HSDSLab is a group of researchers at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics led by Roland Molontay. We are based in the Institute of Mathematics but we also have strong ties with the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences.
We do more than data science. HSDSLab advocates the use of data and network science methods and data-driven solutions within social and behavioral sciences, human resources, and human health. The Lab’s mission is to translate fundamental research in data and network science into lasting impact in social sciences and humanities by bringing together people from a range of different disciplines. In addition, HSDSLab aims at bridging the gap between academia and industry by increasing the collaboration between researchers, methodology experts, and corporate experts.
HSDSLab conducts both methodology oriented basic research in data and network science and applied research with a human-centered and societal focus. The lab members develop statistical and computational methods to study the empirical, theoretical, and technical dimensions of all forms of data in social, policy, and business contexts. The Lab’s research includes predictive analytics in human health and education, user behavior analysis, data-driven assessment and evaluation in higher education, social network analysis, structural characterization of complex networks, explainable artificial intelligence in human-centered and social sciences, scientometrics.
For further details see our webpage: https://hsdslab.math.bme.hu/en.html