Publications published in refereed journals
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Publications published in refereed journals
- Z. Lángi and P.L. Várkonyi, Centroids and equilibrium points of convex bodies, accepted in Bolyai Soc. Math. Stud., arXiv:2407.19177, [math.MG], July 27, 2024.
- K. Bezdek and Z. Lángi, On separability in discrete geometry, accepted in Bolyai Soc. Math. Stud., arXiv:2407.19177, [math.MG], July 27, 2024.
- K. Bezdek and Z. Lángi, Density bounds for unit ball packings relative to their outer parallel domains, accepted in Pure Appl. Funct. Anal. arxiv:2401.00645, [math.MG]
- K. Bezdek and Z. Lángi, On optimal λ-separable packings in the plane, Ars. Math. Contemp., DOI: 10.26493/1855-3974.3130.d46, arXiv:2305.01575 [math.MG].
- K. Bezdek and Z. Lángi, Remarks on soft ball packings in dimensions 2 and 3, Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 61 (2024), 251–261, DOI:10.1556/012.2024.04318, arxiv:2310.04574, [math.MG].
- B. Ludmány, Z. Lángi and G. Domokos, Morse-Smale complexes on convex polyhedra, Period. Math. Hungar. 89 (2024), 1-22, DOI: 10.1007/s10998-024-00583-4, arXiv:2106.11626 [cs.CG], [math.CO], [math.MG].
- K. Bezdek and Z. Lángi, From the separable Tammes problem to extremal distributions of great circles in the unit sphere, Discrete Comput. Geom. 72 (2024), 269–309, DOI: 0.1007/s00454-023-00509-w,
arXiv:2201.11234 [math.MG].
- B. Basit and Z. Lángi, On a Dowker-type problem for convex disks with almost constant curvature, Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 61 (2024), 59-72, DOI:10.1556/012.2024.04306, arXiv:2308.02378, [math.MG].
- B. Basit and Z. Lángi, Dowker-type theorems for disk-polygons in normed planes, Discrete Math 347 (2024), 114019, DOI:10.1016/j.disc.2024.114019, arXiv:2307.04026, [math.MG].
- B. Basit and Z. Lángi, On monohedral tilings of a regular polygon, Aequationes Math. 98 (2024), 535–555, DOI:10.1007/s00010-023-00973-y, arXiv:2109.14264 [math.MG], [math.CO], [math.GT].
- G. Domokos, Z. Lángi and P. Várkonyi, A characterization of the symmetry groups of mono-monostatic convex bodies, Monatsh. Math. 201 (2023), 703–724, DOI: 10.1007/s00605-023-01847-w.
- A. Joós and Z. Lángi, Isoperimetric problems for zonotopes, Mathematika 69 (2023), 508-534, DOI:10.1112/mtk.12191, arXiv:2206.03204 [math.MG].
- B. Basit and Z. Lángi, Discrete isoperimetric problems in spaces of constant curvature, Mathematika 69 (2023), 33-50,
arXiv:2206.04323 [math.MG].
- M. Kadlicskó and Z. Lángi, On generalized Minkowski arrangements, Ars Math. Contemp. 23 (2023), P1.09, DOI:10.26493/1855-3974.2550.d96, arXiv:2102.03541 [math.MG].
- G. Domokos and Z. Lángi, Plato's error and a mean field formula for convex mosaics, Axiomathes 32 (2022), 889–905,
DOI: 10.1007/s10516-019-09455-w,
- G. Domokos and Z. Lángi, On some average properties of convex mosaics, Experiment. Math. 31(3) (2022), 783-793.
arXiv:1905.00721 [math.MG].
- M. Fradelizi, Z. Lángi and A. Zvavitch, Volume of the Minkowski sums of star-shaped sets, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B 9 (2022), 358-372,
DOI:10.1090/bproc/97, arXiv:1910.06146 [math.MG], [math.FA].
- S.M. Almohammad, Z. Lángi and M. Naszódi, An analogue of a theorem of Steinitz for ball polyhedra in R3, Aequationes Math. 96 (2022), 403-415,
arXiv:2011.10105 [math.MG], [math.CO].
- Z. Lángi, A solution to some problems of Conway and Guy on monostable polyhedra, Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 54(2) (2022), 501-516, DOI:10.1112/blms.12579, arXiv:2008.02090 [math.MG], [math.DG], [math.DS].
- G. Domokos, Z. Lángi and A.Á. Sipos, Tracking critical points on evolving curves and surfaces, Experiment. Math. 31 (2022), 1-20,
arXiv:1802.06118 [math.DS], [math-ph], [math.NA].
- Z. Lángi, An isoperimetric problem for three-dimensional parallelohedra, Pacific J. Math. 316 (2022), 169–181, DOI:10.2140/pjm.2022.316.169, arXiv:2102.11621 [math.MG].
- Á. G.Horváth and Z. Lángi, On the convex hull and homothetic convex hull functions of a convex body, Geom. Dedicata 216 (2022), article number: 10, DOI:10.1007/s10711-022-00673-y,
arXiv:2012.08955 [math.MG].
- C.L. Ködmön and Z. Lángi, Extremal convex polygons inscribed in a given convex polygon, Comput. Geom. 102 (2022), 101844,
arXiv:2101.03061 [math.MG].
- K. Bezdek and Z. Lángi, On k-diametral point configurations in Minkowski spaces, Discrete Math. 345 (2022), 112700,
DOI:10.1016/j.disc.2021.112700, arXiv:2005.04542 [math.MG].
- D. Frettlöh, A. Glazyrin and Z. Lángi, Hexagon tilings of the plane that are not edge-to-edge, Acta Math. Hungar., 164 (2021), 341-349, DOI:10.1007/s10474-021-01155-5,
arXiv:1911.12752 [math.MG], [math.CO].
- Z. Lángi, Centering Koebe polyhedra via Möbius transformations, Groups Geom. Dyn. 15 (2021), 197-221, DOI:10.4171/GGD/596,
arXiv:1804.07572 [math.MG], [math-DS], [math.GT].
- G. Domokos, F. Kovács, Z. Lángi, K. Regős and P.T. Varga, Balancing polyhedra, Ars Math. Contemp. 19 (2020), 95-124,
arXiv:1810.05382 [math.MG].
- Á. Kurusa, Z. Lángi and V. Vígh, Tiling a circular disc with congruent pieces, Mediterr. J. Math. 17 (2020), article number 156,
DOI:10.1007/s00009-020-01595-3, arXiv:1910.03836 [math.GT], [math.MG].
- K. Bezdek and Z. Lángi, From spherical to Euclidean illumination, Monatsh. Math. 192 (2020), 483-492,
DOI: 10.1007/s10516-019-01355-w,
arXiv:1909.11884 [math.MG].
- K. Bezdek and Z. Lángi, Bounds for totally separable translative packings in the plane, Discrete Comput. Geom. 63 (2020), 49-72.
DOI:10.1007/s00454-018-0029-6, arXiv:1710.06886 [math.MG].
- K. Bezdek and Z. Lángi, Minimizing the mean projections of finite ρ-separable packings, Monatsh. Math. 188 (2019), 611-620,
DOI:10.1007/s00605-018-1166-y, arXiv:1712.05459 [math.MG].
- M. Ausserhofer, S. Dann, Z. Lángi and Géza Tóth, An algorithm to find maximum area polygons circumscribed about a convex
polygon, Discrete Appl. Math. 255 (2019), 98-108.
, DOI:j.dam.2018.08.017, arXiv:1706.08152 (Corrigendum).
- G. Domokos and Z. Lángi, The isoperimetric quotient of a convex body decreases monotonically under the Eikonal abrasion model, Mathematika 65 (2019),
119-129, arXiv:1801.06796 [math.AP], [math.MG].
- Z. Lángi, A characterization of affinely regular polygons,
Aequationes Math. 92 (2018), 1037-1049, DOI:10.1007/s00010-018-0541-z,
arXiv:1706:03036 [math.MG], [math.FA], [math.NT]
- G. Domokos and Z. Lángi, The evolution of geological shape descriptors under distance-driven flows, Math. Geosci. 54(3) (2018), 337-363,
- G. Domokos, Z. Lángi and M. Mezei, A shape evolution model under affine transformations, Mediterr. J. Math. 14 (2017), 210,
arXiv:1604.07630 [math.MG]
- Z. Lángi and M. Naszódi, On multiple Borsuk numbers in normed spaces, Studia Sci. Math. Hungar.
54(1) (2017), 13-26,
arXiv:1311.3193 [math.MG], [math.CO].
- Á. G.Horváth, Z. Lángi and M. Spirova, Semi-inner products and the concept of semi-polarity, Results Math.
71(1) (2017), 127-144,
arXiv:1308.0974 [math.MG], [math.FA].
- G. Domokos, P. Holmes and Z. Lángi, A genealogy of convex solids via local and global bifurcations of
gradient vector fields, J. Nonlinear Sci. 26 (2016), 1789-1815.
arXiv:1508.04796 [math.MG],
[], [math.DS]
- J. Frittmann and Z. Lángi, Decompositions of a polygon into centrally symmetric pieces, Mediterr. J. Math. 13 (2016), 3629-3649,
arXiv:1504.05418 [math.MG], [math.CO].
- K. Bezdek and Z. Lángi, On non-separable families of positive homothetic convex bodies, Discrete Comput. Geom. 56 (2016), 802-813,
arXiv:1602.01020 [math.MG].
- Á. G.Horváth and Z. Lángi, Maximum volume polytopes inscribed in the unit sphere, Monatsh. Math. 181 (2016), 341-354,
arXiv:1402.6496 [math.MG], [math.CO]
- Z. Lángi, M. Naszódi, J. Pach, G. Tardos and G. Tóth, Separation with restricted families of sets, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A
144 (2016), 292-305,
arXiv:1508.05504 [math.CO], [math.MG]
- Z. Lángi, On a normed version of a Rogers-Shephard type problem, Israel J. Math. 202 (2016), 203-217,
arXiv:1308.2500 [math.MG].
- G. Domokos, Z. Lángi and T. Szabó, A topological classification of convex bodies, Geom. Dedicata 182 (2016), 95-116,
- G. Domokos and Z. Lángi, On the average number of normals through points of a convex body, Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 52
(2015), 457-476, arXiv:1406.0813 [math.MG].
- K. Bezdek and Z. Lángi, Density bounds for outer parallel domains of unit ball packings, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. 288
(2015), 209-225, arXiv:1409.4508 [math.MG].
- M. Hujter and Z. Lángi, On the multiple Borsuk numbers of sets, Israel J. Math. 199 (2014), 219-239,
arXiv:1206.0892v2 [math.MG], [math.CO], June 5, 2012.
- Á. G.Horváth and Z. Lángi, On the volume of the convex hull of two convex bodies,
Monatsh. Math., 174 (2014), 219-229, arXiv:1302.6164v1 [math.MG].
- G. Domokos and Z. Lángi, The robustness of equilibria on convex solids, Mathematika 60 (2014), 237-256,
arXiv:1301.4031v1 [math.MG], [math-ph], [math.DS].
- Z. Lángi, On the perimeters of simple polygons contained in a
plane convex body, Beiträge Algebra Geom. 54 (2013), 643-649,
arXiv:1003.2944v1 [math.MG].
- Z. Lángi, M. Naszódi and I. Talata, Ball and spindle convexity with respect to a convex body,
Aequationes Math. 85 (2013), 41-67, arXiv:1110.4823v1 [math.MG], [math.CO].
- Z. Lángi, Ellipsoid characterization theorems, Adv. Geom. 13(1) (2013), 145-154,
arXiv:1105.3334v2 [math.MG], [math:CA].
- G. Domokos, Z. Lángi and T. Szabó, On the equilibria of finely discretized curves and surfaces, Monatsh. Math.
168 (2012), 321-345, arXiv:1106.0626v2 [math.DG].
- Z. Lángi, On the Hadwiger numbers of starlike disks, European J. Comb.
32 (2011), 1203-1211, arXiv:1002.3918v3 [math.MG].
- Z. Lángi, On the perimeters of simple polygons contained in a disk, Monatsh. Math.
162 (2011), 61-67,
arXiv:1002.3922v1 [math.MG].
- Z. Lángi,
On universal covers for four-dimensional sets of a given diameter,
Rend. Istit. Mat. Univ. Trieste 42 (2010), 59-64,
arXiv:1007.2520v2 [math.MG], [math.GT].
- Z. Lángi, On diagonalizable operators in Minkowski spaces with the Lipschitz property,
Lin. Alg. Appl. 433 (2010), 2161-2167,
arXiv:1003.2285v5 [math.FA].
- K. Dehnhardt, H. Harborth and Z. Lángi, A partial
proof of the Erdős-Szekeres Conjecture for hexagons,
J. Pure Appl. Math., Adv. Appl. 2(1) (2009), 69-86.
- Z. Lángi and M. Naszódi, On the Bezdek-Pach
Conjecture for Centrally Symmetric Convex Bodies,
Canad. Math. Bull. 53(3) (2009), 407-415.
- Z. Lángi, On the Hadwiger numbers of centrally
symmetric starlike disks, Beiträge Algebra Geom. 50(1) (2009), 249-257.
- Z. Lángi, Covering a
plane convex body by its negative homothets,
J. Geom. 92(1-2) (2009), 91-99.
- Z. Lángi and M. Naszódi,
Kirchberger-type theorems for separation by convex domains,
Period. Math. Hungar. 57(2) (2008), 185-196, SCI.
- A. Joós and Z. Lángi, On the relative distances of
seven points in a plane convex body, J. Geom. 87 (2007), 83-95.
- K. Bezdek, Z. Lángi, M. Naszódi and P. Papez,
Ball-polyhedra, Discrete Comput. Geom. 38 (2007), 201-230, SCI.
arXiv:1110.4329v1 [math.MG].
- B. Csikós, Z. Lángi and M. Naszódi, A generalization of
the Discrete Isoperimetric Inequality for piecewise smooth curves of constant geodesic curvature,
Period. Math. Hungar. 53(1-2) (2006), 121-131.
- K. Böröczky and Z. Lángi, On the relative distances of six
points in a plane convex body, Stud. Sci. Math. Hungar. 42(3) (2005), 253-264, SCI.
- Z. Lángi, On seven points in the
boundary of a plane convex body in large relative distances,
Beiträge Algebra Geom. 45(1) (2004), 275-281.
- Z. Lángi and M. Lassak,
Relative distance and packing a body by homothetical copies,
Geombinatorics XIII(1) (2003), 29-40.
- Z. Lángi, Relative distance and a convex body
touched by its homothetical copies, Bull. Pol. Ac.:Math. 51(4) (2003), 439-444.
- Z. Lángi, On the relative lengths of sides of
convex polygons, Stud. Sci. Math. Hungar.
40 (2003), 115-120, SCI.
- Z. Lángi and M. Lassak,
On four points of a convex body in large relative distances,
Geombinatorics XII(4) (2003), 184-190.
- K. Bezdek K. and Z. Lángi,
On almost equidistant points on S d-1,
Period. Math. Hungar. 39(1-3) (1999), 139-144.
Other refereed contributions
- Z. Lángi, Convexity problems in spaces of
constant curvature and in normed spaces, Ph.D. thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada, 2008.
- Z. Lángi, Relative distance of points of a convex body,
Ph.D. thesis, Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary, 2003.
- Á. G.Horváth and Z. Lángi, Kombinatorikus geometria, lecture notes, 146 pages, Polygon jegyzettár sorozat, Polygon, Szeged, Hungary, 2012.
- K. Bezdek and Z. Lángi, Volumetric Discrete Geometry,
Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019, 286 pages.
- M. Kadlicskó and Z. Lángi, On the edge densities of convex mosaics, arxiv:2312.08050, [math.MG], December 13, 2023.
- B. Basit, S. Hoehner, Z. Lángi and J. Ledford, Steiner symmetrization on the sphere, arxiv:2406.10614, [math.MG], June 15, 2024.
- Z. Lángi and S. Wang, The Honeycomb Conjecture in normed planes and an alpha-convex variant of a theorem of Dowker, arXiv:2406.10622, [math.MG], [math.CO], June 15, 2024.
- K. Bezdek, Z. Lángi and M. Naszódi, Selected topics from the theory of intersections of balls, arXiv:2411.10302, [math.MG], Nov 15, 2024.
Non-refereed publications
- G. Domokos, F. Kovács, Z. Lángi, K. Regős and P.T. Varga, Konvex poliéderek egyensúlyi pontjai, Középiskolai Matematikai Lapok 70(5) (2020), 264-273.
- Z. Lángi, Konvex poliéderek stabil lapjai, Középiskolai Matematikai Lapok 69(5) (2019), 258-264.
- Z. Lángi, Síkidomok csókszáma, Középiskolai Matematikai Lapok 66(4) (2016), 194-199.
- T. Szabó, G. Domokos and Z. Lángi, Kavicsok morfológiája, In: Levandovszky, János (szerk.) BME Építészmérnöki Kar 2012: PhD műhelyek tanulmányai
Budapest, Magyarország : BME Építészmérnöki Kar (2012) pp. 14-17.
- Z. Lángi, Összefoglaló az IGES adattárolási szabvány geometriai optimalizálásban való közvetlen
felhasználásának lehetőségeiről, Jelentés a TÁMOP-4.2.2-08/1-2008-0028 számú pályázathoz, 2011., 168 oldal.
- Z. Lángi, Az Erdős-Szekeres hatszög probléma,
Konferenciakiadvány, Felsőoktatási matematika-, fizika- és számítástechnika oktatók XXXI. konferenciája
(Dunaújváros, Hungary, 2007. augusztus 23-25.), 47-52.
- A. Joós Antal and Z. Lángi, Egy síkbeli konvex test hét pontjának relatív távolsága, A Dunaújvárosi Főisk. Közl. XXVI (2005), 263-280.
- Z. Lángi, Majdnem egyenlő távolságra levő pontok problémája különböző geometriákban,
A Dunaújvárosi Főisk. Közl. XXIII (2002), 263-266.
- Z. Lángi, Véges sok síkbeli pontra vonatkozó kérdések,
Gépgyártástechnológia XXIX(10) (1999), 283-284.
- Z. Lángi, Egy euklideszi Ramsey-tétel,
A Miskolci Egyetem Dunaújvárosi Főisk. Kar Közl. XIX (1998), 159-162.
- Z. Lángi, Helly tétele többdimenziós euklideszi terekben,
A Miskolci Egyetem Dunaújvárosi Főisk. Kar Közl. XIX (1998), 163-166.
Publications published in refereed journals
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Last refreshed on January 2, 2011