Education |
1989-1994, Eötvös Loránd University,
Budapest, Hungary (Mathematics, Physics, Descriptive geometry)
1994-1997, PhD School at Eötvös Loránd
University, Budapest, Applied Mathematics. 2000, PhD
dissertation is submitted with the title "Qualitative
Properties of Numerical Solutions of the Heat Conduction
Equation". |
2001, PhD degree
in Mathematics. |
2009, habilitation, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary |
Work history |
1993-2002, University of West Hungary,
Institute of Mathematics, Faculty of Forestry, Sopron, Hungary, |
2000-2002, University of Technology
Eindhoven, Philips Research Laboratories Eindhoven,
Eindhoven, The Netherlands, |
2002-2012, University of West Hungary, Faculty
of Economics, Sopron, Hungary. |
2008-, Budapest University of Technology
and Economics, Budapest, Faculty of Natural Sciences,
Department of Analysis, Hungary. |
2012-, MTA-ELTE Numerikus Módszerek és Nagy Hálózatok kutatócsoport. |
Languages |
Hungarian (native language), German, English,
Dutch. |
Teaching experience |
1993-2012, University of West Hungary (Sopron)
-- Analysis, Linear Algebra, Operations Research, Numerical
Mathematics, Mathematical Statistics, Probability Theory,
Financial Option Valuation), |
1997, Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest)
-- Analysis |
2004, Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest)
-- PhD course (Numerical Solution of Partial Differential
Equations). |
2004, Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest)
-- Numerical modelling. |
2008-, Budapest University of Technology
and Economics (Budapest) -- Numerical Methods, numerical computations, analysis. |
My students and their prizes |
2005, Csaba Péterfalvi (Eötvös Loránd
University, physicist), lauded at OTDK. |
2017, Bálint Máté Takács (Eötvös Loránd
University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, mathematician, MSc), Outstanding student of the faculty. |
2017, Bálint Máté Takács (Eötvös Loránd
University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, mathematician, MSc), special prize at XXXIII. OTDK conference |
2017, Bálint Máté Takács (Eötvös Loránd
University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, mathematician, PhD), ÚNKP-17-3 New National Excellence Program
of the Ministry of Human Capacities |
Scientific Publications |
See my publication page.
Scientific Awards |
2004, Gyula Farkas Award (from János
Bolyai Mathematical Society) |
2007, János Bolyai Research Fellowship
(from Hungarian Academy of Sciences) |
2007, Outstanding teacher of the faculty
2015, Outstanding teacher of the faculty
Refereeing Work |
Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica |
American Journal of Numerical Analysis |
Applications of Mathematics |
Applied Mathematical Modelling |
Computers and Mathematics with Applications |
International Journal of Computational Science
and Engineering (IJCSE) |
International Journal of Numerical Analysis and
Modeling (IJNAM) |
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Mathematical and Computer Modelling |
Membership of organizing / scientific committees |
1996, László Rátz Assembly (for teachers of mathematics), Sopron, Hungary |
2002, Finite-Difference Time-Domain
Meeting, Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, the
Netherlands |
2015, The Second Basque-Hungarian Workshop on Numerical Methods for PDEs, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM), Bilbao, Spain,
12-13 January, 2015. (Member of the scientific committee.)
2017, Bergen-Budapest Workshop on "Qualitative and Numerical Aspects of Mathematical Modelling", Western Norway University of Applied Sciences,
Bergen, Norway May 29-30, 2017. (Member of the scientific committee.)
2018, ECMI 2018, Budapest, Hungary,
18-22 June, 2018. (Organizer of the minisymposium "Qualitative properties of ordinary and partial differential equations and their numerical solutions".)
International Conferences and Visits |
- SEFI Annual Conference - Visions and
Strategies for Europe, Czech Republik (Prague, 1994) |
- 6th International Conference on
Numerical Methods, Hungary (Miskolc, 1994) |
- School on Numerical Simulation of PDE's:
Methods, algorithms, applications, Italy (Trieste, 1996) |
- Second Joint Conference on Mathematics
and Computer Science, Romania (Illyefalva, 1997) |
- Conference on Numerical Methods and
Computational Mechanics, Hungary (Miskolc, 1998) |
- Conference in Honor of Robert J.
Plemmons, USA (Winston-Salem, 1999) |
- Third Joint Conference on Mathematics
and Computer Science, Hungary (Visegrád, 1999) |
- The Third European Conference on
Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Finland (Jyväskylä,
1999) |
- Conference on 3D Finite Element Methods,
Finland (Jyväskylä, 2000) |
- NUMDIFF-9, Germany (Halle an der Sale,
2000) |
- IEEE Workshop on Signal Propagation on
Interconnects, Italy (Venice-Cavallino, 2001) |
- Scientific Computing in Electrical
Engineering Conference, The Netherlands (Eindhoven, 2002) |
- ENUMATH-2003, Czech Republic (Prague,
2003) |
- NUMDIFF-10, Germany, (Halle an der
Saale, 2003) |
- ECMI conference, The Netherlands
(Eindhoven, 2004) |
- Large-Scale Scientific Computations,
Bulgaria (Sozopol, 2005) |
- Quantitative and Mathematical Finance
Conference (Budapest, 2005) |
- UKRPROG'2006, Ukraine (Kiev, 2006) |
- 6th International Conference on
Numerical Methods and Applications (NM&A'06), Bulgaria
(Borovets, 2006) |
- 4th Conference on Finite Difference
Methods: Theory and Aplpications, Bulgaria (Lozenetz, 2006) |
- NUMDIFF-11, Germany, (Halle an der
Saale, 2006) |
- Encounters between discrete and
continuous mathematics, Germany (Blaubeuren, 2008) |
- Conference on Numerical Analysis and
Applications (NAA'08), Bulgaria (Lozenetz, 2008) |
- NUMDIFF-12, Germany, (Halle an der Saale, 2009)
- 61st Annual Meeting of the International Society of
Electrochemistry konferencia. A kiállított poszter címe "Parameter
estimation in a PEMFC model", France (Nice, 2010).
- Innovative integrators Workshop, Austria (Innsbruck, 2010).
- Conference on Simulation and Optimization, Hungary (Győr, 2011). |
- Basque-Hungarian Workshop on Numerical Methods for Large Systems, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM), Bilbao, Spain, April 2012.
- Encounters Between Discrete and Continuous Mathematics
Workshop on Dynamical Networks, Numerical Analysis and Ergodic Theory, Budapest, ELTE, 21-24. May, 2013.
- The Third BCAM Workshop
in Computational Mathematics, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM), Bilbao, Spain,
17-18. July, 2014.
- The Second Basque-Hungarian Workshop on Numerical Methods for PDEs, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM), Bilbao, Spain,
12-13. January, 2015. (Member of the scientific committee.)
- Bergen-Budapest Workshop on "Qualitative and Numerical Aspects of Mathematical Modelling", Western Norway University of Applied Sciences,
Bergen, Norway May 29-30, 2017. (Member of the scientific committee.)
- ECMI 2018, Budapest, Hungary,
18-22 June, 2018. (Organizer of the minisymposium "Qualitative properties of ordinary and partial differential equations and their numerical solutions".)