These two MSc programs are run by the Stochastics Department, a leading research school in probability theory and related fields. Areas of internationally recognized research include: stochastic analysis, random fractals, network theory, interacting particle systems, dynamical systems, percolation and statistical mechanics, game theory, statistics. Here is a more detailed list of topics.
Here is the list of our faculty and staff.The important role played by our department in the scientific community is shown by the amount and quality of collaboration with partners from mathematical centres all over the world. On the other hand, we also care a lot about applications of our expertise to real-life problems: we have had several joint projects with top international companies in finance, insurance, telecommunication and commerce, in which many students have also participated.
Our department is fully or partially responsible for three research seminar series:
- The Stochastics Seminar is a world-class weekly seminar focusing on probability theory, with speakers from all over the world, of the highest reputation.
- The similarly high quality Dynamical Systems Seminar concerns areas closely related to probability theory.
- Thirdly, the Mathematical Models Student Seminar features a wide range of speakers and topics from applied mathematics: from insurance questions and cryptography to epidemics and genome sequencing.