Zsolt Lángi's Homepage


Curriculum Vitae

Personal Data

Place and date of birth: Keszthely, Hungary, October 27, 1974.
Children: Máté Boldizsár Lángi, Luca Eszter Lángi, Johanna Lángi, Blanka Lángi.

Research Interest

Discrete, convex and combinatorial geometry. In particular geometric optimization problems, the geometry of normed spaces, static equilibrium points of convex bodies, etcetera.


MSc degree: Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary, 1998 (graduated "with honors") as a mathematics-physics high school teacher.
PhD degree:
  • Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary, in Pure Mathematics, 2004 (with "summa cum laude").
  • University of Calgary, Calgary AB, Canada, in Pure Mathematics, 2008.

Past and Present Jobs

1998-2002: lecturer, Dept. of Analysis, College of Dunaújváros, Dunaújváros, Hungary.
1999-2002: PhD student, Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary (supervisors: Károly Böröczky and, after 2001, Marek Lassak, Instytut Matematyki i Fizyki ATR, Bydgoszcz, Poland, by the invitation of Eötvös University).
2002-2004: assistant professor, Dept. of Analysis, College of Dunaújváros, Dunaújváros, Hungary.
2004-2008: associate professor, Dept. of Analysis, College of Dunaújváros, Dunaújváros, Hungary.
2004-2008: PhD student, Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Calgary, Calgary AB, Canada (supervisor: Károly Bezdek, co-supervisor: Ted Bisztriczky).
2008-2014: assistant professor, Dept. of Geometry, Budapest University of Technology, Budapest, Hungary
2014-: associate professor, Dept. of Geometry, Budapest University of Technology, Budapest, Hungary
2016: postdoctoral fellow, Combinatorial Geometry Group, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
2017-2023: senior research fellow, Morphodynamics Research Group, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2023-: senior research fellow, HUN-REN Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics

Scholarships, Grants

2002-2005: member of the OTKA grant #037752
2003-2006: member of the OTKA grant #043556
2004: "Dean's Entrance Scholarship", awarded by the University of Calgary
2005: "Eric Milner Memorial Scholarship", awarded by a committe consisting of relatives and ex-colleagues of the late Professor Eric Milner
2005-2006: "University of Calgary Silver Anniversary Graduate Scholarship", awarded by the University of Calgary
2006-2008: "Alberta Ingenuity Graduate Scholarship", awarded by the Alberta Ingenuity Fund, Alberta, Canada
2009: Mecenatúra grant #MEC-1-2008-0663
2011: participating in the grant TÁMOP-4.2.2-08/1-2008-0028
2011-2013: member of the OTKA grant #072146
2012-2015: János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2012-2017: member of the OTKA grant #104601
2016-2020: member of the OTKA grant #119245
2017-2022: member of the OTKA grant #119670
2018-2021: János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2018-2021: Új Nemzeti Kiválósági Program, Bolyai+ (ÚNKP-18-4, ÚNKP-19-4, ÚNKP-20-5) of the Hungarian Ministries of Human Capacities, and of Innovation and Technology
2018-: member of the BME FIKP-VÍZ grant of the Hungarian Ministry of Human Capacities
2020-2024: member of the OTKA grant #134199
2024-: member of the OTKA grant #147544


1997: "Excellent Student of the Faculty", awarded by the Faculty of Science, Eötvös University
2016: Bolyai Emléklap (`Bolyai Memorial Card'), awarded by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2018: "Műegyetem Kiváló Oktatója"(`Excellent Instructor of the University of Technology') awarded by the Budapest University of Technology based on students' evaluation of teaching
2022: Bolyai Plakett (`Bolyai Plaque'), awarded by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Courses Taught

    At the College of Dunaújváros (1998-2004, 2008-2009)
  • Hungarian and English calculus tutorials and lectures for full-time and part time students
  • abstract algebra lectures for full-time students in English
    At the University of Calgary (2004-2008)
  • MATH221 (linear algebra) tutorials
  • MATH349 (multivariate calculus) tutorials
  • PMAT315 (abstract algebra) tutorials
  • MATH311 (abstract vector spaces) tutorials
    At the Budapest University of Technology (2008-)
  • A1-A3 tutorials (mathematics for engineering students)
  • A1-A2 lectures (mathematics for engineering students)
  • Preengineering geometry and algebra lectures (courses in English about high school mathematics)
  • Computer graphics laboratory exercises
  • Descriptive geometry lectures and tutorials in Hungarian and in English
  • Combinatorial and discrete geometry lectures and tutorials (for MSc students in mathematics)
  • Differential geometry tutorials (for BSc students in mathematics)
  • Convex geometry lectures and tutorials (for BSc students in mathematics)

Other Research and Teaching Activities

  • Supervisory activity:
    TDK essays
    1. Imre Fekete and Ágnes Horváth, Prímtesztek, TDK essay (students' scientific competition), College of Dunaújváros, 2002.
    2. Anna Hidas, Csonkolt ellipszoidok egyensúlyi helyzetei, TDK essay (supervised jointly with Gábor Domokos), Budapest University of Technology, 2012, won 3rd prize on the faculty competition, and ``compliment'' on the national one.
    3. Márk Mezei, Diszkrét alakfejlődési modell, affinitások mentén, TDK essay (supervised jointly with Gábor Domokos), Budapest University of Technology, 2014, won 1st prize on the faculty competition.
    4. Péter Tamás Varga, Vajon mennyire komplex egy szimplex?, TDK essay (supervised jointly with Gábor Domokos), Budapest University of Technology, 2018, won 3rd prize on the faculty competition and 2nd prize on the national one.
    5. Krisztina Regős, Piramisok geometriája, TDK essay (supervised jointly with Gábor Domokos and Norbert K. Kovács), Budapest University of Technology, 2018, won 1st prize on the faculty competition and special prize on the national competition.
    6. Ágoston Szesztay, Élein szelt poliéderek kombinatorikus és metrikus tulajdonságai, TDK essay (supervised jointly with Gábor Domokos), Budapest University of Technology, 2020, won 1st prize and Pro Progressio special prize on the faculty competition.
    7. Máté Kadlicskó, Véges általánosított Minkowski elrendezések, TDK essay, Budapest University of Technology, 2020, won 3rd prize on the faculty competition, and special prize on the national competition.
    8. Csenge Lili Ködmön, Konvex sokszögek beírt sokszögeinek extremális tulajdonságai, TDK essay, Budapest University of Technology, 2020, won 3rd prize on the faculty competition.
    9. Ágoston Szesztay, Iteratív módon csonkolt poliéderek statikai egyensúlyáról, TDK essay (supervised jointly with András Sipos), Budapest University of Technology, 2022, won 1st prize on the faculty competition.
    BSc theses
    1. Ervin Dér, A sakk és a matematika, BSc thesis, Budapest University of Technology, 2013.
    2. Márton Fáber, Discrete isoperimetric inequalities, BSc thesis, Budapest University of Technology, 2017.
    3. Csenge Lili Ködmön, Konvex sokszögek beírt sokszögeinek extremális tulajdonságai, BSc thesis, Budapest University of Technology, 2021.
    4. Nikolai Demidov, Morse Theory and its applications, BSc thesis (supervised jointly with Balázs Ludmány), Budapest University of Technology, 2023.
    5. Mashile Clerence, Spindle convexity and ball-polyhedra, BSc thesis, Budapest University of Technology, 2024.
    6. Ji Zong, The Brunn-Minkowski theory, BSc thesis, Budapest University of Technology, 2024.
    MSc theses
    1. Júlia Frittmann, Decompositions of centrally symmetric polygons, MSc thesis, Budapest University of Technology, 2017.
    2. Máté Kadlicskó, Densities of Minkowski arrangements, MSc thesis, Budapest University of Technology, 2023.
    PhD students
    1. Sami Mezal Araibi Almohammad (jointly with Márton Naszódi), Eötvös University, 2018-2023.
    2. Bushra Basit, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 2019-
    3. Shanshan Wang, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 2023-

  • Refereeing work:
    Acta Inform., Acta Math. Hungar., Adv. Appl. Math., Adv. Geom., Adv. Math., Aequationes Math., Amer. Math. Monthly, Arch. Math. (Basel), Ars Combin., Comput. Geom., Contrib. Discrete Math., Discrete Appl. Math., Discrete Comput. Geom., Discrete Math., Electron. J. Combin., European J. Combin., Exp. Math., Graphs Combin., Hiroshima Math. J., Int. Electron. J. Geom., Invent. Math., J. Appl. Anal., J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, J. Comput. Des. Eng., J. Differential Geom., J. Geom., J. Nonlinear Sci., Mediterr. J. Math., Mosc. J. Comb. Number Theory, Note Mat., Period. Math. Hungar., Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., SIAM J. Discrete Math., Studia Sci. Math. Hungar.

  • Conference organization:
    • Főiskolai Matematika-, Fizika- és Számítástechnika Oktatók XXIII. Országos Konferenciája, Dunaújváros, Hungary, September 1-3, 1999.
    • Western Canadian Conference for Young Researchers in Mathematics, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, May 4-6, 2007.
    • Discrete Geometry Days, Budapest, Hungary, June 21-24, 2016.
    • Discrete Geometry Days2 , Budapest, Hungary, July 9-12, 2019.
    • Discrete Geometry Days3 , Budapest, Hungary, July 2-5, 2024.

  • Miscellaneous
    2000-2004: coaching the team of the College of Dunaújváros for the national competition "Hajós György Matematikaverseny", and organizing the qualifying competition at the college.
    2001-2004: organizing the TDK (Scientific Competition for University and College Students) activities at the Insitute of Natural Sciences, College of Dunaújváros.
    2003: took part in the publication of the calculus practice problem book "Dr. Horváth Ferenc, Horváth Péter, Kis Istvánné and Dr. Takács Miklós, Analízis (Példatár)".
    2008-: Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews.
    2014-: Reviewer for Zentralblatt.
    2017-: jury member, Izsák Imre Complex Competition in Natural Sciences for high school students.
    2022-: organizing the TDK (Scientific Competition for University and College Students) activities at the Insitute of Mathematics, Budapest University of Technology.
    2023-: secretary, TDK Faculty Committee.
Last refreshed on June 14, 2018
Curriculum vitae
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