Algebra és Geometria Tanszék | |
Cím: | 1111 Budapest, Egry József utca 1., "H" épület |
Tanszékvezető: | G. Horváth Ákos, egyetemi tanár |
Titkárság: | Benyovszky Mária |
E-mail: | benyovszky.moricne '@' ttk '.' bme '.' hu |
Tel.: | +36 1 463 2645 |
- Institute
- Education
- Research
- Research activities of our departments
- Seminars
- BME Differential Equations and Numerical Computations Research Group
- MTA-BME Lendület Quantum Information Theory Research Group
- ELKH-BME Stochastics Research Group
- Fractal Geometry and its Applications Research Group
- Human and Social Data Science Lab
- Statistics Consulting Group
- Scientometrics
- Events