Dynamical Systems Seminar

at the
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)

Upcoming events:

BudWiSer - The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar jointly organized by 

Peter Balint (BME),
Henk Bruin (University of Vienna) and Vadim Kaloshin (ISTA)

on September 27, 2024, at the Erdős Center, Budapest

2.15pm - 3.15
Caiyun Ma (BME, HUN-REN Stochastics Research Group):
Dimensions of projected sets and measures on typical self-affine sets. (Abstract)

3.30pm - 4.30

Elzbieta Krawczyk (Jagiellonian University, Krakow):
Amorphic complexity, tameness, and nullness of substitution shifts. (Abstract)

5.00pm - 6.00

Daniel Tsodikovich (Institute of Science and Technology, Austria):
Locally maximizing orbits for billiards. (Abstract)

Previous lectures:

Budwiser on May 17, 2024, at the Institute of Science and Technology, Austria

The talks will be streamed, the zoom link is available HERE

2.15pm - 3.15
Nándor Simányi (University of Alabama at Birmingham):
Wojtkowski's ergodic hypothesis: a conjecture for decades? (Abstract)

3.30pm - 4.30

Klaudiusz Czudek (IST Austria):
Random walks in quasiperiodic environment. (Abstract)

5.00pm - 6.00

Adam Kanigowski (University of Maryland):
Chaotic properties of smooth dynamical systems. (Abstract)

BudWiSer - The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar on May 3, 2024, at the University of Vienna, HS05

2.15pm - 3.15
Károly Simon (BME):
Randomly perturbed self-similar sets. (Abstract)

3.30pm - 4.30

Ilya Koval (IST Austria):
Billiard problems with analytic Birkhoff normal are generically Gevrey divergent. (Abstract)

5.00pm - 6.00

Jacques Fejoz (Université Dauphine, Paris):
On the instability of the planetary problem. (Abstract)


BudWiSer - The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar on February 23, 2024, at BME Budapest, room H306

The talks will be streamed, the zoom link will be posted on the seminar webpage

2.15pm - 3.15
Sascha Troscheit (University of Oulu):
The box-counting dimension in one-dimensional random geometry of multiplicative cascades. (Abstract)

3.30pm - 4.30

Roland Zweimüller (University of Vienna):
Rare events in infinite ensemble dynamics. (Abstract)

5.00pm - 6.00

Mathieu Helfter (Sorbonne University):
Scales: On the size of infinite dimensional spaces. (Abstract)


BudWiSer - The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar on January 12, 2024, at the University of Vienna

2.15pm - 3.15
Edmond Koudjinan (IST Austria):
On the Birkhoff conjecture for nearly centrally symmetric domains. (Abstract)

3.30pm - 4.30

István Kolossváry (Rényi Institute):
Assouad spectrum of planar carpets. (Abstract)

5.00pm - 6.00

Serge Troubetzkoy (Aix-Marseille University):
On the complexity of polygonal billiards. (Abstract)

November 10-én, pénteken, 14.15-től a BME H306 teremben

Maga Balázs (ELTE):

Mutifraktálanalízis és generikus Birkhoff spektrumok (Absztrakt)

BudWiSer - The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar on October 20, 2023, at ISTA

2.00 pm - 3.00
Kostiantyn Drach (Universitat de Barcelona):
Lyapunov spectral rigidity of expanding circle maps. (Abstract)

3.15 pm - 4.15

Alex Rutar (University of St Andrews):
Multifractal analysis of non-conformal measures. (Abstract)

4.45 pm - 5.45

Illya Koval (IST Austria):
The singular support of the wave trace and the length spectrum are often non-equal near ellipses. (Abstract)

BudWiSer - The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar on September 22, 2023, at BME Budapest

1.15 pm - 2.15 
Antti Kaenmaki (University of Oulu):
Thermodynamic formalism of countably generated self-affine sets. (Abstract)

3.30 pm - 4.30

Silvia Radinger (University of Vienna):
Interval Translation Maps with Weakly Mixing Attractors. (Abstract)

5.00 pm - 6.00

Konstantin Khanin (University of Toronto):
Typical rotation number for families of circle maps with singularities. (Abstract)

BudWiSer - The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar on May 5, 2023, at BME Budapest

2.15 pm - 3.15
Sebastian van Strien (Imperial College London):
Reducing high dimensional systems to low dimensions. (Abstract)

3.30 pm - 4.30

Balázs Bárány (BME):
Lagrange-like spectrum of perfect additive complements. (Abstract)

5.00 pm - 6.00

Corentin Fierobe (IST Austria):
Diamond structures in a family of KAM solution for billiards. (Abstract)

Április 13-án, csütörtökön, 17.15-től a H306 teremben

Károlyi György (BME NTI):

Az elfogyó káosz átmeneti bája.

BudWiSer - The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar

Schedule for March 17 (all times are according to CET)::

2.00 pm - 3.00
Dániel Prokaj (BME):
Fractal dimensions of continuous piecewise linear iterated function systems. (Abstract)

3.15 pm - 4.15

Sandro Vaienti (CPT Marseille & Univ de Toulon):
Thermodynamics and recurrence properties for randomly quenched open dynamical systems. (Abstract)

5.00 pm - 6.00

Paulo Varandas (UFBA, Brazil & FCT/CMUP, Portugal):
Recent results on decay of correlations for Axiom A flows. (Abstract)

BudWiSer - The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar

Schedule for January 13 (all times are according to CET)::

2.00 pm - 3.00
Corentin Fierobe (IST Austria):
From diamonds to length spectrum rigidity. (Abstract)

3.15 pm - 4.15

Imre Péter Tóth (BME):
Typicality of finite complexity in planar dispersing billiards. (Abstract)

4.45 pm - 5.45

Michael Baake (University of Bielefeld):
On some dynamical systems of number theoretic origin. (Abstract)

BudWiSer - The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar

Schedule for November 18 (all times are according to CET)::

2.00 pm - 3.00
Benedict Sewell (Rényi Institute, Budapest):
The α-Kakutani equidistribution problem, and friends. (Abstract)

3.15 pm - 4.15

Yi Pan (IST Austria):
Reducibility of quasi-periodic cocycles valued in symplectic groups (Abstract)

5.00 pm - 6.00

Dalia Terhesiu (University of Leiden):
Stable large and local large deviation for deterministic dynamical systems (Abstract)

BudWiSer - The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar

Schedule for September 23 (all times are according to CEST)::

2.30 pm - 3.30
Vilma Orgoványi (BME, Budapest):
Orthogonal projections of the random Menger sponge (Abstract)

3.45 pm - 4.45

Marks Ruziboev (University of Vienna):
Quenched decay of correlations for random maps with an ergodic driving system (Abstract)

5.15 pm - 6.15

Kostiantyn Drach (IST Austria):
Rigidity of rational maps (Abstract)

on the 30th of August,  Tuesday, at 2pm, in room H306 (BME)

Alex Rutar (University of St Andrews)

Geometric and Combinatorial Properties of Self-similar Measures (Abstract)

BudWiSer - The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar

Schedule for April 29 (all times are according to CET)::

2.00 pm - 3.00

Olena Karpel (AGH University, Krakow)


3.15 pm - 4.15, 

Jozef Bobok (Czech Technical University, Prague)

Typical properties of interval maps preserving the Lebesgue measure. (Abstract)

5.00 pm - 6.00,

Julien Sedro (LPSM, Paris)

Quenched linear response for expanding on average cocycles. (Abstract)

BudWiSer - The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar

Schedule for January 28 (all times are according to CET)::

2.00 pm - 3.00

Wael Bahsoun (University of Loughborough)

Map lattices coupled by collisions: chaos per lattice unit. (Abstract)

3.15 pm - 4.15, 

Balázs Bárány (BME, Budapest)

The Chaos Game: stationary measure and convergence rate. (Abstract)

5.00 pm - 6.00,

Davide Ravotti (University of Vienna)

Asymptotics and limit theorems for horocycle flows. (Abstract)

Tél Tamás (MTA-ELTE Elméleti Fizikai Kutatócsoport)

Hogyan azonosítható a káosz időfüggő paraméterű rendszerekben? (Absztrakt)

November 19-én, 14.15-től, a BME H306 termében

BudWiSer - The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar

A collaboration between the dynamical systems groups in Budapest and Vienna.
Click here for more details.

   Upcoming lectures:

on the 5th of November,  2.00 pm - 3.00 via ZOOM

Edmond Koudjinan (Institute of Science and Technology, Austria)

On non co-⁠existence of $2$-⁠-⁠ and $2m+1$-⁠-⁠rational caustics.

on the 5th of November, 3.15 pm - 4.15, via ZOOM

Meng Wu (University of Oulu)

Intersections of self-similar Cantor set -- the non-homogeneous case. (Abstract)

on the 5th of November, 4.45 pm - 5.45, via ZOOM

Michael Hofbauer-Tsiflakos (University of Alabama at Birmingham)

Recent results towards the ergodicity of N ≥ 3 falling balls. (Abstract)

Online Seminar on September 3, 2021, to celebrate the  

80th Birthday of Domokos Szász

organized by  Péter Bálint (BME), Imre Péter Tóth (BME) and Péter Nándori (Yeshiva University)

in the framework of

BudWiSer - The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar

A collaboration between the dynamical systems groups in Budapest and Vienna.
Click here for more details.


2.50 pmvia ZOOM, Opening by Károly Simon (BME)

3.00 pm - 3.50 via ZOOM

Bálint Tóth (University of Bristol and Rényi Institute)

Invariance principle for random Lorentz gas (and some related models) beyond the Boltzmann-Grad limit (Abstract)

4.00 pm - 4.50, via ZOOM

Dmitry Dolgopyat (University of Maryland)

On mixing properties of infinite measure preserving systems (Abstract)

5.20 pm - 6.10, via ZOOM 

Lai-Sang Young (Courant Institute and IAS, Princeton)

Observable events and typical trajectories in dynamical systems (Abstract)

6.20 pm - 7.10, via ZOOM 

Nándor Simányi (University of Alabama at Birmingham)

Verifying Wojtkowski's Ergodicity Conjecture for Almost Every Falling Ball Model (Abstract)

Károly Simon (TU Budapest)

Continuous Piecewise Linear Iterated Function Systems on the line (Abstract)

on the 19th of March, from 3.00 pm, via ZOOM

Oliver Butterley (University of Rome II)

Locating Ruelle-⁠Pollicott resonances (Abstract)

on the 19th of March, from 3.15 pm, via ZOOM

Nataliya Goncharuk (Cornell University)

Complex rotation numbers and bubbles (Abstract)

on the 19th of March, from 4.30 pm, via ZOOM

Jorge Milhazes Freitas (University of Porto)

Enhanced functional limit theorems for chaotic dynamics and heavy tailed observables (Abstract)

on the 29th of January, from 2.00 pm, via ZOOM

Balázs Bárány (TU Budapest)

On the Ahlfors regularity of planar self-affine sets (Abstract)

on the 29th of January, from 3.15 pm, via ZOOM

Itzhak Fouxon (Yonsei University, Seoul & Ben-Gurion University, Beer Sheva)

Effect of emergent distinguishability of particles in a non-equilibrium chaotic system (Abstract)

on the 29th of January, from 4.30 pm, via ZOOM

BudWiSer - The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar

Péter Varjú (University of Cambridge)

On the dimension of self-similar measures (Abstract)

on the 4th of December, from 2.00 pm, via ZOOM

Martin Leguil (Université de Picardie)

Spectral rigidity of hyperbolic billiards (Abstract)

on the 4th of December, from 3.15 pm, via ZOOM

Vadim Kaloshin (University of Maryland)

Marked length spectral determination of analytic strictly convex domains (Abstract)

on the 4th of December, from 4.30 pm, via ZOOM

BudWiSer - The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar

Bálint Tóth (University of Bristol + Rényi institute)

Invariance Principle for the Random Lorentz Gas—Beyond the Boltzmann-Grad Limit (Abstract)

on the 25th of September, from 2.00 pm, via ZOOM

Françoise Pène (University of Brest)

Limit theorems for unbounded observables via operator perturbation techniques (Abstract)

on the 25th of September, from 3.15 pm, via ZOOM

Péter Nándori (Yeshiva University)

Flexibility of ergodic properties and the central limit theorem in smooth systems (Abstract)

on the 25th of September, from 4.30 pm, via ZOOM

Péter Koltai (Freie Universitat Berlin)

Spatio-temporal computational methods for coherent sets (Abstract)

on the 4th of March, Wednesday (UNUSAL DAY!), from 2.15 pm , at room H306, BME

BudWiSer - The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar

Károly Simon (BME)

Appropriate dimensional Hausdorff measure of typical self-similar and self-conformal attractors on the line (Abstract)

on the 31st of January, from 2.15 pm, at room H406 (UNUSUAL ROOM!), BME

Zoltán Buczolich (ELTE)

Fast and slow points of Birkhoff sums (Abstract)

on the  31st of January, from 3.30 pm, at room H406 (UNUSUAL ROOM!), BME

Olli Hella (University of Helsinki)

Stein's method for dynamical systems (Abstract)

on the 31st of January, from 5.00 pm, at room H406 (UNUSUAL ROOM!), BME

BudWiSer - The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar

Balázs Bárány (BME)

Superexponential condensation without exact overlaps (Abstract)

on the 8th of November, from 2.15 pm, at room H306, BME

Dalia Terhesiu (Leiden University)

Limit theorems for wobbly interval intermittent  maps (Abstract)

on the 8th of November, from 3.30 pm, at room H306, BME

Maik Gröger (University of Vienna)

Bifurcation sets from families of bounded orbits, open dynamics and matching (Abstract)

on the 8th of November, from 5.00 pm, at room H306, BME

joint  dynamics + stochastics Seminar:

Bastien Fernandez (LPSM Paris)

The mathematics of asymptotic stability in the Kuramoto model (Abstract)

on the 30th of May, Thursday, from 5.15 pm (UNUSUAL TIME!!!), at room H306, BME

BudWiSer - The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar

A collaboration between the dynamical systems groups in Budapest and Vienna.
Click here for more details.

Mike Todd (University of St Andrews)

Escape rates for multimodal maps with holes (Abstract)

on the 3rd of May, from 2.15 pm, at room H306BME

Nándor Simányi (University of Alabama at Birmingham)

Asymptotic homotopic complexity of 2D dispersing billiards (Abstract)

on the 3rd of May, from 3.30 pm, at room H306, BME

Domokos Szász (TU Budapest)

András Krámli (1943-2019) (Abstract)

on the 3rd of May, from 5.00 pm, at room H306, BME

BudWiSer - The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar

A collaboration between the dynamical systems groups in Budapest and Vienna.
Click here for more details.

Károly Simon (BME)

Haussdorff dimension for some non-Markovian repellers (joint with Balázs Bárány and Michal Rams) (Abstract)

on the 1st of March, from 2.15 pm, at room H406 (UNUSUAL ROOM!), BME

Maik Gröger (University of Vienna)

Amorphic complexity, substitution subshifts and iterated function systems 

on the 1st of March, from 3.30 pm, at room H406, BME

Henk Bruin (University of Vienna)

Limit laws for almost Anosov flows (on joint work with Dalia Terhesiu and Mike Todd)

on the 1st of March, from 5.00 pm, at room H406, BME

joint  dynamics + stochastics Seminar:

Fanni M. Sélley (Rényi Institute and BME)

Asymptotic properties of mean field coupled maps (Abstract)


on the 8th of March, Friday, from 2.15 pm, at room H306, BME

joint  dynamics + stochastics Seminar:

István Kolossváry (TU Budapest)

Fractals in dimension theory and complex networks (Abstract)


on the 1st of February, Friday, from 1.15 pm (UNUSUAL TIME!), at room H406 (UNUSUAL ROOM!), BME

BudWiSer - The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar

A collaboration between the dynamical systems groups in Budapest and Vienna.
Click here for more details.

Feliks Przytycki (Impan, Warsaw)

Geometric coding trees for iterations of rational maps (Abstract)

on the 9th of November, from 2.15 pm, at room 
H306, BME

Michal Rams (Impan, Warsaw)


on the 9th of November, from 3.30 pm, at room 
H306, BME

Alejandro Kocsard (Universidade Federal Fluminense)

The Burnside problem for groups of diffeomorphisms (Abstract)

on the 
9th of November, from 5.00 pm, at room H306, BME

Martin Leguil (University of Toronto) 

On the spectral rigidity of chaotic billiards (Abstract)

on the 12th of October (Friday) from 3.00pm  (UNUSUAL TIME!) at room H306, BME

BudWiSer - The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar

A collaboration between the dynamical systems groups in Budapest and Vienna.
Click here for more details.

Dalia Terhesiu (Exeter)

Mixing for some Z extensions of suspension flows (Abstract)

on the 20th of September, from 2.00 pm, at the University of Vienna (Oscar Morgensternplatz 1)

Balázs Bárány (TU Budapest)

Dimension of planar self-affine measures with application to Birkhoff and Lyapunov spectra (Abstract)

on the 20th of September, from 3.15 pm, at the University of Vienna (Oscar Morgensternplatz 1)

Gabriel Fuhrmann (Imperial College)

Unique ergodicity and zero entropy of irregular symbolic extensions of irrational rotations (Abstract)

on the 20th of September, from 4.45 pm, at the University of Vienna (Oscar Morgensternplatz 1)

Péter Nándori (University of Maryland) 

Mixing and the local central limit theorem for hyperbolic systems (Abstract)

on the 3rd of August (Friday) from 2.00pm at room H306, BME

András Vasy (Stanford University) 

Microlocal analysis and its applications (Abstract)

on the 18th of June (Monday) from 11.00am to 12.30pm (Unusual time!)  at room H406 (UNUSUAL ROOM!!!), BME

Artem Dudko (IMPAN, Warsaw)

On the Lebesgue measure of the Feigenbaum Julia set  (Abstract)

on the 25th of May, from 2.15 pm, at room H306, BME

BudWiSer - The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar

A collaboration between the dynamical systems groups in Budapest and Vienna.
Click here for more details.

Károly Simon (BME)

Haussdorff dimension for triangular self-affine IFS (Abstract)

on the 27th of April, from 2.15 pm, at room H406, BME

Alexey Korepanov (University of Exeter)

Strength of strong approximation with a Brownian motion (Abstract)

on the 27th of April, from 3.30 pm, at room H406, BME

Thomas Gilbert (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

The stochastic Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model: it keeps cycling on! (Abstract)

on the 27th of April, from 5.00 pm, at room H406, BME

Thomas Gilbert (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Heat conduction in stochastic energy exchange Markov jump processes with the gradient property (Abstract)

on the 20th of April, from 2.15 pm, at room H306, BME

Christoph Bandt (Greifswald University)

Establishing and maintaining datbases of self-affine tiles (Abstract)

on the 23nd of March, from 1.00 pm, at room H406, BME

joint  dynamics + stochastics Seminar:

Ábel Farkas (Hebrew University, Jerusalem)

Conditional measure on the Brownian path and other random sets, part I (Abstract)

on the 22nd of March, from 4.15 pm, at room H306, BME

Conditional measure on the Brownian path and other random sets, part II (Abstract)

on the 23nd of March, from 2.15 pm, at room 
H306, BME

BudWiSer - The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar

A collaboration between the dynamical systems groups in Budapest and Vienna.
Click here for more details.

Manos Zafeiropoulos (Graz)

Inhomogeneous Diophantine Approximation on M_0 sets (Abstract)

on the 2nd of March, from 2.00 pm, at the University of Vienna (Oscar Morgensternplatz 1)

Balázs Bárány (TU Budapest)

Almost multiplicativity of planar matrix cocycles and the difference between quasi-Bernoulli and Gibbs measures  (Abstract)

on the 2nd of March, from 3.00 pm, at the University of Vienna (Oscar Morgensternplatz 1)

Benoit Kloeckner (Paris Est)

Optimal trasportation, transfer operators and decay of correlations

on the 2nd of March, from 4.30 pm, at the University of Vienna (Oscar Morgensternplatz 1)

Tibor Krisztin (University of Szeged)

Dynamics and Delays 

 on the 16th of February, from 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm, at room H306, BME


joint  dynamics + stochastics Seminar:

Bálint Tóth (University of Bristol + Rényi Institute)

Invariance principle for the random Lorentz gas beyond the Boltzmann-Grad (or, Gallavotti-Spohn) limit, part I (Abstract)

on the 22nd of February, from 4.15 pm, at room H306, BME

Invariance principle for the random Lorentz gas beyond the Boltzmann-Grad (or, Gallavotti-Spohn) limit, part II (Abstract)

on the 23nd of February, from 2.15 pm, at room 
H306, BME

- The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar

A collaboration between the dynamical systems groups in Budapest and Vienna.
Click here for more details.

Fanni M. Sélley (Rényi Institute and BME)

Stability of the invariant distribution in infinite systems of coupled maps (Abstract)

on the 20th of  December, from 2.15 pm, in room H406, BME

Francoise Pene (University of Brest)

Stochasic properties of the Z^2 periodic Sinai billiard (Abstract)

on the 20th of  December, from 3.30 pm, in room H406, BME

Benoit Saussol (University of Brest)

Spatio-temporal Poisson process for visits to small sets in hyperbolic dynamics (Abstract)

on the 
20th of  December, from 5pm, in room H406, BME

Oliver Butterley (ICTP)

Open sets of exponentially mixing Anosov flows

 on the 24th of November, from 2.00 pm, at room H306, BME

BudWiSer - The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar

A collaboration between the dynamical systems groups in Budapest and Vienna.
Click here for more details.

Jun Jason Luo (Chongquing University)

Lipschitz Equivalence of self-similar fractals (Abstract)

on the 20th of October, from 2.15 pm, at the University of Vienna (Oscar Morgensternplatz 1)

Michal Rams (IMPAN, Warsaw) 


on the 20th of October, from 3.30 pm, at the University of Vienna (Oscar Morgensternplatz 1)

Nándor Simányi (University of Alabama at Birmingham)

Noncommutative Rotation Vectors for Certain Cylindrical Billiards (Abstract)

on the 20th of October, from 5.00 pm, at the University of Vienna (Oscar Morgensternplatz 1)

BudWiSer - The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar

A collaboration between the dynamical systems groups in Budapest and Vienna.
Click here for more details.

Péter Kevei (University of Szeged)

On the tail of the solution of random fixed point equations (Abstract)

on the 30th of June, from 2.15 pm, in room H306, BME

Henk Bruin (University of Vienna)

Regular variations for almost Anosov diffeomorphism (Abstract)

on the 30th of June, from 3.30 pm, in room H306, BME

Mike Todd (University of St. Andrews)

Analysis of a transient interval map (Abstract)

on the 30th of June, from 5pm, in room H306, BME

Alejandro Kocsard (Universidade Federal Fluminense)

Cocycles over hyperbolic systems and random walks on manifolds (Abstract)

 on the 30th of May, from 4.15 pm, at room H306, BME

BudWiSer - The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar

A collaboration between the dynamical systems groups in Budapest and Vienna.
Click here for more details.


Sonja Stimac (University of Zagreb)

Lozi-like maps (Abstract)

on the 28th of April, from 2 pm, at the H406, BME

Fanni Sélley (BME Budapest)

Coupled map systems with a continuum of sites (Abstract)

on the 28th of April, from 3.15 pm, at the University of Vienna (Oscar Morgensternplatz 1)

Stefano Marmi (SNS Pisa)

Small divisors and interval exchange maps (Abstract)

on the 28th of April, from 4.45 pm, at the University of Vienna (Oscar Morgensternplatz 1)

Chris Lutsko (University of Bristol)

The low density limit of the periodic Lorentz gas with polyhedral scatterers (Abstract)

 on the 7th of April, from 2.15 pm, at room H306, BME

BudWiSer - The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar

A collaboration between the dynamical systems groups in Budapest and Vienna.
Click here for more details.

Károly Simon (BME Budapest)

Singularity of self-similar measures (Abstract)

on the 3rd of March, from 2.15 pm, at room H406, BME

Thomas Jordan (University of Bristol)

Self-affine sets and Assouad dimension (Abstract)

on the 3rd of March, from 3.30 pm, at room H406, BME

Vadim Kaloshin (University of Maryland + ETH Zürich)


on the 3rd of March, from 4.45 pm, at room H406, BME

joint  dynamics + stochastics Seminar:

Vadim Kaloshin (University of Maryland + ETH Zürich)

Stochastic Arnold diffusion of deterministic systems (Abstract)

on the 2nd of March, from 4.15 pm, at room H306, BME

BudWiSer - The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar

A collaboration between the dynamical systems groups in Budapest and Vienna.
Click here for more details.

Henk Bruin (University of Vienna)

Return time statistics: varying limits

on the 9th of December, from 2.30 pm, at the University of Vienna (Oscar Morgensternplatz 1)

Péter Bálint (BME)

Improved upper bound on the rate of mixing for the map of two falling balls 

on the 9th of December, from 4.00 pm, at the University of Vienna (Oscar Morgensternplatz 1)

Click here for the Google calendar view

Everyone is welcome!

Gergely Harcos (Rényi Institute) 

Kvantum káosz es számelmélet, 2. rész (Abstract)

on the 2nd of December, from 2pm, at 
room H306, BME

Gergely Harcos (Rényi Institute) 

Kvantum káosz es számelmélet (Abstract)

on the 11th of November, from 2pm, at 
room H306, BME

BudWiSer - The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar

A collaboration between the dynamical systems groups in Budapest and Vienna.
Click here for more details.

Károly Simon (BME) 

Hausdorff dimension of certain self-affine attractors

on the 28th of October, from 2.15 pm, at room H406 (UNUSUAL ROOM!!!), BME

Michal Rams (IMPAN, Warsaw) 

Inhomogeneous Diophantine approximations (Abstract)

 on the 28th of October, from 3.30 pm, at room H406 (UNUSUAL ROOM!!!), BME

Roland Zweimüller (University of Vienna) 

Poisson limits for rare events in probability preserving systems (Abstract)

 on the 28th of October, from 4.45 pm, at room H406 (UNUSUAL ROOM!!!), BME

Antti Käenmäki (University of Jyväskylä)

Rigidity of quasisymmetric metrics on self-affine carpets (Abstract)

on the 14th of June (TUESDAY), from 10.00 am (!!! Unusual time !!!), at room H306, BME

Anatole Katok (Penn State University)

Two remarks on special orbits of area preserving maps near elliptic periodic points (Abstract)

on the 31th of May (TUESDAY), from 4.15 pm (!!! Unusual time !!!), at room H306, BME

Simányi Nándor (University of Alabama at Birmingham) 

Homotopical Complexity of Two Billiard Models (Abstract)
on the 13th of May, from 9.30 am (!!! Unusual time !!!), at room H306, BME

BudWiSer - The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar

A collaboration between the dynamical systems groups in Budapest and Vienna.
Click here for more details.

Maciej Wojtkowski (University of Opole) 

Integrable and chaotic Gaussian thermostats on some homogenous spaces

on the 8th of April, from 1.15 pm, at the Erwin Schrödinger Institute, Vienna

Jozef Bobok (TU Prague)

(Quasi)similarity of polygonal billiards

on the 8th of April, from 2.30 pm, at the Erwin Schrödinger Institute, Vienna

Balázs Bárány (BME)

Ledrappier-Young formula and exact dimensionality of self-affine measures 

on the 8th of April, from 4.00 pm, at the Erwin Schrödinger Institute, Vienna

This Seminar is organized within the framework of the ESI semester 

Mixing Flows and Averaging methods.

Click here for more details on the semester, and here for more details (eg. abstracts) of the seminar in particular.

BudWiSer - The Budapest - Wien Dynamics Seminar

Zoltán Buczolich (ELTE)

Convergence of ergodic averages for many group rotations (Abstract)

on the 26th of February, from 2.15 pm, at room H306 BME

Henk Bruin (University of Vienna)

Sharp mixing rates via inducing w.r.t. general return times (Abstract)

on the 26th of February, from 3.45 pm, at room H306 BME


Alexey Korepanov (Warwick)

Linear response for intermittent maps with summable and nonsummable decay of correlations. (Abstract)

On the 4th of December, from 2:15 p.m.   at room H306 BME


Roland Zweimüller (University of Vienna)

Functional stable and related limit theorems for (some) dynamical systems. (Abstract)

On the 4th of December, from 3:30 p.m.   at room H306 BME


Imre Péter Tóth (BME)

Equidistribution for singular initial measures in planar dispersing billiard flows. (Abstract)

On the 4th of December, from 4:45 p.m.   at room H306 BME



Feliks Przytycki (IMPAN, Warsaw)

Geometric pressure in real and complex 1d dynamics via trees of pre-images and via spanning sets.

2. October 2015.


Fanni Sélley (BME, Budapest)

Mean field coupling of identical expanding circle maps.

2. October 2015.


Mariusz Urbanski (University of Texas at Denton)

Random dynamics of transcendental meromorphic functions. (Abstract)

2. October 2015.


Victor Donnay (Bryn Mawr College)

Creating surfaces embedded in R^3 with stably ergodic geodesic flow. (Abstract)

11. September 2015.






Previous lectures of the seminar
listed by semesters listed by speakers