Office: Building H, 6th floor, room 667.
Office hours: Mondays 9-10AM - if you want to attend, please send me an email on the previous day (or earlier)!
Email: merdelyi
at math
dot bme
dot hu
I'm an assistant professor at the Department of Algebra and Geometry (algebra group), Institute of Mathematics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
Here you can find my CV and publication list.
And also a picture of me and one of us.
More information is available here.
I work mostly in algebraic number theory:
We have some results concerning the conjecture of Lang and Trotter on primitive points over finite characteristic function field (joint work with ">Árpád Tóth ). Now we are working with him and Gergely Zábrádi on proving effective bounds and explicit purity locus of Kloosterman sums over matrix groups.
In the algebra group we do research in code-based post quantum cryptography: we give estimates on the true dimension of certain subfield subcodes, we have proven that random alternant codes have minimal dimension.
I take part in the research group of Péter Maga for Automorphic Forms beyond GL2.
With Gergely Zábrádi we compared certain generalized Montréal functors which are relevant in understanding the local p-adic Langlands correspondence.