11.     E. T. Schmidt,  Miért lettem matematikus ?, (Hungarian) TYPOTEX  Kiadó,  Budapest (2003),  225-226.

12.     E. T. Schmidt,  Geometriai terek az algebra szemszögébôl, (Geometric spaces from algebraic aspect), Középiskolai Matematikai Lapok, April (2004).

13.     E. T. Schmidt, Matematika a BME-n 1990 után.   A BME Matematika Intézet honlapja (2008.)

        pdf    html
14.     Fuchs László köszöntése 90. születésnapján (2014. június 30.  MTA)



     Editor of conference proceedings

1. Proceedings of the Colloquium on Abelian groups. Edited by L. Fuchs and E. T. Schmidt, Publishing House of the Hungarian Academy of Sci., Budapest  (1964).

2. Lattice Theory. Edited by A. P. Huhn and E. T. Schmidt, Colloquia Mathematica Societatis János Bolyai,  14,  North Holland,  (1976).

3. Universal Algebra. Edited by B. Csákány, E. Fried and E. T. Schmidt, Colloquia Mathematica Societatis János Bolyai, 29, North Holland,  (1982).

4. Contributions to Lattice Theory. Edited by A. P. Huhn and E. T. Schmidt, Colloquia Mathematica Societatis János Bolyai, 33,  North Holland,  (1983)


     Slide shows

1.  Big Five Conference, 2004 Budapest            The ppt version

June 2004 meeting in Budapest honoring 5 ×80 of János Aczél, Ákos Császár,
      László Fuchs, István Gál and János Horváth 

2.  Short tour of congruence lattices, 2006      The ppt version

     My lecture on the Conference on Lattice Theory in honour of the 70th birthday
      of George Grätzer and E. Tamás Schmidt, Budapest, June 5-9, 2006

    This slide was supported by the Hungarian National Foundation for Scientific Research,
      under Grant T049433

3.  The charactrization of congruence lattices

     This is a "Proof-by-pictures" presentation of the theorem: every algebraic lattice is the

     congruence lattice of an algebra.

4. A lecture in the Renyi Institute, 2006.  Hungarian

5.  A Szõkefalvi-Nagy Béla érem átadása, 2008, december 17.     ppt     pdf

6.  A lecture in the Renyi Institute, 2010. május 17.  Hungarian


      January 10,  2016