Milán Mosonyi http://math.bme.hu/~mosonyi/
Senior researchers
József Pitrik http://math.bme.hu/~pitrik/
Tamás Tasnádi http://math.bme.hu/~tasnadi/
Péter Vrana http://math.bme.hu/~vranap/
Mihály Weiner http://math.bme.hu/~mweiner/
Zoltán Zimborás https://wigner.mta.hu/en/infopages/zimboras.zoltan
Gergely Bunth (PhD)
Zoltán Kolarovszki (MSc)
Zsombor Szilágyi (MSc)
Affiliated members
Attila Andai http://math.bme.hu/~andaia/indexee.html
Lóránt Farkas http://math.bme.hu/~lfarkas/
Attila Lovas http://math.bme.hu/~lovas/indexen.html
Géza Tóth http://www.gtoth.eu/
Dániel Virosztek https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Daniel_Virosztek
Lendület (Momentum) research grant of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS)
National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDI) grant no. K 124152, KH 129601
Quantum Technology National Excellence Program (Project No. 2017-1.2.1-NKP-2017-00001)
New National Excellence Program
Bolyai Fellowship of the HAS
The scientific worldview was revolutionized at the beginning of the 20 century by the recognition that p hysical systems of microscopic size cannot be described by the laws of physics suitable for the everyday world. The predictions of the new physical theory, quantum mechanics, led to such technological inventions as the laser or semi-conductors, without which modern computers and modern technology would not be possible. It has been a more and more widespread view in recent years that the predictions of quantum mechanics may lead to a new technological revolution, as the result of which new methods of the storage, transmission, and manipulation of information of unprecedented efficiency may become possible, leading to such technological applications as unconditionally secure cryptography or quantum computers that would outperform any computers of current technology. However, to realize this vision, there are still numerous highly non-trivial problems to solve both on the technology side and in the deeper theoretical understanding of the possibilities offered and the limitations posed by quantum theory. In the group we work on mathematical problems originating from quantum information theory, and we aim at answering questions like the optimal compressibility of the information stored in quantum systems, or the theoretical limits of the efficiency of the information transmission via communication channels described by quantum mechanics.