Our department is a leading research school in probability theory and related fields. Areas of internationally recognized research include: geometry of random fractals, percolation and statistical mechanics, chaotic dynamical systems, spectral clustering, interacting particle systems, random walks, random media, stochastic analysis, random graphs and network theory, statistics. Below you can find a more detailed list of topics.
The important role played by our department in the scientific community is shown by our publications, invited lectures, prizes, collaborations with partners from mathematical centres all over the world, editorial work, etc. We are also hosting the MTA-BME Stochastics Research Group, funded by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Our department is fully or partially responsible for three research seminar series. |
Probabilistic aspects of deterministic dynamical systems. Chaotic behaviour in billiards. Hyperbolicity, ergodicity, correlation decay, limit theorems.
Péter Bálint, Domokos Szász, Imre Péter Tóth
Selected publications and mathematical gallery
Fractal geometry, dimension theory of dynamical systems, geometric measure theory.
Balázs Bárány, Károly Simon
Selected publications and mathematical gallery
Mathematical aspects of classical and quantum statistical physics. Percolation models with short or long range correlations, Ising and Heisenberg models, conformally invariant processes in the plane, noise sensitivity.
Gábor Pete, Balázs Ráth.
Selected publications and mathematical gallery
Asymptotic behaviour of random processes with long memory. Self-interacting random walks, and random walks in random environment.
Domokos Szász, Bálint Vető
Selected publications and mathematical gallery
Interacting particle systems, hydrodynamic limits, fluctuations in the KPZ universality class.
Bálint Vető
Selected publications and mathematical gallery
Spectra of graphs and matrices. Cluster analysis by graph theoretical methods. Parametric and semiparametric network models.
Marianna Bolla.
Selected publications and mathematical gallery
Random graphs and complex networks. Limit theorems and self-organized criticality in dynamical random graph models. Network science.
Balázs Ráth, Roland Molontay, Marcell Nagy, Károly Simon, Imre Péter Tóth
Selected publications and mathematical gallery
Data mining, educational data science, intelligent monitoring, trajectory prediction, and anomaly detection
Máté Baranyi, Roland Molontay, Marcell Nagy
Selected publications and mathematical gallery
Probabilistic, geometric, analytic aspects of infinite groups.
Gábor Pete
Selected publications and mathematical gallery
Stochastic analysis, strong approximation and applications
Tamás Szabados
Selected publications and mathematical gallery
Number theory: combinatorial and probabilistic aspects. Cryptographic applications.
Tünde Kovács, Csaba Sándor, Gábor Pete
Selected publications and mathematical gallery
Information theory.
Imre Csiszár, Tamás Kói
Selected publications and mathematical gallery
Nonparametric Bayesian statistics.
Botond Szabó.
Selected publications and mathematical gallery
Applications of probability theory to biology and chemistry
Béla Barabás, Tamás Szabados
Selected publications and mathematical gallery