Undergraduate works of Márton Balázs
written in Hungarian in 1999. It is about simple groups acting on certain simple field-algebras. We examine the invariant part of these algebras. In higher levels, these methods can be used to obtain a different approach to quantum field theories. Some parts of pictures may be missing since they are written in a special language of emtex. My supervisor was Kornél Szlachányi (KFKI RMKI).
written for the National Conference of Physicist Students, 1999. It is shown there, that the Lagrangian function of a simple mass-point can be obtained using symmetries of the mass-point, thus the expression 1/2mv^2 for the energy of the particle follows. A similar statement holds also in the relativistic case. The formalism is the one described in Space-Time Without Reference Frames, written by Tamás Matolcsi. My supervisors were Péter Ván (Department of Chemical Physics, TU Budapest) and Tamás Matolcsi (Department of Applied Analysis, Eötvös University).