Extreme value theory
2023/24. 2nd semester

Classes: Mon 14.15-15.45 H507


Points can be collected by: The final mark is given based on a score between 0 and 100. Grading scale: A final score between 40 and 54 yields a mark 2, between 55 and 69 is 3, between 70 and 84 is 4 and anything more than 85 is 5.

Exercises, midterm test

Papers for short talk, deadline for signing up: 8th Apr schedule of talks

Suggestions for short talks: Each presentation takes 25-30 minutes including questions. It is important to explain the concept of the paper without going into technical details. Most papers cannot be fully explained in 30 minutes, and it is not required. It is much more important to be understandable. It is suggested to explain the model considered in the paper and to state the main results already in the first part of the talk. Then further expanations, methods and proof ideas can follow depending on the topic and the paper. Great talks can be given by using an overhead projector and slides as well as on the blackboard, neither of the two ways is preferred in principle. When showing data and plots, slides might be more useful but mixed solutions are also possible. Please attend each others presentations.

Hand-written lecture notes

  1. Domains of attraction for sums, stable laws
  2. Limit laws for normalized maxima, max-stable laws
  3. Fisher-Tippett theorem
  4. Maximum domains of attraction
  5. Generalized extreme value (GEV) distributions, kth largest maxima, records
  6. Multivariate extreme value distributions
2016 lecture notes in one file


Lecture diary