Rudolf Dániel Prokaj

PhD Student at Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE), Department of Stochastics
Curriculum Vitae
- Room: Building H, Department of Stochastics, H507
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- Fractal dimensions of continuous piecewise linear iterated function systems
R.D. Prokaj, P. Raith, K. Simon, Proceedings of the American Mathematics Society, 2023
- Special families of piecewise linear iterated function systems
R.D. Prokaj, K. Simon, arXiv preprint, arXiv:2302.04333, 2022
- A survey on piecewise linear iterated function systems on the line
R.D. Prokaj, Conference Book of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Conference, Pécs, 2021
- Piecewise linear iterated function systems on the line of overlapping construction
R.D. Prokaj, K. Simon, Nonlinearity, 2021
- Climate change in a conceptual atmosphere–phytoplankton model
Gy. Károlyi, R.D. Prokaj, I. Scheuring, T. Tél, Earth systems dynamic, 2020
BSc Thesis
MSc Thesis